View Full Version : Mazuri Rodent Diet for Wild Squirrels?

09-20-2018, 10:45 AM
Just a general question....I have alot of the mazuri rodent diet left over, is it ok to put it outside for the wild squirrels to eat? We have a family of momma and 4 babies living in the trees, id say about 12-14 weeks old, they live in the boxes we have placed in our trees. They come down to the feeder box we have for when we are rehabbing.

Just wanted to know if its ok to put some of this out there for them to nibble on?

Thank you!

09-20-2018, 10:50 AM
I am not an expert, but I wouldn't see why not? (anyone please correct me if I am wrong)
I would assume if you were feeding it to a rescue, we take their dietary needs a bit more cautiously than the wild ones, so if it is good enough for our rescues, than it should be good for the wilds. I know there are things that my wild ones will not eat/touch that my lil girl will (kale being one) From what I have seen, they will eat what they can get if they like it.

09-20-2018, 11:21 AM
I am not an expert, but I wouldn't see why not? (anyone please correct me if I am wrong)
I would assume if you were feeding it to a rescue, we take their dietary needs a bit more cautiously than the wild ones, so if it is good enough for our rescues, than it should be good for the wilds. I know there are things that my wild ones will not eat/touch that my lil girl will (kale being one) From what I have seen, they will eat what they can get if they like it.

Yes I agree. They seem to be well established with finding their own food, I just didnt want to "disrupt" that IF it would. I have enough that I could potentially put it out thru the winter if needed. Just want to do the right thing :grin2

09-20-2018, 11:33 AM
Perfectly ok as long as you can keep them dry.
I use them and Harlen in my (left open) release cages even after
my babies have been released and they do get eaten eventually.
Winter is perfect due to the lack of food out there, I like feeling
they at least have a source of healthy food available to them.

09-20-2018, 11:55 AM
Perfectly ok as long as you can keep them dry.
I use them and Harlen in my (left open) release cages even after
my babies have been released and they do get eaten eventually.
Winter is perfect due to the lack of food out there, I like feeling
they at least have a source of healthy food available to them.

Would it be a bad idea to put out veggies and such?? My husband was going to, and I thought that would interfere with them learning to find foods on their own too much, what is your opinion on that?

09-20-2018, 12:27 PM
Would it be a bad idea to put out veggies and such?? My husband was going to, and I thought that would interfere with them learning to find foods on their own too much, what is your opinion on that?

for the past 8+ years I have put out extra veggies, trimmings of veggies/friuts, sunflower seeds, ect for my wilds. They have their own little bench they go looking to see if I left anything out for them. Some of the fruits and veggies they wont touch, but they LOVE the fall when I have pumpkins!

*Ps. How do I get my upload right side up and not sideways?

09-20-2018, 12:28 PM
Block is a good option during the winter (late winter especially) when food is getting scarce.

Be careful about putting too much food near their tree/nestbox because that can attract predators like raccoons.

Try to just give 1-2 at first to see if they will actually eat them. They may not now when food is plentiful but midwinter is another story.

09-20-2018, 12:36 PM
for the past 8+ years I have put out extra veggies, trimmings of veggies/friuts, sunflower seeds, ect for my wilds. They have their own little bench they go looking to see if I left anything out for them. Some of the fruits and veggies they wont touch, but they LOVE the fall when I have pumpkins!

*Ps. How do I get my upload right side up and not sideways?

THANK YOU!! Hahaha love that kitty head.....!!! Is it a feeder?

09-20-2018, 12:37 PM
Block is a good option during the winter (late winter especially) when food is getting scarce.

Be careful about putting too much food near their tree/nestbox because that can attract predators like raccoons.

Try to just give 1-2 at first to see if they will actually eat them. They may not now when food is plentiful but midwinter is another story.

Yes they are already eating them, I put a couple handfuls out there each morning and they are gone the next day. Thanks!

09-20-2018, 12:38 PM
It is a feeder, the food goes in the nose area.

09-20-2018, 12:39 PM
It is a feeder, the food goes in the nose area.

LOVE IT!! I have to find one!

09-20-2018, 01:12 PM
LOVE IT!! I have to find one!

Amazon. They have a horse head and a unicorn head as well.

09-20-2018, 08:06 PM
You can definitely Italy feed your wilds anything you would feen an indoor squirrel. Whether they eat it is another story. I routinely put fresh coconut pieces, avocado chunks (minus the skin and pit), raw corn chunks and boo balls I make with ground rodent block mixed with baby food, out for my wilds. They all seem to eat it.