View Full Version : Three newbies
09-23-2018, 04:06 AM
Hi Guys!
I offered to help and picked up three little ones tonight, their weights are 89, 100 and 129 grams. Their eyes opened two weeks ago putting them at 7 weeks which I can’t fathom. I needed to help them potty after eating tonight. They have been with a licensed rehabbed so eye openings are concrete as well as care provided. They are just all over the place for development it seems. Has anyone experienced this?
09-23-2018, 07:13 AM
It's not unusual. I'm guessing the little one is a runt.
Well, that didn't take long. 3 added to the house... already. :grin2
How many more would you like? :poke
09-23-2018, 08:42 AM
How long have you had them now? You said "I needed to help them potty after eating tonight". Has this happened after past feedings, or was this your first time feeding them since you got them?
If this was your first feeding, Kudos for staying on top what they are doing, but you may want to wait and see if this is a repeated pattern. They may just be nervous with a new person and new environment.
Sorta like how it is hard to 'go' in front of strangers in a public bathroom. :)
09-23-2018, 09:41 AM
Hi Guys!
I offered to help and picked up three little ones tonight, their weights are 89, 100 and 129 grams. Their eyes opened two weeks ago putting them at 7 weeks which I can’t fathom. I needed to help them potty after eating tonight. They have been with a licensed rehabbed so eye openings are concrete as well as care provided. They are just all over the place for development it seems. Has anyone experienced this?
I have a little one that is 88 grams and is probably 7 weeks old, too. I potty my squirrels for as long as they’ll let me because it keeps their cage/bin cleaner.
I’m on the opposite coast from you. If you’d like me to take your littlest one to be a buddy for my little guy we could make arrangements to meet somewhere. :grin2
09-23-2018, 09:52 AM
It's not unusual. I'm guessing the little one is a runt.
Well, that didn't take long. 3 added to the house... already. :grin2
How many more would you like? :poke
This is plenty!! :grin2
09-23-2018, 09:56 AM
This is plenty!! :grin2
:rofl4:rofl4:rofl4 Oh, you're just getting started now!! There are plenty more where those came from. :laugh2
09-23-2018, 09:59 AM
How long have you had them now? You said "I needed to help them potty after eating tonight". Has this happened after past feedings, or was this your first time feeding them since you got them?
If this was your first feeding, Kudos for staying on top what they are doing, but you may want to wait and see if this is a repeated pattern. They may just be nervous with a new person and new environment.
Sorta like how it is hard to 'go' in front of strangers in a public bathroom. :)
This was my first time feeding them yes. I tried but was never able to potty Nibbles. That as well makes me wonder if they are indeed younger and eyes opened early. Your example made me laugh 😂
09-23-2018, 10:05 AM
I have a little one that is 88 grams and is probably 7 weeks old, too. I potty my squirrels for as long as they’ll let me because it keeps their cage/bin cleaner.
I’m on the opposite coast from you. If you’d like me to take your littlest one to be a buddy for my little guy we could make arrangements to meet somewhere. :grin2
I wouldn’t mind but I spent four hours on the road yesterday to help out with these guys. My hubby would absolutely lose it if I mentioned another road trip today! 🙈 She still had 11 more and is between us. Would you like me to pm contact info? She had placed ten others before I arrived. Bless her. I couldn’t imagine trying to care for 20+ babies. Never mind the little raccoons. I could’ve spent hours there just googling over the little babies.
09-23-2018, 10:14 AM
This was my first time feeding them yes. I tried but was never able to potty Nibbles. That as well makes me wonder if they are indeed younger and eyes opened early. Your example made me laugh ��I typically say "Happy Birthday! You are now 5 weeks old!" when they open their eyes, but I think the fur on their tummy is a better indicator of age.
It seems to be pretty solid that they hit 5 weeks when the fur has appeared on the top 75% of the tummy.. with just a bit of bare pink skin left at the bottom.
Also fur appears on their inner thighs right at 5 weeks.
I just had a 4 week old who is merged with four 5 weeks old that opened her eyes almost a week early. (She has the cutest little chipmunk eyes right now)
I think opening their eyes may have more to do with activity in the nest than their actual age. I guess they want (need?) to see what the ruckus is about.
