View Full Version : veggies for a 5-6 week old?
10-01-2018, 07:15 AM
i still have Oliver on formula, but i want to start getting him on veggies while im waiting on the blocks.
what are some good recommendations or personal favorites?
also ive read a love about plain yogurt, but he seems to despise the stuff. any way to present it differently? is it the temperature?
Thanks in advance!! <3
island rehabber
10-01-2018, 07:40 AM
5-6 weeks old is a bit too early to start worrying about, or offering, veggies. I offer quality rodent block once their eyes open (Teklad and Oxbow are the two best) and wait until they are really eating those before offering veggies. Usually they are 7-8 wks old at that time. I start with kale, chickory and escarole (dark green leafy), and also small chunks of raw sweet potato and maybe a blueberry or chunk of apple as well. You don't want to create a sweet-eater early on so don't go overboard with fruits.
10-01-2018, 08:49 AM
okay awesome! thank you so much.
i really do have so many questions, and now that im here able to ask them, they're all escaping me! ughh
but 2 i do have;
1)hes been biting and scratching his back legs and tail lately, there's no redness or skin irritation though. is he just grooming and im overthinking everything because im a new mom? haha or keep an eye out for changes in the skin or loss of fur?
2)when hes eating he stops every few seconds after he swallows and it looks like hes gasping for air (guppy mouth) i believe you call it. and he tenses up into a ball sometimes (usually at the end of the feeding) but then he always perks right back up?
should i be concerned about this?
10-01-2018, 09:18 AM
1)hes been biting and scratching his back legs and tail lately, there's no redness or skin irritation though. is he just grooming and im overthinking everything because im a new mom? haha or keep an eye out for changes in the skin or loss of fur?
Sounds like he is grooming, but keep and eye on it. If you can video this behavior we'd be better able to confirm this is grooming and not his actually having an irritation or other issue.
2)when hes eating he stops every few seconds after he swallows and it looks like hes gasping for air (guppy mouth) i believe you call it. and he tenses up into a ball sometimes (usually at the end of the feeding) but then he always perks right back up? should i be concerned about this?
Guppy mouthing is not uncommon. Rubbing their checks usually works for me to bring them out of the Guppy Mouth "trance".
I am not so sure about this tensing up into a ball issue, I don't think I have seen this before... hopefully someone that has can advise.
What formula are you feeding and what size syringe are you using?
Edit: Just to reinforce IR, you do not want to make the mistake of feeding any other solids until after they are eating (not just crumbing) their rodent block.
10-01-2018, 09:54 AM
i will definitely try to get a video of him doing both the grooming and when he gets tense.
as far as formula goes i have him on esbilac. i have the goats milk for puppies? i had read somewhere in here that that was a good choice until i receive the fox valley.
he has been doing very well with it. regular potties. hasnt had diarrhea since ive had him thank goodness. id feel so bad for him,
and i am using a one ml syringe (3 times) i found at my local feed store, because he is such an aggressive eater, he would suck the formula right down and it would come out of his nose. and that just broke my heart!
so he cant do that with this syringe.
10-01-2018, 10:58 AM
How long have you had him?
I would keep an eye out for AP. (clicking when breathing, lethargic, not wanting to eat)
The esbilac you should be giving him is the one with probiotics and prebiotics.
How much does she weigh? Do you have a kitchen scale to weigh her? This is going to be needed so you can properly feed her, as she needs 5-7% of her body weight each feeding.
When did she open her eyes?
10-01-2018, 11:21 AM
Do you have a weight on Ollie? 3cc doesn't seem like enough for a 5-6 week old.
10-01-2018, 11:24 AM
that is the can that i have.
i feed him 3ml each serving, i went in the middle with 6%. he is 54 grams.
and he did end up getting sick (aspirating) sneezing, a fever, lethargic and loss of appetite.
i started him on antibiotics as soon as i was able. he is doing much better and back to his normal crazy self.
his eyes opened on September 23rd and ive had him, i think just about 5 weeks now. he was literally the size of
my pinkie when my neighbor brought him to me, guess thats why they're called pinkies when theyre little. and the
coloring of course.
i just looked at the calendar and id guess right around the 20th is when i got him. so hes probably 6 weeks old then.
he seems so tiny. is 54 grams underweight for that age?
10-01-2018, 11:25 AM
20th of August**
10-01-2018, 11:27 AM
he does eat more than 3cc at times
10-01-2018, 11:45 AM
THank you.
Do you know what kind of squirrel? Red, Grey, Fox, Flyer?
Do you have a picture.
I am confused about the esbilac that you are using. You state you are using the goats milk, but state you are using the can in the picture. Maybe I am missing something???
10-01-2018, 12:12 PM
i an guessing grey? hes brown with a grey tail. i was actually in the process of trying to upload pictures to this thread
so you were able to see him. but there are some on my profile. none from the past week or so though. i will get some together for you.
i do have the can in the picture, i HAD him on goats milk, im sorry the misunderstanding, that was my fault. im letting my words out without
having them in line first.
10-01-2018, 12:29 PM
You have the same Syringe as
I know you said you did get the 1cc ones. I did too, sadly, my lil girl got too used to the big one that I have to be SUPER careful when she eats (I have to hold the pusher up with my thumb so it doesn't go down)
She wants absolutely NOTHING to do with the 1cc syringe.
10-01-2018, 12:36 PM
haha yesss thats is exactly what i would have to do, hold it with my thumb.
he would inhale the whole thing if it were up to him lol
he make a funny noise sometimes. kinda sounds like a growl? but it isnt. he never seems agitated when he does it.
the best i could describe it would be a mix between a soft growl and a pur..? loi oh im sure i just sound absolutely ridiculous
but he is my first squirrel and i want to know everything!
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