View Full Version : Questions About Adult Neuro Squirrel on Meds

Bella's Mom
09-21-2018, 08:33 AM
Hello, everyone! This is kind of a long story.
On March 1st of this year, I rescued an adult squirrel from my backyard. I feed the squirrrels in my backyard every day. Five of my released squirrrels still come to see me everyday. A bunch of other ones come too. This one squirrel came every day who obviously had some neurological issues, but I don't know what happened to him. I suspect he may have fallen from a tree or something during a really bad storm we had because after that storm is when this squirrel started showing up just not right and not behaving like a normal, healthy squirrel. He has a head tilt to the right, he can't use his back legs like a normal squirrel, he sort of hops instead of walking normally. His back legs most of the time don't move independent of one another. He can't see very well. When I would toss a nut to him out in my backyard he couldn't see it, he had to kind of sniff it out. He also cannot crack open nuts. I have to crack the them out of the shell and give them to him that way. He couldn't climb up the wooden fence out in my backyard like the other squirrrels can. He could barely climb up a wooden telephone post in my backyard to get back to wherever he came from. He is very wobbly, unsteady on his feet, and can't sit up like normal squirrrels can without losing his balance and falling over. There is a very bad stray cat problem in my neighborhood, and they find their way to my backyard often. Whenever the cats would come around, all the other squirrrels would display normal behavior toward that. They sound the alarm and run. But not this squirrel. He would just kind of move away a little bit, but not sound the alarm. He would also do this thing where he sometimes all of a sudden just sits there not moving, still as a statue, just staring off into space, like he is just out in la la land. Just out of it. You couldn't get his attention no matter what or get him to move or snap out of that weird trance like state. He would do this outside in the middle of the wide open space, just seemingly oblivious to anything going on around him. Sitting out in the wide open doing that was not a good thing because there are also hawks in the area and he was a perfect target for them, as well as these cats that come around here. These episodes can last anywhere from a few seconds to maybe a minute or so. Then he just snaps back to reality. He's also really slow moving compared to the other squirrrels outside so he couldn't run fast or climb up anything to get away from predators. I watched this sweet guy come to my yard every day for about two months to get food. Sometimes the others squirrels would pick on him, and sometimes they would chase him away from the food. It seemed like it took all the strength and energy he had just to make his way to my backyard to get food. And if he got picked on or chased away, he wouldn't even try to get food, he would just leave and not get anything to eat that day. I have a feeling the only food he was getting was what I gave him in the backyard because he also cannot forage for food like the other squirrrels. He cannot bury anything or attenpt to dig up anything like a normal squirrel. I debated on rescuing him for quite awhile. He is an adult squirrel, already accustomed to the wild. I have experience with rescuing and raising 7 squirrrels since 2013, but they were all orphaned babies. I don't have experience with rescuing an adult squirrel and I also didn't know if captivity would be the best thing for him because he is an adult. What prompted me to go ahead and rescue him was he was sitting there in the middle of my backyard and a hawk swooped down and grabbed him! I ran toward them as fast as I could and the hawk got scared and lost its grip on the squirrel and flew off. Thank goodness! I was so terrified! I ran into my sunroom and grabbed a swimming pool net and ran after the squirrel. He tried running from me, but since he is so slow I was able to catch him. If he was a normal squirrel I never would have been able to catch him. He didn't even try to bite me when I picked him up. I honestly don't know how he survived as long as he did out there. I named the sweet little guy Jacob.
