View Full Version : Black Squirrel

08-26-2018, 07:40 AM
I have a baby Black Squirrel. Our cat brought him to the house about a week ago unharmed. He has been eating the formula just fine until this morning and he refused it. He's about three weeks old. Did the pinch test for dehydration and it looks okay. He was sucking and eating just fine last night. No clicking in the chest either. Any ideas. I'm worried.

08-26-2018, 07:59 AM
What formula are you using?

Try heating the formula warmer than you have - warmer than you would think it would need to be. Some babies just want it warm.

Keep all formula powder in the refrigerator or freezer. The best way is to mix up enough formula for the day and refrigerate it. Before each feeding stir well and then take out enough for just the one feeding, and heat THAT, leaving the rest in the fridge. Discard any not eaten. Don't reheat unused formula.

08-27-2018, 05:07 PM
I'm feeding him the Esbilac Puppy Replacer every three hours. He is still quite thin but today he is once again eating. I gave him the water, salt , suger...water...in place of the formula a couple of times today. He doesn't like it very much but took some. He moves around a lot while feeding and grips my hand with his which feel quite strong. I will warm the milk more. He is still pooping and peeing. Poop is kind of yellow and firm. Pees quite a lot and it is clear. Thank you for your reply. I think I will feel better when I get him to the point when his eyes open. By the pic I've seen I think he is about 3 weeks or so?

island rehabber
08-27-2018, 05:25 PM
Every three hours is probably too often at this point. Stretch him out to 3.5, then 4 hours over the next day and see if his appetite improves.

08-27-2018, 05:28 PM
Just a reminder, if you want to add hydration, add additional hydration in between feedings but keep feeding on schedule. The only time we replace hydration and stop feeding is if baby is constipated/bloated and unable to move solids through the bowels or severe dehydration but usually mild dehydration can be corrected by adding hydration to your formula feeding routine. The upside is that you don't have to withhold nutrition while you correct the dehydration, especially if you have an already thin baby.

08-27-2018, 09:23 PM
Okay. Will try every 4 tonight.

08-29-2018, 08:37 AM
Baby hasn't pooped the last three feedings. Pee is still okay. I haven't changed anything besides the feeding times. Stimulating him as before also.

08-29-2018, 08:47 AM
Did you stop giving between feeding extra hydration? If so, add water in between feedings and see if that helps things to move. I add a few drops of the formula to the water to get them to take it easier.

Is the belly soft and flat or large or firm? Do you think baby is constipated?

08-29-2018, 11:41 AM
Belly is soft and flat. Did the pinch test to check his hydration and looks good. I had backed off on the water, only giving it twice a day. Will go back to giving it between each feeding. If he is constipated what can I do? Should I add more water to the formula? I am doing 1 powder to 2 water.

08-29-2018, 12:17 PM
Just add hydration in between meals, don't dilute the formula. If you do, you'll be diluting the nutrition he is receiving. Keep an eye on his tummy and remember to pee him every time you give hydration too. Keep us posted.

Also, you're feeding based on weight? To be sure he's getting enough to make poops? They don't go every single time but you know your baby and his schedule so you know when things are off.

08-29-2018, 02:45 PM
You can also try dipping him in warm water up to his armpits and gently massage his belly with downward strokes. Don’t let him get chilled and dry thoroughly.

A little mineral oil massaged around the rectum might also help.

08-30-2018, 03:24 PM
Thanks for the reply. He is doing good today. Pooped this morning and afternoon. I didn't dilute the formula, just gave him water in between. I am feeding him according to weight. This site helped me figure that out early on. Stimulating him after each feeding and he is peeing fine. Still clear. Again....thanks for your input. Helped me a lot.

island rehabber
08-30-2018, 04:00 PM
Great news!

09-06-2018, 01:28 AM
Baby is doing great. What is the best block to start her on? And other foods.....

island rehabber
09-06-2018, 06:34 AM
Baby is doing great. What is the best block to start her on? And other foods.....

I like to start them on the Teklad 2016 blocks as soon as their eyes open....at 8 weeks old, you can get her on HHB's: henry's Healthy Blocks, which are a SUPPLEMENT that you only feed twice per day (one block). They provide nearly all the vitamins, minerals and CALCIUM that she needs, so everything else is gravy. Once she is eating her blocks well, you can introduce one item from the Healthy Diet list at a time:


10-23-2018, 05:36 PM
My baby black squirrel is about 10 weeks old and has diarrhea today. Took all the food away and gave blocks only since this morning. Drinks water from a water bottle in her cage. No problem there. She drank a little formula this evening but the diarrhea isn't any better. She seems to feel better now. I haven't changed her food but she doesn't really want anything but the blocks anyway. She is backing off the formula too. Only wants it once in a while now. She looks really good. Hair is think and has a nice shine. Not too fat or too thin. Very active until today. Any meds I can give her?

island rehabber
10-23-2018, 09:40 PM
You can give her a little drop of Kaopectate to stop the diarrhea long enough for her body to re-hydrate itself. Diarrhea causes dehydration, and you don't want her to go down that slippery slope. Offer her as much fluid as she'll take right now -- even water with a drop of honey or applejuice will work. What did she have in her diet that was new that may have caused this?

10-30-2018, 03:15 PM
My baby got better. Visitors were feeding her before I could stop them. Gave her fresh corn. I think that's what did it. She was fine the next day eating only Henry's blocks. I have a bigger issue now. I'm so upset. Baby got out of her enclosure last night. I put her food on top of the box and she was there this morning at dawn eating it. Bounce out before I could get to the door. She was up in the trees (I live way out in the country) this morning but haven't seen her all day now. Will she come back or is she doomed? She knows her nest box but will she remember where it is if she travels a distance away. I so worried.

10-30-2018, 03:38 PM
Is this baby about 11 weeks now? Is she kept outside?

Let us know where her enclosure is in relation to where she escaped, what's the setup?

10-30-2018, 03:39 PM
What kind of visitors?
Is her cage outside?
Also, as it MAY be a moot point now, in the event she does come back, you stated she was eating ONLY Henry Blocks for period of time? They should only get no more than 2-3 a day. THey are very rich in vitamins. The henrys are meant as a supliment not main diet.

10-30-2018, 04:09 PM
Visitors were just my sister and sister in-law. She only ate the blocks only when she was sick. I give a wide selection of veggies and some fruit everyday. She doesn't want the milk much anymore. Refuses it most times and only about 5cc at other times. She is use to the outside. I moved her out when she got the bigger cage a couple of weeks ago. The weather was good and she seemed to thrive in the fresh air and sunshine. Her cage and nest box are in the yard with the door open and food and water waiting for her. She is very healthy looking but still so small compared to the other squirrels the come around. I'm going out to look for her again right now. Keeping my fingers crossed. Worried.. P.S. We grow corn so that's why she was feed that by my sister.

10-30-2018, 04:15 PM
I would just be worried with the cage out side that a preditor could have gotten to her.
How did she get out during the night?

10-30-2018, 04:51 PM
If she isn't home by tonight, close the cage door and open her portal. Predators will be attracted to the food and enter the cage otherwise. You can put a wooden nest box on top of the cage so if she comes home she has a place to sleep if she can't find the portal (tiny squirrel sized hole your cage should have).

10-30-2018, 05:32 PM
Just came back in. Almost gave up...and there she was. Went into her box. So happy. Wasn't going to be a good night for me if she hadn't. Thank you for your reply.