View Full Version : Help baby gray squirrel

09-13-2018, 05:26 PM
Hey i need help knowing what to do for a baby gray squirrel he was in really bad shape wgen i got him he had fly eggs and was very dehydrated i have flowed a rehydration formula and he seem to be doing better i still have not seen any pee but lots of poop been try to make him go as weel by wipe his area but have not seen any pee he is almost 4 weeks from what i can tell and was very thin i have had him for 2 nights and 3 days now and he seem to have alot more energy.

09-13-2018, 05:39 PM
Hi and welcome. You want to buy a small animal Capstar tablet. They are sold over the counter and at vet's offices. We will help you dose it once you have it. It will kill the maggots and eggs.

You MUST buy a kitchen or postage gram scale to determine how much to feed and to dose meds.

You want to feed puppy esbilac formula. NO OTHER FORMULA FROM A STORE IS ACCEPTABLE. You can also buy fox valley 20/50 formula online.

You will be using a 1 ml syringe with nipple to feed baby. The link to the site for squirrel care sells these supplies.

He needs warmth, a non automatic shut off heating pad set on LOW and UNDER half of a plastic bin so he can crawl off and to a cooler side. Use non-looped cloth like t shirt, fleece, sheets, etc. for him to burrow into and stay warm in.

You are providing all of his nutrition so you have to get it right. He can't eat on his own yet.

Here's the link, check it out and come back (refresh your page often) with any other questions: https://www.henryspets.com/baby-squirrel-care/

09-13-2018, 05:41 PM
Where in Georgia are you?... I am north of Atlanta.
Most likely you are seeing brown poop... from the mother.
Do not go immediately to any formula, you want to do several feedings of ONLY water first and make sure he is hydrated.
No pee is a bad sign of hydration. He needs water, just water, until you at least see some pee.
Otherwise he will pull all of the water from his intestines and get blocked up, and not last long.

09-13-2018, 05:47 PM
Where in Georgia are you?... I am north of Atlanta.

We live in ellijay i have already done everthing above just want to make sure i am not missing anything i have raise a few other wildlife like opussem and raccoons but never a baby squirrel he came to me by a guy that knew we have took care of other wildlife he was very thin and could barely hold his head up any now he is walking kinda funny i am guess cause he is learning to walk and is holding his head up and taken formula i eid did not give hime any formula for the first 12 hours i had him cause he was really dehydrated.

09-13-2018, 05:52 PM
Oh and we did sugar water at first then just straight water the first night as much as i could get him to take.

09-13-2018, 05:54 PM
But you're feeding formula now? What kind? How much and how often?

Yes, they are very wobbly still. Mom wouldn't let them touch the ground or leave the nest at this age, so best to limit movement to his bin, especially until eyes are open.

09-13-2018, 05:56 PM
From your initial post is sounds like you have had him 2 days and have seen no pee...
You should be seeing a FLOOD after each feeding.
This sounds like he is still dehydrated... I would suggest cutting his formula mix at least to 1 part esbilac and 4 parts water until you see a flood of pee.
My 4 weeks old are dumping like two tablespoons every three hours.
He had to pee to get rid of toxins.
At this age I normally just use a finger, vibrating the top of my finger it quickly across his penis like tickling.
Normally they start flooding the area in less than 5 seconds.

His tummy should be white or pink.. watch out for any red.

09-13-2018, 05:58 PM
We are feedding esbilac formula that was what i was told to use by the zoo tech i talk to with heavy whipping cream and he is eat about 3 cc and he weighs 110 grams

09-13-2018, 06:02 PM
From your initial post is sounds like you have had him 2 days and have seen no pee...
You are stimulating him by rubbing his genitals after each feeding, right?
This sounds like he is still dehydrated... I would suggest cutting his formula mix at least to 1 part esbilac and 4 parts water until you see a flood of pee.
My 4 weeks old are dumping like two tablespoons every three hours.
He had to pee to get rid of toxins.
Yes i have had him for only 2 days going on are thrid day now i have not seen any pee when i am wipe him but i was use a damp rag to wipe like have done with the other babies i have care for is there something else i should do new to baby squirrel but could not turn him away

09-13-2018, 06:02 PM
I am in Cumming and have 5 that same age if you are looking to merge him into a set.
I am extremely worried that he is not peeing.

09-13-2018, 06:03 PM
Dont use a wet rag. He may be peeing and you are not seeing it.
Use a dry paper towel or your finger.
That way you can see if it gets wet.
If you can.. post some pictures of him so we can see his state.