So fast forward six and a half months later. At first he didn't like being in captivity, obviously. But he has adapted very well, much better than I thought he would. He is such a very good little eater and he absolutely loves h hiis comfy nest and loves to snuggle with his blankets in his nest. I let him out of his cage every morning at 7am. His cage doors stay open and he has free run of the house. He doesn't get into anything and he doesn't climb up on stuff he shouldn't. He goes to his nest in his cage and takes naps throughout the day, and he puts himself to bed every night right before dark. I feed him a good diet. He eats various veggies, although I can't get him to eat any greens, darn it! He eats apples occasionally and papaya is his favorite. He was eating his Henry's Healthy Blocks just fine, but then he seemed to get bored with them or something and he stopped eating them. So for now, I am giving him Boo Balls that I made from a recipe I found on here. He loves them so far. He has the occasional nut treat of almonds and pecans, one every 3 or 4 days. Things were going really well and he seemed to improve a bit from how he was outside. He has adapted to being around my boyfriend and me quite nicely, although, of course that did take some time and patience. He lets us pet him and love on him and he seems to like the attention and care. He still does that staring off into space thing I talked about earlier. I suspected they were some form of seizures, but I wasn't positive. So on the 11th of this month, he just started turning round and round in circles to the right all day and he couldn't stop himself from doing that. I took him to the vet that night because I knew that was serious. I thought maybe he somehow had an internal parasite in his brain. The vet does not know if that is what it is, but he started Jacob on Panacur for seven days. Jacob's x-rays were normal and his bones look good. He was diagnosed with Nystagmus. I have researched this thoroughly so I know now what it is. Jacob also has a bit of lung congestion due to him aspirating his food. I have no idea how or why he's aspirating his food because I watch him eat all the time and he never appeared to me to be aspirating his food. I asked the vet how I can help him to stop aspirating his food, and he said let's focus on these other things that are going wrong first. So Jacob was also started on Baytril for 14 days. He was also started on Metacam for 5 days. The 5 days are over for the Metacam doses. Jacob has shown tremendous improvemet. His head tilt has improved, the use of his back legs has improved, his balance was improved, and there is now no more circling around. Oh, and the vet also gave him a shot of Ivermectin on the 11th. Jacob had a follow up appointment on the 18th and then he has another one on the 24th. On the vet visit on the 18th I discussed that whole "spaced out" thing Jacob has always done and the vet agrees with me that they are seizures. I really, really wish I would have taken him to the vet when I rescued him, but I didn't. Things were going so well with him so I didn't think I needed to take him to the vet at the time. I really regret now not taking him. Because whatever is wrong with him may have gotten worse over the last 6 months. But I can't change the past. I can only do my best to take care of whatever is wrong with him now. And the vet did say on Jacob's last visit that he was surprised that Jacob had already improved as much as he has so far. So for the seizures and for pain the vet also started Jacob on Gabapentin for 7 days. On one hand Jacob's functioning has greatly improved due to the addition of the Gabapentin. On the other hand, it really knocks him for a loop. He gets kind of dazed ( different from the "spaced out" thing, though) and very sleepy. He goes back to bed and sleeps for about 4 hours. I also take Gabapentin for Fibromyalgia. When I first started taking it, the Gabapentin had the same effect on me. But after awhile I adjusted and it no longer effects me that way. Sorry this was such a long story. I just wanted everyone to have a full understanding of the whole story before I got to my questions. Will Jacob adjust to the Gabapentin like I did or will it always effect him the way it does? I haven't had a chance to ask the vet this yet, but I am wondering why the Gabapentin was only prescribed for 7 days. It is also my understanding that there is nothing that can be done to treat Nystagmus. Is that correct? Also, I am really, super worried about his food aspiration. How can I get him to stop doing that? Especially when I didn't even know he was doing it in the first place. If he keeps doing that his lungs are always going to be congested and he could get pneumonia. Also, since I have no idea what actually happened to Jacob out in the wild, the vet also suggested that, in addition to a possible fall, it could be that Jacob has some kind of brain disease that he was born with. Could that possibly be true? And, sadly, I know that nero squirrrels do not live as long as normal, healthy squirrrels. Does anyone know what the average lifespan is of neuro squirrrels is? I love him so much and I'm trying to do anything and everything I can for him. He needs help with eating too sometimes because sometimes he can't hold onto his food. He is a LOT of work, but so, so worth it and I cherish every moment he is alive and every moment I get to spend with him is such a blessing! Thank you so much for reading Jacob's story. Any help with my questions would be greatly appreciated!

