View Full Version : 7 1/2 week old wont eat solids. Please Help!
08-09-2007, 06:46 PM
I have read alot of what to start feeding. He has a calcium block that he nibbles on and chewing blocks. I gave him cheerios, kale, apples, avacado and water. He likes none. He will start to nibble on them then stops, I have water in a water bottle and in a dish he doesnt like that either. All he wants is formula. He like to eat about 10-13 cc.s then he will stop. I tryed cutting him down a little and hand feeding him but he likes none. Please help me with Garth.:dono
How often are you feeding him?? Do you have an idea of how much he weights?
08-09-2007, 07:03 PM
I feed him every 5 hours and i have tryin to cut back seein if it will make him want to eat the solid foods. I am goin to try to weigh him tomarrow. but he doesnt look over feed or under feed.
08-09-2007, 07:07 PM
I have read alot of what to start feeding. He has a calcium block that he nibbles on and chewing blocks. I gave him cheerios, kale, apples, avacado and water. He likes none. He will start to nibble on them then stops, I have water in a water bottle and in a dish he doesnt like that either. All he wants is formula. He like to eat about 10-13 cc.s then he will stop. I tryed cutting him down a little and hand feeding him but he likes none. Please help me with Garth.:dono
Most rehabbers START introducing solid foods around 7-8 weeks, but Garth will still need formula for a few more weeks. Sometimes it takes a while for them to catch on to solid foods. Don't worry, a squirrel will self-wean when he's ready.
Are you planning on releasing him?
He may just not be hungry. I would try dropping to three feedings a day and plan to feed a bit more at each feeding. (up to 7% of his body weight in grams ) A favorite weaning food in my house is dried banana chips. Just watch his stool. As long as the stool is normal you are on the right track. Introduce new foods slowly so if there is a problem you will have a good idea what caused it. :)
If this doesn't work we'll put our thinking caps back on and see what other tricks we can come up with. :D
08-09-2007, 07:11 PM
ok thanks> I will keep everyone updated. I have done alot of research and do plan on keepin him. Thanks:thankyou
08-09-2007, 07:15 PM
See if you can check his teeth to see if there is a misalignment?
Sometimes squirrels will not want to chew who have this?
08-09-2007, 07:17 PM
the bottom teeth are fully in and the tops are 1/2 way in.. but they look good so far.
08-09-2007, 07:31 PM
One more thing: since you've been studying you probably already know this, but once Garth is weaned he will need to be under a Full-Spectrum Light every day to prevent Metabolic Bone Disease, which can be fatal to pet squirrels. Sounds like you're a great squirrel-mom. BTW, :Welcome to the board. We're all nuts here.
08-10-2007, 12:31 PM
One more thing: since you've been studying you probably already know this, but once Garth is weaned he will need to be under a Full-Spectrum Light every day to prevent Metabolic Bone Disease, which can be fatal to pet squirrels. Sounds like you're a great squirrel-mom. BTW, :Welcome to the board. We're all nuts here.
Thanks alot!! I am glad I found this site. You all are awesome.
Sammy in Canada
08-10-2007, 04:46 PM
when my baby squirrel stopped eating at 8 weeks, i tried baby food, it worked, he also loved sunflower seeds at that point, and green grapes with the skin off, he is 15 weeks now, he is so cute, i got him a squirrel house for outside, i just need to find it in my heart to let him out.
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