View Full Version : Update on BH..
08-13-2007, 11:22 AM
Now I'm wondering again...I came home for lunch & noticed she had took a poop on top of her box, it's definitely not normal. too light in color & way too soft looking. She's acting ok & is hungry but I have never seen this either. Sorta like diarrhea but not quite. No swelling anywhere,& plenty of energy.
No changes in her diet, unless Agee's give her something I don't know about. I have to go back to work untill 5 so I'll check in then.
08-13-2007, 05:08 PM
How's BH doing tonite?? :grouphug
08-13-2007, 05:20 PM
BH you better be ok, and stop making daddy worry so much!:wave123
08-13-2007, 05:39 PM
Well...we were just fightin,...I turned around & she's gone to bed!!! She seema fine...just all this stuff thats never never been happening before. I told Agee not to give her any of that parrot food she bought, not even the corn or p-nuts. But she seems to be acting normal....mean as ever!! She was rattlin the cage when I got home giving me her pitisful come pet me look. i was gonna give her a bath but guess that'll have to wait now.Smellin a little musky!!
Now I sorta know what some of the rest of yuns have gone through...I mean when she hurt her foot last year I KNEW what was wrong...& learned here what to do for it. But this stuff with no signs of illness is scary sometimes. makes me hate more than normal having to go to work & leave her here alone.
Ah, "sigh"...the joys of mudderhood!!!!!:D
08-13-2007, 06:39 PM
Smellin a little musky!!
Could it be breeding season for BH?
08-13-2007, 07:17 PM
I don't have a clue...ever since she got hurt as a baby nothing has come in normal season for her. Shes almost three & a half & I only know for absolute sure of two times she's been in heat. But being stunted in her growth thats probably out of whack too. But she doesn't act like she's hurting or visibly sick so I guess I'll just have to keep hoping/ worrying its nothing bad.
Mrs. Jack
08-13-2007, 07:38 PM
Well... in humans and cats (the two things I have the most hands on experience with) prolonged heat or semi uncomfortable conditions can cause changes in diet and elimination... It stands to reason that these could effect someone like BH as well. I remember going to visit my Gram in summer in Iowa and between the heat and humidity my body was SO out of whack. Is she drinking water? I mean maybe she's drinking more eating less which would effect her stools or just the heat on her metabolism.. just make sure she's hydrated and make sure if you arrange a fan or something that it's not such to give her a chill and keep a good eye which we know you will...
08-13-2007, 07:53 PM
Hi Preacher, just getting caught up here on these two threads about BH. I think it might be stress from the other people in the house. You mention Jerry and Sam...if I remember correctly (which tonight, 'eh who knows about my memory) BH doesn't like either of them. If you touched anything they've touched and then brought it in with you...or if she gets a whiff from the bathroom of one of them (speaking about shower scents, soaps, deodorants, colognes...and I suppose the toilet, too...depending :D), or catches their sweaty scent in the air...that would be enough to stress her to have semi-soft poops.
Have you noticed her eating more of one thing or another? I forget, are the poops the right color and smell? (ie brown and no distinctive smell)
08-13-2007, 10:12 PM
Mrs jack...plenty of water but i haven't noticed her drinking more than usual. Good appetite still so definantly not eating too little. The heat may be part of it. It's usally about 73 or so in the house & been close to 80 in here the past week. I even cut off the computer during the day while I'm at work because of the heat it can put out.
CQ...Your right about one thing...BH cannot stand jerry...thats why she's in here in the computer room now, to prevent further conflict. Sam...well sometimes i come in from feeding or playing with her & BH will pitch a fit when she smells her on me...but I've noticed lately at times she pays no attention to it. She has been around Sam all her life & used seemingly enjoy tomenting the unsuspecting mutt. But as BH got older she didn't want anything to do with her.
Right got that close before..... One thing that has been different for her is that the door for this room stays open now to keep it cooler in here...but she wonders the house enough to be used to the various scents...I would think anyways.
08-14-2007, 02:22 AM
I had to miss a couple of days of TSb and when I get back on find BH is not well. Fidget sends all her love and is beside herself with worry about her cross the sea buddy! :grouphug
Dear BH,
I hope you are feeling better today!
I luv ya wittle fuzzy friend! :Love_Icon
Your girls just wanna have fun friend,
Foxy Roxy
island rehabber
08-14-2007, 02:56 PM
Preacher, is it possible with the door open she hears a noise she never used to hear before? The story I always go back to is when one of my biggest, bravest girl squirrels froze up on me one morning, heavy breathing, shaking and staring into space for over an hour. I thought she was going to die on me. Believe it or not, it was the dishwasher that scared her to death, almost. :shakehead
08-14-2007, 04:58 PM
OK, came home at lunch...BH is sleeping in her box...just got home from work, BH is sleeping in her box!! I've been trying to stir her & knows she hears me but it's "I's in heres ans aint comin outs" time I guess. I tapped on the cage but no appearance yet.
Ah ha!!! Success!!! I hollered TREAT!!!...& a little head sticks out.....but it almost looked like she was snarling at me...but she sniffed & everthings OK. I gave her a yogurt chip & she's even let me pet her while eating...again unusual...but I'll take it!!
At least the poop part looks back to normal today, so far. Appetite still on full charge...drinking,....peeing,..& still peeeing...guess she did sleep most of the day!!
IR..I still have to guess it's just this stupid heat more than anything else. From what I've read on here since joining a YEAR ago BH must be one remarkable critter! She has adapted to whatever conditions have been sent her way with no problems...till last week. Thats why I say heat....this IS the hottest summer since she's been born.
She hardly pays any attention to what smells & sounds go on in this house,...she's used to them...cept mabey a dropped pan or something of that nature...if she's in her cage or on her chair...FREEZE!!...if she's running (waddling,..scootin) on the floor...she hits second gear for a few seconds. Or comes runnin up my britches leg!!
But...though this may seem like a minor or even nothing problem to some whats been going on the past few days, to some that are new to the squirrel kingdom & seen things similar in their babies mabey it'll help.
Oh I KNOW she's all right...I was trying to get her to fight with her longlegged bear I flop at her from the top of the cage...she didn't want to fight...she wanted it to scratch her ears!!!! Leaning that little head over to it like..."right here"!!!!!
Me & BH say a sincere THANK YOU to ALL!!!!!!
08-15-2007, 01:27 AM
Fidget say..... :jump :jump :jump Ickle buddy feel better!!!! :wahoo
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