View Full Version : Squirrel with tail cut and a possibly degloved tip

10-05-2018, 01:56 PM
There's a new squirrel visiting our backyard.

She must have had a rough encounter, her tail is cut short, with the tip missing fur and looking partially degloved, possibly with vertebra exposed.

That doesn't seem to bother her, she's moving and acting normally, eats well, and is nursing babies. Her coat doesn't look super good neither.

See the picture below (sorry for the poor quality), which is the best I managed to get from her. Our squirrels are wild and we like to keep it that way, so I can't really approach her.


I think she's doing fine, but any advice / suggestion is welcome.

10-05-2018, 02:07 PM
Aw. I am glad she got away! Normally, the exposed bone will die and once it is, the squirrel usually removes it themselves. If you can give her extra healthy chow it will certainly help her and allow her to spend more time hidden away on the nest with her babies where she belongs.

10-11-2018, 02:29 PM
A quick update, our lady friend is now becoming a regular of our backyard.

She's removed the exposed bones, the tip of the tail was looking raw so I assume it was recent. She seems to do fine.


10-17-2018, 10:44 AM
I have a little who also lost the end part of his tail. It has healed over fine, and I don't think he will ever have any issues from it. Your new yard pal is adorable :blowkiss !