island rehabber
09-21-2018, 08:41 AM
Wow. You are my Hero of the Day for what you've done to save this poor little wild boy. :bowdown\

I don't have much experience with head trauma squirrels, but I do have one that has lived with me for 5 years now. (Her thread is Owena Owie-Head in the Nursery section.) She is prone to seizures because of head trauma as a tiny pinky -- I am still shocked to this day that she even lived. She used to get seizures about 5-8 times per week, then less often, but she would get clusters now and then where she had 2-3 per day and it was horrible. I tried gabapentin with her but it did not affect the seizure activity, to be honest. Others have had better luck. Every seizure squirrel, if you go by the 10+ years worth of stories here on TSB, seems to respond differently to medication or dietary changes. Some have good luck with phenobarbitol....others, like Owena, needed more magnesium in their diet and are now almost seizure-free (she'll get a mild one every 2 months or so). Sounds as if you are well-tuned to your boy's needs -- so glad you found us! \

As to what caused your boy's problems, it's so hard to say. He may have fallen and sustained head injuries...then because he was compromised other things happened to him. The good news is, he's safe with you.

09-21-2018, 08:53 AM
Thank you for helping Jacob. You have saved his life many times over. ❤️

There are several things that can be addressed regarding his health. First, did the vet do blood work? Squirrels can have epilepsy and it can have a wide range of symptoms. It can also be treated with daily meds if necessary.

I’m not sure why the gabapentin was only prescribed for 7 days. I’m not familiar with how that drug is used, but others on here are so hopefully they’ll chime in.

I am familiar with head trauma and have had two squirrels make a complete recovery after being treated with prednisone for an extended period of time. By extended period I mean 6 weeks or longer. Maybe you could ask your vet about that if others feel it would be helpful after reading Jacobs story.

It’s wonderful that he’s adapted so well indoors and he has a safe and loving home.

Bella's Mom
09-21-2018, 12:53 PM
Wow. You are my Hero of the Day for what you've done to save this poor little wild boy. :bowdown\

I don't have much experience with head trauma squirrels, but I do have one that has lived with me for 5 years now. (Her thread is Owena Owie-Head in the Nursery section.) She is prone to seizures because of head trauma as a tiny pinky -- I am still shocked to this day that she even lived. She used to get seizures about 5-8 times per week, then less often, but she would get clusters now and then where she had 2-3 per day and it was horrible. I tried gabapentin with her but it did not affect the seizure activity, to be honest. Others have had better luck. Every seizure squirrel, if you go by the 10+ years worth of stories here on TSB, seems to respond differently to medication or dietary changes. Some have good luck with phenobarbitol....others, like Owena, needed more magnesium in their diet and are now almost seizure-free (she'll get a mild one every 2 months or so). Sounds as if you are well-tuned to your boy's needs -- so glad you found us! \

As to what caused your boy's problems, it's so hard to say. He may have fallen and sustained head injuries...then because he was compromised other things happened to him. The good news is, he's safe with you.

Awww, thank you so much for the compliment! That is so awesome about Owena Owie-Head! She sounds like such a little trooper! I will definitely have to check her out in the nursery section. My Jacob seems to have those seizures once a day it seems, or at least every other day. It's hard to keep track because it's happens so often. I have had other squirrrels who had seizures for various reasons and theirs were really bad. Jacob's are mild compared to what I am used to seeing as a seizure. But they are still seizures, nonetheless. The Gabapentin seems to be helping him with pain. He has been on it for four days now, and he just seems able to move around better than he has since I rescued him. Not a huge improvement in his mobility, but still a noticeable difference. I asked my vet about Phenobarbital and he said he wanted to go with Gabapentin. He didn't give me a reason why he chose that over the Phenobarbital. Since Jacob has been on Gabapentin he hasn't had any off those seizure episodes. But then again, he's been asleep a lot due to the side effects of the Gabapentin. But the side effects of it seem to be affecting him less each day. So it's hopeful so far, but I suppose I will just have to wait and see. I will never really know what happened to him out in the wild. I just know he is not normal and not right in the head for whatever reason. And I just want the best quality care for him. And he is definitely safe with me and such a joy to take care of! Thank you so much for your response!

09-21-2018, 01:41 PM
What a lucky boy to have wandered into your yard which eventually led him to safety!! The stars definitely aligned several times for this to have happened.

