View Full Version : 8 week Old Pine

10-01-2018, 03:46 PM
What kinds of Veggies and Fruits can little Pine's have? Ive tried Leafy Greens, Squash, and Tomato with the skin peeled off. Also I know squirrels love to chew, is their anything I can give him to chew on? Also I'm sorry he is actually 9 weeks old.

10-01-2018, 04:31 PM
What kinds of Veggies and Fruits can little Pine's have? Ive tried Leafy Greens, Squash, and Tomato with the skin peeled off. Also I know squirrels love to chew, is their anything I can give him to chew on? Also I'm sorry he is actually 9 weeks old.

Below is the link to healthy squirrel diet, block should be the foundation. You can give him tree twigs and limbs (unsprayed trees) to chew on.
