10-12-2018, 08:42 AM
I'm in south ga, Berlin, & Michael just came through (though not bad here) but I've found a baby out front & no others insight no mom, I have him snuggled up on my chest w/ a heating pad to get him warm, I've got some kitten formula (just had a kitten rescue almost 7wks ago) he took only a cpl drops I think cause he was cold so gonna try giving him some more soon. But if there's anyone who could take care of him please let me know, I have 7 cats so if there's someone who can take him in that'd be great..though if not I will do my best, I'm very protective of babies of all kinds.He has fur, eyes open but idk his age, I'd post a picture but idk how to plus I only got his head & don't want to drag him outta his warm spot since he's very comfortable now. But if there's anybody who does rehabs near me please let me know. I don't think he is injured, I gave him a quick look over before snuggling him up in..of all things but I've rescued other small animals & it actually works sports bra, he can hear my heartbeat plus right now it keeps him close, warm, safe & I can try & feed him easily. I'm just mainly chking to see if there's somewhere I can bring him if not I guess I'll need help & advice