Maybe your vet only prescribed it short term to see how he reacted to it before deciding to do anything long term? That would be my first thought at least. I switch between HHB's and booballs with my NR too. He gets bored and will stop eating them if we don't. I just watch him and when he starts getting bored I switch back to the other.

Prayers that he continues to improve. Whether that means a full recovery and release or just a comfortable cushy "kept squirrel" kind of life probably doesn't matter to him. I think he's well aware of just how blessed he is to be with you and it definitely sounds like you feel the same.:Love_Icon

Bella's Mom
09-21-2018, 02:45 PM
Thank you for helping Jacob. You have saved his life many times over. ❤️

There are several things that can be addressed regarding his health. First, did the vet do blood work? Squirrels can have epilepsy and it can have a wide range of symptoms. It can also be treated with daily meds if necessary.

I’m not sure why the gabapentin was only prescribed for 7 days. I’m not familiar with how that drug is used, but others on here are so hopefully they’ll chime in.

I am familiar with head trauma and have had two squirrels make a complete recovery after being treated with prednisone for an extended period of time. By extended period I mean 6 weeks or longer. Maybe you could ask your vet about that if others feel it would be helpful after reading Jacobs story.

It’s wonderful that he’s adapted so well indoors and he has a safe and loving home.
Thank you so much! When I saw that almost happen to him I knew I had to try to save him. When I first took Jacob to the vet on the 11th due to that circling around thing he was doing, my vet did attempt 2 or 3 times to get a blood sample from him. But Jacob just kept bleeding too much and the bleeding wouldn't stop for quite awhile the vet said. So he had to stop the attempt to collect a blood sample. This really concerned the vet and it worried me to death! After that happened the vet told me that he feared the worst. He said one reason that could be happening is that Jacob's brain may be bleeding internally and flooding his body with toxins. If that was the case, Jacob was not going to recover from that and not going to survive. When he told me that I started bawling my eyes out right then and there! But he wasn't positive that's what was going on with Jacob. He then said another reason that could have happened is that Jacob was just so stressed that his blood pressure was really high. And boy, was Jacob ever stressed out! I have had to take 2 squirrrels I rescued to the vet before, and yes they were both stressed out too. But NOTHING like Jacob was! He was freaking out so badly and I have never seen a squirrel that stressed out and freaking out that badly before. But, of course, all I could think about was his brain might be bleeding and he may not make it. I was on pins and needles until his follow up appointment on the 18th. So now the vet no longer thinks that Jacob's brain is bleeding because if that was the case the vet said he would be dead by now. He really thinks it was just that Jacob's blood pressure was really high due to him being so stressed out. I really wish they could have gotten a blood sample, though, because it may have revealed something about what's going on with Jacob. But the vet didn't mention trying again to get a blood sample during his follow up visit. I am convinced that Jacob has epilepsy and I told my vet that I think that. He just said well, maybe not epilepsy, but it does sound like he is having seizures from what you described to me. That's when he chose the Gabapentin. I would have thought Prednisone too because I thought Prednisone was the go to med for any type of head trauma, brain issues, and inflammation. But, of course, I am not the expert, and I don't know for sure that Jacob has epilepsy or what meds would be best for him. I will definitely ask my vet about the Prednisone at his follow up visit on the 24th. Would epilepsy show up on a blood test? Do you think the vet should try again to get a blood sample? Yes, I am so grateful Jacob has adapted well to living in a house with humans and a dog too. I was concerned about how he would adapt because he is an adult not a baby who was raised by humans. It didn't go well at first. Jacob was so terrified and I began to question whether or not I should have rescued him. But with lots of love, patience, going slowly, and time he has adapted pretty well. I know he must miss the outside and the trees, though. I would never keep a wild animal in captivity if it wasn't absolutely necessary. But he is safe with me and he is getting all the love and care I can possibly give him. Thank you so much for your response!

Bella's Mom
09-23-2018, 03:58 AM
What a lucky boy to have wandered into your yard which eventually led him to safety!! The stars definitely aligned several times for this to have happened.

Maybe your vet only prescribed it short term to see how he reacted to it before deciding to do anything long term? That would be my first thought at least. I switch between HHB's and booballs with my NR too. He gets bored and will stop eating them if we don't. I just watch him and when he starts getting bored I switch back to the other.

