View Full Version : How many hours a day does a 7 week old grey squirrel sleep?
09-03-2018, 04:53 PM
Hi, I'm new to the forums. I rescued this squirrel 10 days ago and he's about 7 weeks old. No, I don't have a license. I'm worried about sleeping issues. Every question I have had so far, I've found the answer on the net except this. He's only awake for feedings then goes straight to sleep. Normal?
09-03-2018, 05:01 PM
Yes, that's normal. They sleep a lot. We call it a milk coma. :tilt
As long as the appetite is good, NO diarrhea and NO clicking when breathing, he is fine.
09-03-2018, 05:03 PM
What a relief! No, no clicking or diarrhea. Thank you so much for responding. I was really worried!
09-03-2018, 05:05 PM
At 7-8 weeks you will start seeing more activity. Sometimes they wake up to eat. When you go in, they might be waiting for you. :grin2 They will also start playing with stuffies. A singleton has no one to play with so they sleep. A group will play with each other.
09-03-2018, 05:09 PM
Yes, I feel bad that he doesn't have anyone to play with, but that is out of my control. So, I should give him a little stuffed animal? I guess that's what you mean by a stuffie.
09-03-2018, 05:16 PM
Yes, a small stuffed animal... make certain there are no buttons, beans, strings, etc.
09-03-2018, 05:18 PM
Yes, I feel bad that he doesn't have anyone to play with, but that is out of my control. So, I should give him a little stuffed animal? I guess that's what you mean by a stuffie.
Yes, they love to play with small stuffed animals. When will wrestle and roll with them. It's the cutest thing you ever saw. :grin2
09-03-2018, 05:25 PM
That sounds adorable! My other biggest fear is eventually releasing him into my backyard. I'm terrified that he won't acclimate properly. I don't want to keep him as a pet!!
09-03-2018, 05:28 PM
That sounds adorable! My other biggest fear is eventually releasing him into my backyard. I'm terrified that he won't acclimate properly. I don't want to keep him as a pet!!
Not to worry, it is extremely rare for them to NOT want to go to the trees. They are hard wired to have wild instincts. At a certain point, the instincts kick in and they want to go be wild. Even the sweetest baby will wild up. :tilt
09-03-2018, 05:46 PM
Good to know! The one thing though, I'll constantly will be looking for him everytime I go outside. And if and when I no longer see him, I'll freak. Oh well.
09-03-2018, 08:13 PM
Yes, you will. We've all been there. By the way, males are more likely to relocate to establish a territory SO....
I have a 5 years old released female that I still see. She has a notch in her ear and she still gets on my shoulder. Sometimes I don't see her for months and she just shows back up. I also have a 2 year old female release that visits me regularly. I saw her today. She sat on my shoulder and ate nuts. She will disappear for weeks but she always comes back. I have NO males that have stayed.
09-03-2018, 08:25 PM
Males relocate, oh no! I don't know if I can handle this.
09-03-2018, 11:48 PM
Males are more inclined to relocate, but I had two boys that I released when they were older, about 7-8 months old, and they stayed in my yard in a nest box for more than 2 years. It’s just been recently that they stopped coming around. I’m hopeful that when the seasons change they might return to the comfort of their nest box.
09-04-2018, 06:03 AM
Interesting! Can I ask why they were released at that age? Were they injured? Also, the nest box, did you put it in a tree? I still have to learn about the releasing process. So much to learn! I never planned on raising him, but not one licensed wildlife rehabilitator called me back, so I needed to do this.
09-05-2018, 01:18 AM
Yes you put the nest box up in the tree. Make sure if you do use one, that it has the predator protection, I've not bought any so I'm not sure where to get them, but I'm sure others will give you a link.
You're hooked, once you do one, others will come along :).
Releasing them is exciting and sad at the same time, but it makes them so happy when they get to run up in the trees. I release mine from my house via a doggy door window thingy. But if I have a Singleton, I will take him/her outside and stand under a tree while they explore. Usually the first time lasts about 20 minutes and then they want to come back inside. Over the course of a few days the time in the trees lasts longer and longer. I also start leaving the tree and coming back later. When I bring them inside, I make them use the doggy door, so they learn where to come home if they want.
I've had guys stay around for a while especially when they are a singleton. Don't look forward to the release with dread, just enjoy each day you have with him.
09-05-2018, 06:33 PM
Here's some pictures when I first got him. He's bigger now. I do dread the day I release him. Oddly, yesterday someone texted my daughter yesterday saying they had a baby squirrel and could we help. I asked her if she posted our squirrel on social media and she said no. So, I ended up with another last nights! Sadly, he passed away during the night which I knew he would. If he survived, I was going to bring him to a wildlife center.
09-05-2018, 06:42 PM
Precious :grin2
Good thinking regarding social media. You never want to post about a squirrel in your possession on social media. It is illegal to have one in most states if you aren't a licensed rehabber. :thumbsup
09-05-2018, 06:54 PM
Yes, I'm very well aware of the fact that I am not licensed. When I first got him, I called many many rehabilators and no one called me back. Then I called a wildlife center but they wouldn't take him cause I'm not in their county. They gave me a number to apply for a license. I called that number and the guy who gives out applications had a melt down cause I wasn't licensed. I told him, in our county, there's no one or place to help! After his rant, I told him that I will just put the little baby back outside to die. Now, I won't be breaking the law. He didn't like that either, geez. So, now my punishment is he won't send me the info to get a license. Good Lord.
09-05-2018, 07:31 PM
Isn't that just ridiculous! :shakehead
You try so hard to do the right thing and the 'system' works against you.
Not to worry... most of us are not licensed either. Just like you, we found a baby and wouldn't let it die.
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