View Full Version : Weaning question
09-18-2018, 06:32 AM
Ashlie is about 6-7 weeks fox squirrel, weighing in at 193g. (Gaining about 10g a day) She has been a healthy eater, fox valley mixed with 1/4 esbilac, every 4-5 hours. Lately she has been only eating about 10cc's until shes "done" and goes running off to play and explore. I put Henry's blocks, the one with extra protein, and she nibbles at it but doesmt eat the whole thing (I break them up) I gave her a little piece of kale yesterday and she tasted/explored it but didnt finish it. Her appetite seems to be there as she is still all about the formula when its feeding time, but just not eating as much.
I guess my question is, when she starts eating more solids/blocks/veggies, and still taking formula, how much and how often do you feed?
Picture of lil Ashlie eating her first piece of Kale.
5% of her weight is 9.65 ml so she's eating the correct amount when she decides she's done. It sounds like she's perfectly on track.
09-18-2018, 11:46 AM
5% of her weight is 9.65 ml so she's eating the correct amount when she decides she's done. It sounds like she's perfectly on track.
Thank you. I was under the impression I still needed to be feeding 7%.
So as long as shes getting at least 5% I'm okay?
The table on how often to feed from shows age in weeks up to 6 weeks, every 5 hours (i do know that the amount is based on weight not the age)
So how often at 7 weeks if she is also eating solids?
When starting to introduce new veggies (one at a time) in addition to the blocks, how do I monitor how much she is eating and how much should I give, and how often?
09-18-2018, 12:27 PM
She needs to eat 5% - 7%, 4 - 5 times a day at this age. Do you know when she opened her eyes?
She is precious.
09-18-2018, 01:16 PM
She needs to eat 5% - 7%, 4 - 5 times a day at this age. Do you know when she opened her eyes?
She is precious.
She opened her eyes on Sunday 9/9. so 9 days ago. So I am assuming she still in her 6th going into 7th ish week .
They usually open their eyes at 5 weeks so she may be younger than you think, unless you've had her in your care for 6-7 weeks.
Remember, fox squirrels are much larger than grays so she will weigh more week by week than a gray.
09-18-2018, 02:07 PM
So wouldnt she be in her 6th week?
I didn't see the date. Yes, that would make her 6 weeks.
09-19-2018, 11:12 AM
So next week we will say she is 7 weeks. After that, at 8 weeks, how often does she need the formula?
According to the this table, it only gives up to 6 week feeding schedule. At 7 weeks should she be more Blocks and veggies and a few feedings of formula throughout the day?
I am giving her 1/2 henry block a day (shes still not really EATING it, more nibbling at it) and starting to introduce some veggies (kale, broccoli) also just nibbling. I did give her 2 little "nubs" off a raspberry ( i know, i know, get her to eat veggies first.... but I had some in my fridge and wanted to see if she would eat or just nibble at it...obviously she loved it)
09-19-2018, 12:00 PM
I’m feeding my 9 week olds 3 times a day. I just introduced kale, but they have had block in their cage for several weeks. They aren’t eating enough block or veggies to drop a feeding yet. We suggest you continue to offer formula as long as they will take it. When they stop taking it from the syringe I put it in a bowl. The squirrels I’ve had in the past also really like full fat vanilla yogurt in a bowl....but be’s really messy. :grin3
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