I had one single, who experienced very little activity, who did not open his eyes until he was clearly 6 weeks old (fully covered tummy and tail getting bushy)
09-23-2018, 10:18 AM
Nibbles is notably pissed I must add 😂. He chattered for a solid 10 minutes after I placed their bin in the room with his cage last night. I am keeping them separate of course. He’s in the bedroom with dad now while I prep to feed again. He has a lot of free time with us as he’s been a singleton for the last two months. I really wish I’d learned more and found him a buddy too before he grew up. He’s even running in my shirt and nustling around my boobs which he hasn’t done in forever. I swear it’s like the older sibling that demands attention and still wants to be the baby! 🤣
09-23-2018, 10:31 AM
I have also had some that I spent 10 minutes trying to potty, gave up and returned to the bin, and they IMMEDIATELY squatted and unloaded in the bed linen.
Or right on top of their sibling.
09-23-2018, 10:43 AM
Nibbles is notably pissed I must add 😂. He chattered for a solid 10 minutes after I placed their bin in the room with his cage last night. I am keeping them separate of course. He’s in the bedroom with dad now while I prep to feed again. He has a lot of free time with us as he’s been a singleton for the last two months. I really wish I’d learned more and found him a buddy too before he grew up. He’s even running in my shirt and nustling around my boobs which he hasn’t done in forever. I swear it’s like the older sibling that demands attention and still wants to be the baby! 🤣
Be VERY careful. :eek A chattering squirrel WILL bite the hand that feeds them.
:shark1 He will bite you and then give you the look.... I didn't give you permission to do that. :tap
09-23-2018, 11:06 AM
Be VERY careful. :eek A chattering squirrel WILL bite the hand that feeds them.
:shark1 He will bite you and then give you the look.... I didn't give you permission to do that. :tap
Yes I’ve learned this with him. He seems to be more the “I’m irritated with something” versus “I’m furious beyond repair” and leap right into a bite thankfully.
09-23-2018, 11:08 AM
If you wouldn’t mind sending me her contact info in a pm, that would be great.
Is your plan to release Nibbles? Or is he a NR?
09-23-2018, 11:22 AM
If you wouldn’t mind sending me her contact info in a pm, that would be great.
Is your plan to release Nibbles? Or is he a NR?
I will release. He’s a healthy, active boy. I admit I’m terrified something will happen to him but that won’t stop me from letting him be free. I’ve bought him an outdoor nest box in hopes he’ll use it and stay close by.
Sending her number by pm now.
09-23-2018, 11:38 AM
Yes I’ve learned this with him. He seems to be more the “I’m irritated with something” versus “I’m furious beyond repair” and leap right into a bite thankfully.
This made me laugh out loud, and glad I was not drinking when I read it.
I like how you have created a scale of phrases for his irritation level.
09-23-2018, 12:05 PM
This made me laugh out loud, and glad I was not drinking when I read it.
I like how you have created a scale of phrases for his irritation level.
Most definitely. When he reaches that point there’s no chatter. He lunges, let’s out a growl that sounds like SQUEEEE and gives a warning bite. That has rarely been towards me but happens every single time my daughter tries to come near him. I’ve finally asked her to just please stop. She has three cats plus volunteers at a cat shelter and he clearly thinks she’s a 5’ tall hairless cat herself from the smells on her. The one time he got me and drew blood was after playing with my dogs. I now scrub up to my elbows after.
09-23-2018, 02:27 PM
Help! Just found what looked like a tiny flea on one. Smashed it and saw blood so I know it’s some sort of little blood sucker.
Will a dawn bath be sufficient?
Edit: after a google search it looks more like lice. Now I’m itching just thinking about it! Anyone near me with extra Revolution on hand I could borrow or buy? They are old enough for this since their eyes are open and fully furred?
Diggie's Friend
09-23-2018, 06:39 PM
Back when I raised a liter we got the over the counter spray on the rear for lice for small mammals product that has Geranium noted as a main ingredient, that works for mites, and lice. Ours had mites, really small, hard to see, which tickle when they crawl on you hand. Just about any pet store carries this. I wouldn't spray it though, save to spray it on a Que-tip to apply it to the area under their tails, aka: their, "fuzz butt", and rub it in. You'll probably have to treat again in a couple of weeks to get the ones that have hatched out since.