Prayers that he continues to improve. Whether that means a full recovery and release or just a comfortable cushy "kept squirrel" kind of life probably doesn't matter to him. I think he's well aware of just how blessed he is to be with you and it definitely sounds like you feel the same.:Love_Icon

Oh, yes, I definitely feel the stars aligned for this to happen. I was so sad for him and felt so bad for him when he first started coming to my yard. But I am so glad he did find his way to my yard because it was only a matter of time before he fell off of something and got seriously hurt or worse, and only a matter of time before he got snatched up by a predator, which he nearly did! That hawk almost got him right in front of me! If I wasn't in my yard at that very single moment, Jacob would have been gone, and I would have been so heartbroken! You're probably right about the vet just trying out the Gabapentin to see how Jacob reacted to it. The good news is that it seems to be helping him tremendously, and he is adapting to it. He is displaying fewer side effects from the Gabapentin now. He is improving more and more each day and since he's been one the Gabapentin he hasn't had one seizure. So I am beyond thrilled about that!

I am glad to know that someone else out there has a squirrel who gets bored with the HHB's and switches back and forth between the HHB's and Boo Balls. I hope he doesn't ever get bored with both of them! That would not be a good thing. Does your squirrel ever get bored with both the HHB's and the Boo Balls?

Thank you so much for your prayers that he continues to improve. Jacob and I really appreciate it! He is doing better every day and I couldn't be happier about this! I do hope he makes a full recovery and is releasable. But I really don't know if he will ever be releasable because he does not ever chew on things. I have provided him with all sorts of different things to chew on. He has branches, sticks, wooden chew toys, deer antlers, and a deer jaw bone. If I offer him something to chew on, he will take one small chew on it and then won't touch it again. My vet said he probably can't chew on things, but I don't know why he can't. I had to have his bottom teeth trimmed at the vet also. I really hope one day he does start chewing on things, but I just don't know if he will ever do that or not. If he just recovers enough to be a pampered inside squirrel that would be fine with me also. I love the little guy so, so much and I am fully committed to his care and providing whatever he needs for the rest of the his life. Another reason why I feel he may not be releasable is because he is somewhat afraid of my dog, which he should be. But he is also curious about her and sometimes he just walks right up to her and sniffs at her face. He also wants to know what she is doing when she's eating, and he walks right up to her while she's eating out of her bowl in the kitchen and just sits down right beside her! Luckily, my dog is used to being around squirrels and she is so patient and careful with Jacob. I try to keep him away from my dog at all times, but sometimes Jacob will run away from me and go out of his way to go find my dog. I have no idea why he does those things. But that's not a good sign that he would be releasable, and not a good thing to do out in the wild.

Oh, I certainly do feel so blessed to have him and I absolutely love taking care of him! He's my sweet little angel baby boy! Thank you so much for your response!