09-13-2018, 06:03 PM
That's the right formula but he's being underfed, which may be contributing to his small pees. He should be getting at a minimum, 5% of his body weight every 4 hours so 110 g x .05 = 5.5 ml

Slowly increase at each feeding by half of an ml and watch his poops, sudden or quick increases in the amount you feed may cause loose stool. If that happens, hold steady where you are for a couple of feeding until normal poops then continue to increase. Work on getting him up to 5.5 ml's in the next day or so.

I like to us a slightly damp cotton ball, they flood it when they pee and you can see and feel it.

You can eliminate the heavy whipping cream, the formula contains all he needs, just get him to the correct volume.

09-13-2018, 06:07 PM
That's the right formula but he's being underfed, which may be contributing to his small pees. He should be getting at a minimum, 5% of his body weight every 4 hours so 110 g x .05 = 5.5 ml

Slowly increase at each feeding by half of an ml and watch his poops, sudden or quick increases in the amount you feed may cause loose stool. If that happens, hold steady where you are for a couple of feeding until normal poops then continue to increase. Work on getting him up to 5.5 ml's in the next day or so.

I like to us a slightly damp cotton ball, they flood it when they pee and you can see and feel it.
Well there one thing i did not know i have been feeding him every 2 to 3 hours like all the other little babies i have had so up his feeding and feed him every 4 hours and use a dry paper towel right to wipe him with to check for pee

09-13-2018, 06:09 PM
Considering you were feeding more often, it probably worked itself out. Once you get him on track, you can take a longer sleep break at night also. Can you post a photo?

09-13-2018, 06:17 PM

09-13-2018, 06:18 PM
Buy a kitchen scale, like at Walmart, that can read grams. You can get one for less than $10.
Divide his weight by 20... example: 140 grams / 20 = 7
This is how many 1 ml syringes he should be eating per feeding.
I normally feed this age every three hours.. but 4 should be okay.

09-13-2018, 06:19 PM
I love that white tail ! :crazy
He is gorgeous.
I think he is in his 5th week, and will open his eyes any day now.
He is about to go into a growth spurt.

09-13-2018, 06:21 PM
Buy a kitchen scale, like at Walmart, that can read grams. You can get one for less than $10.
Divide his weight by 20... example: 140 grams / 20 = 7
This is how many 1 ml syringes he should be eating per feeding.
I normally feed this age every three hours.. but 4 should be okay.

He's 110 g, 5.5 ml is 5%

I agree he looks very good. Keep up the great work. Jaravat makes a point, may be you should feed every 3.5 hours.

09-13-2018, 06:22 PM
Buy a kitchen scale, like at Walmart, that can read grams. You can get one for less than $10.
Divide his weight by 20... example: 140 grams / 20 = 7
This is how many 1 ml syringes he should be eating per feeding.
I normally feed this age every three hours.. but 4 should be okay.
I have a scale that how i knew his weight he weighs 110 grams i just feel really bad for him cause he was in a tree that had been cut down him mommy and the other 2 littles where dead when the guy found him and he said the tree was cut down 2 days before he found them.

09-13-2018, 06:23 PM
I have a scale that how i knew his weight he weighs 110 grams i just feel really bad for him cause he was in a tree that had been cut down him mommy and the other 2 littles where dead when the guy found him and he said the tree was cut down 2 days before he found them.

This is a very common story. I HATE when the electric company sends the tree trimmers through the neighborhood!

09-13-2018, 06:28 PM
This is a very common story. I HATE when the electric company sends the tree trimmers through the neighborhood!
I honestly did not think he would make it thru the night when i got him he was that bad off he would hardly move now he wants to move everywhere.

09-13-2018, 06:35 PM
He looks very good. I think once you try a paper towel you will find out he is actually dumping a ton of pee.
Continue with Esbilac with a 1 to 2 water as it directs.

09-13-2018, 06:36 PM
He looks very good. I think once you try a paper towel you will find out he is actually dumping a ton of pee.
Continue with Esbilac with a 1 to 2 water as it directs.

Ok thank you he is a gray squirrel right was not a 100%on what type but i think gray

09-13-2018, 06:39 PM
Yes, thats a gray.

09-13-2018, 08:13 PM
Yes, thats a gray.

We got pee nice and clear pee yay i am so happy it was not a whole lot but i am just glad to see that he pee:serene

09-13-2018, 08:15 PM
I honestly did not think he would make it thru the night when i got him he was that bad off he would hardly move now he wants to move everywhere.

We got pee yay:serene:serene

09-14-2018, 04:37 PM
Update weigh him today and he weighs 113.38 grams so he i gaining weight yay:bliss

09-16-2018, 12:44 PM
He is pee and pooping pretty good and is up to 120 grams his eyes are still shut but he seem to be really healthy so yay and he is up to eat 6 ml a feeding to
7 mls.:grin2 did find that it feels like he has some broken spots in his tail but other than that i think he is ok