View Full Version : Owning a squirrel in Alabama

09-15-2018, 08:52 PM
Is there any legal way to own a squirrel in Alabama? :grouphug:grouphug

09-15-2018, 08:58 PM
No. Even rehabbers have problems keeping non-releasable squirrels in Alabama.
The State is very strict on 'release or euthanise'.
It is very hard and rare to get a permit to keep wildlife in Alabama.
But.. you could move to Florida, where it is legal.

09-19-2018, 06:51 PM
This is not really proper but I can tell you that they rarely enforce that law. Growing up we have had raccoons, armadillos, and even alligators. Sometimes animals are just not releasing but could live a long great life with their humans. It is horrible to euthanize for that reason alone.

01-19-2022, 08:40 PM
Is there any legal way to own a squirrel in Alabama? :grouphug:grouphug

01-20-2022, 07:23 AM
Legally, I don’t see any way to own a squirrel in Alabama. The law is pretty straightforward. Even rehabbers are suppose to euthanize any squirrel, or other mammal, that is unreleasable. The fine if caught is $500. The folks that choose to keep illegal animals need to be smart about it by never posting on social media or allowing anyone to see their animal. Strangers, neighbors, enemies and even angry ex-spouses have been known to call authorities.

You could move to a surrounding state like South Carolina, Tennessee or Florida where it is legal to have a squirrel.

I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but squirrels make lousy pets! There are exceptions where a squirrel has been rehabbed and doesn’t want to be released, but for the most part they all want a life in the trees….and they can be very adamant about it.It’s hard to believe this when they’re young and are dependent on us and love to be around us, but as they mature that love shifts to a love for the trees….and other squirrels.