Be sure to keep the babies warm while they are drying no matter what you decide to use.
Diggie's Friend
09-23-2018, 06:56 PM
The above spray product contains Pyrethrins as the main active ingredient, again used on the rear rubbed into the fur.
I would think as long as the babies can hold body heat you can use dawn in warm water as a separate treatment.
Be sure to let your daughter know to not bring the squirrels near the cats, or vice versa,
as cats carry a deadly bacteria to squirrels in their saliva that can kill a rodent if bitten, let alone a bite itself.
A given then that cats should not be allowed anywhere near squirrels either, not even in the same room;
and to wash your hands in between handling either.
10-03-2018, 04:40 PM
Couple new pics with Nibbles on top and the babies just waking up from napping. The babies are Nibby (female), and Chip and Dale for the two boys.305375305374
10-22-2018, 07:55 PM
Porch finally finished and all four moved out today..
11-10-2018, 06:02 PM
I had the door open from noon until a half hour ago. One ventured just a few feet out and right back in, another left for a couple hours right after I stepped inside to shower and couldn't see them but came back right as the sun was setting. The third had no interest in exploring outside at all. Does it often take more than a day? I even sat in the yard for a while thinking they might come to me. No luck. Any suggestions or advice is greatly welcomed!
11-10-2018, 06:17 PM
I had the door open from noon until a half hour ago. One ventured just a few feet out and right back in, another left for a couple hours right after I stepped inside to shower and couldn't see them but came back right as the sun was setting. The third had no interest in exploring outside at all. Does it often take more than a day? I even sat in the yard for a while thinking they might come to me. No luck. Any suggestions or advice is greatly welcomed!
When I released River, I took her out first thing in the morning, I think the earlier the better as long as the sun is up and the weather is good. She was very wild and could not be contained. In her case, I had to go outside with her in a backpack to walk to a good spot and then sit there basically from dawn to dusk while she climbed and ran around, then back in the pack at dusk until one evening she did not come back to me. Visited her the next morning and she came down just to say, "Dad, you're embarrassing me in front of the other squirrels !! Go home!" And never talked to me again...
Be patient, give them time. It's good they are scared, it'll keep them alive and alert! Our motto on this house is "Never not be afraid!"
When I opened the release portal for my first two one hid in the nest box, the other explored everything in sight. Yes, it can take a few days. Let him go at his own pace and be around for encouragement.
11-10-2018, 07:32 PM
It's happens. We call it 'failure to launch'. :grin2
Try again tomorrow. Eventually they get the hang of it and off they go. I've had a few that ate breakfast and went back to bed with the release door open. I feed them in the AM and release early.
I released today also. One escaped Sunday and the other 3 released today. I would have just released the others but it was supposed to rain (it didn't). They were more than ready to go so I had no hesitation at all.
11-10-2018, 08:56 PM
I worked until 5am this morning so noon was literally the earliest I could drag myself up to do it and not go back to bed. I wanted to sit out with them and watch. Three hours and nada then out Chip went when I stepped away. Little booger! I thought he'd robbed me of one exit photo I was so dying to get of them once their little feet hit the trees. ❤️ I also have the dilemma that Nibbles is caged when they're out so I've already closed their cage door and opened his and planned to give him the morning play time. My attempt at letting all four together wasn't a success. No one got hurt but he did pounce and roll one of them and he sat scared and making alarm calls for several minutes after. It was enough I don't want them out together anymore. I only am releasing them first because he's the one I expect will come back to his bed for a good while and also because they began building a drey with the tree I drug in. He has no interest in the natural bedding whatsoever. Tonight when I went back again the three were snuggled in their nest and not the cage. He always always goes back to his cage. I feel like I need a second porch now. 🙈
11-11-2018, 04:19 PM
All four are in the trees today!! They are all hanging very close by. I see one or another every time I walk out to check. And Nibbles was just in front of my shop what appeared to be looking for me. He jumped right on me and made a few laps then off back to the tree. :Love_Icon
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