View Full Version : Feeding by Age

08-27-2018, 08:21 PM
I may have missed this, but is there a concise schedule of when to start introducing what foods at what age? Mouse is almost 7 weeks old, and I've introduced Henrys squirrel blocks, and then formula. Should I be introducing veggies and nuts and the whole nine yards as well? Or wait for a few weeks?

He also seems to not want to eat as often.. For instance I tried to feed him this morning at 5am, he was too tired I think, then he ate his fill at 7am. Then when I tried again 1130am, he was not too interested. (even after 4.5hours!) I continued to try to feed him until about 12:15, but he just didn't want much. Fed him at 5 and he ate normal amount (about 13-15ccs). This has been going on since late last week-Normal? What is the amount of time between feedings at this point? It was 2, then 3 then 4, now it seems like he doesn't want to eat until almost 5 hours between feedings! He has grown a ton, but wow-5 hours? (new mom! )

Ok sorry to fire a bunch of questions out, but he just seems like he's changing so fast, so I want to make sure all is within "normal" ranges, and that I keep up properly with what I should be offering him, and how much.

Thanks a MILLION!

08-27-2018, 08:45 PM
I usually begin introducing block at just over 5 weeks. After about a week they have moved from simply shredding it to eating some and then I introduce veggies.

AT 7 weeks formula feeding should only be about 3 times a day, but that assumes they are eating veggies by then. So by all means, bring on the veggies! :thumbsup