09-23-2018, 09:20 AM
Thank you so much! When I saw that almost happen to him I knew I had to try to save him. When I first took Jacob to the vet on the 11th due to that circling around thing he was doing, my vet did attempt 2 or 3 times to get a blood sample from him. But Jacob just kept bleeding too much and the bleeding wouldn't stop for quite awhile the vet said. So he had to stop the attempt to collect a blood sample. This really concerned the vet and it worried me to death! After that happened the vet told me that he feared the worst. He said one reason that could be happening is that Jacob's brain may be bleeding internally and flooding his body with toxins. If that was the case, Jacob was not going to recover from that and not going to survive. When he told me that I started bawling my eyes out right then and there! But he wasn't positive that's what was going on with Jacob. He then said another reason that could have happened is that Jacob was just so stressed that his blood pressure was really high. And boy, was Jacob ever stressed out! I have had to take 2 squirrrels I rescued to the vet before, and yes they were both stressed out too. But NOTHING like Jacob was! He was freaking out so badly and I have never seen a squirrel that stressed out and freaking out that badly before. But, of course, all I could think about was his brain might be bleeding and he may not make it. I was on pins and needles until his follow up appointment on the 18th. So now the vet no longer thinks that Jacob's brain is bleeding because if that was the case the vet said he would be dead by now. He really thinks it was just that Jacob's blood pressure was really high due to him being so stressed out. I really wish they could have gotten a blood sample, though, because it may have revealed something about what's going on with Jacob. But the vet didn't mention trying again to get a blood sample during his follow up visit. I am convinced that Jacob has epilepsy and I told my vet that I think that. He just said well, maybe not epilepsy, but it does sound like he is having seizures from what you described to me. That's when he chose the Gabapentin. I would have thought Prednisone too because I thought Prednisone was the go to med for any type of head trauma, brain issues, and inflammation. But, of course, I am not the expert, and I don't know for sure that Jacob has epilepsy or what meds would be best for him. I will definitely ask my vet about the Prednisone at his follow up visit on the 24th. Would epilepsy show up on a blood test? Do you think the vet should try again to get a blood sample? Yes, I am so grateful Jacob has adapted well to living in a house with humans and a dog too. I was concerned about how he would adapt because he is an adult not a baby who was raised by humans. It didn't go well at first. Jacob was so terrified and I began to question whether or not I should have rescued him. But with lots of love, patience, going slowly, and time he has adapted pretty well. I know he must miss the outside and the trees, though. I would never keep a wild animal in captivity if it wasn't absolutely necessary. But he is safe with me and he is getting all the love and care I can possibly give him. Thank you so much for your response!

No, I don’t think I’d request for that vet to attempt another blood test considering the problems he had before. I know my vet has said it is fairly dangerous to draw blood from a squirrel and I was under the impression it was done when the squirrel was sedated with gas. I’m not familiar with using Gabapentin or it’s long term use. Head trauma can cause seizures, too.

Are you comfortable with your vets abilities? Is he/she familiar with treating squirrels? We have some members in Texas that use vets that are familiar with squirrels, maybe they could offer a recommendation for a vet. I know Texas is a big state, so they may not be close to you.

Bella's Mom
09-25-2018, 03:21 AM
No, I don’t think I’d request for that vet to attempt another blood test considering the problems he had before. I know my vet has said it is fairly dangerous to draw blood from a squirrel and I was under the impression it was done when the squirrel was sedated with gas. I’m not familiar with using Gabapentin or it’s long term use. Head trauma can cause seizures, too.

Are you comfortable with your vets abilities? Is he/she familiar with treating squirrels? We have some members in Texas that use vets that are familiar with squirrels, maybe they could offer a recommendation for a vet. I know Texas is a big state, so they may not be close to you.

Thank you so much for your response. Yes, the attempt to collect a blood sample from Jacob was done under sedation. So I would have thought that would have calmed him down some and his blood pressure wouldn't have been too high. But it was attempted under light sedation because my vet said you have to be careful with sedating squirrels who have head trauma, possible head trauma, or some other kind of neurological issue. He said he didn't want to use anymore than light sedation for Jacob because too much could have been really bad for him and he may not have come out of the sedation if he used any more than he did. So the vet said even though Jacob was under sedation, he was still very stressed out and fighting really hard during the attempt to collect a blood sample.

Yes, I am very comfortable with my vets abilities. There are actually two of them working together to treat Jacob. I have also previously taken two other squirrels there to see them. They have been my squirrel vets since 2014. One of them has 17 years experience in treating squirrels and the other one has 30 years experience in treating squirrels. The latter also has squirrels himself.

Jacob has a follow-up appointment this evening. One of the vets called me last night because he was consulting with the other vet, and the other vet thinks it's possible that Jacob could have gotten a parasite in his brain from mosquitoes while he was still out in the wild, and it may have caused scar tissue to build up in his brain over time. The mosquitoes have been insanely bad here since Hurricane Harvey hit us over a year ago now. We just don't know if his condition is from head trauma he sustained while still out in the wild or if it's this parasite thing or something else. They are going to start him on Prednisone tomorrow and do some other things. The vet also said since the Gabapentin seems to be helping, they may continue with the Gabapentin for a little while longer. I will see what else happens during the visit this evening.

09-25-2018, 09:16 AM
It sounds like Jacob is in competent hands. Please keep us updated on his vet visit.