View Full Version : 4 babies but only 1 with diarrhea

08-26-2018, 07:17 AM
I have 4 eastern grays, amd all have been eating and pottying regularly but only one has gotten diarrea, all eating the same formula so anyone have any ideas what's going on?

feeding them Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacment

08-26-2018, 07:20 AM
Hi there, welcome. Go to the main forum page and click on non emergency help needed, once there click on New Post and start a new thread of your own. This is an older thread and regarding another rehab.

08-26-2018, 07:21 AM
Tator, start a new thread so it will get attention.

What Esbilac are you feeding? Powdered or liquid?

08-26-2018, 07:24 AM
Tator, start a new thread so it will get attention.

What Esbilac are you feeding? Powdered or liquid?

the Mill was closed and Travtor Supply was out of the powdered so I unfortunately have the liquid.

08-26-2018, 07:27 AM
I have been feeding them all the same formula, the Esbilac Liquid because the stores around me were out of the powered formula.

Any ideas on what to do to help my little fella?

Thanks in advance; help is very much appreciated!!!

08-26-2018, 07:27 AM
Start your own thread by going back to the home page and clicking on new thread under non-life threatening and we will help you figure it out. A new thread will let lots of eyes see it.

08-26-2018, 07:28 AM
Start your own thread by going back to the home page and clicking on new thread under non-life threatening and we will help you figure it out. A new thread will let lots of eyes see it.

just made one, thank you!

08-26-2018, 07:30 AM
Yes, stop feeding liquid Esbilac and buy the powdered Esbilac immediately.

The liquid is bad and has really hurt babies.

Offer some pedialyte in between feedings to replace lost electrolytes, and get the correct stuff asap. Don't give him anymore of the liquid esbilac.

08-26-2018, 07:31 AM
Yes, stop feeding liquid Esbilac and buy the powdered Esbilac immediately.

The liquid is bad and has really hurt babies.

Offer some pedialyte in between feedings to replace lost electrolytes, and get the correct stuff asap. Don't give him anymore of the liquid esbilac.

okay I have Pedialyte, how much should I offer them in between the feedings, I don't want it to bloat them.

08-26-2018, 07:34 AM
First, :Welcome

Second, you have to get the powdered Esbilac. Pet Supermarket and Petco carry it, and sometimes WalMart. Do you have either of these stores around? It’s just a matter of time before all your guys will have diarrhea. That’s what the liquid formula does to them.

If you can’t get the powdered Esbilac today you will need to get them on a homemade goatsmilk formula. Just a second and I’ll give you the recipe.

Offer water sweetened with a touch of honey.

08-26-2018, 07:36 AM
Offer no more pedialyte than they would have if it was formula. It’s based on their weight and you should keep it at 5% of their weight.

08-26-2018, 07:38 AM
Offer no more pedialyte than they would have if it was formula. It’s based on their weight and you should keep it at 5% of their weight.

so should they get an extra feeding, or trade the feeding of fornuka for the pedialyte?

08-26-2018, 07:44 AM
The pedialyte has sodium chloride in it (salt) and is lost when vomiting or diarrhea occurs.

You'll get the correct formula (or goat milk/cream/yogurt recipe) and feed at normal intervals and the baby with diarrhea will get an extra feeding of just pedialyte in between those to replace lost fluid and electrolytes due to diarrhea.

Pedialyte won't bloat a baby. It is just a hydration solution. And don't forget, never mix pedialyte into the powder Esbilac when making the formula. Only use water when making the formula.

08-26-2018, 07:48 AM
The pedialyte has sodium chloride in it (salt) and is lost when vomiting or diarrhea occurs.

You'll get the correct formula (or goat milk/cream/yogurt recipe) and feed at normal intervals and the baby with diarrhea will get an extra feeding of just pedialyte in between those to replace lost fluid and electrolytes due to diarrhea.

Pedialyte won't bloat a baby. It is just a hydration solution. And don't forget, never mix pedialyte into the powder Esbilac when making the formula. Only use water when making the formula.

oh great, thank you for the help! as soon as my local Mill opens up I will get them the correct formula.

08-26-2018, 07:51 AM
The goats milk formula is: 3 parts goats milk, 1 part heavy whipping cream, 1 part full fat yogurt (vanilla is well liked)

The goats milk can be found at the grocery store it will either be powdered, liquid concentrate or fresh in the refrigerated section. The powdered and liquid concentrate have to be mixed with water per the instructions on the package.

This is a temporary solution formula until you can get the Esbilac. You can order Esbilac online and it’s significantly cheaper.

Do you have a gram scale? You must have one to weigh the babies as the amount to feed is based on their weight. The general rule is feed 5-7% of their weight at each feeding. Example: squirrel weight 25gr. X 5%=1.25ml of formula at each feeding. 25gr x 7%= 1.75ml. So a 25 gr. Baby should get between 1.25-1.75ml of formula at each feeding.

08-26-2018, 07:54 AM
The goats milk formula is: 3 parts goats milk, 1 part heavy whipping cream, 1 part full fat yogurt (vanilla is well liked)

The goats milk can be found at the grocery store it will either be powdered, liquid concentrate or fresh in the refrigerated section. The powdered and liquid concentrate have to be mixed with water per the instructions on the package.

This is a temporary solution formula until you can get the Esbilac. You can order Esbilac online and it’s significantly cheaper.

Unfortunately they got their first feeding already this morning, and so I will be on the way to the store to get the esbilac, and have that ready for their next feeding.

08-26-2018, 08:13 AM
You want to let that powder sit in the fridge for a few hours before using so push their feeding back a bit if needed. Use super hot water to make it, mix it very well and I think I read you can let it sit 2 hour minimum before feeding. The reason is to let it continue to fully dissolve .

08-26-2018, 08:15 AM
Yes, I second what Mel said. You must have a scale to determine how much to feed, dose meds if needed and monitor health of baby. The one with diarrhea especially.

You can get one at walmart in the kitchen section. A gram scale.

08-26-2018, 08:16 AM
Yes, I second what Mel said. You must have a scale to determine how much to feed, dose meds if needed and monitor health of baby. The one with diarrhea especially.

You can get one at walmart in the kitchen section. A gram scale.

Thank you for all your info!

08-26-2018, 09:04 AM
You want to let that powder sit in the fridge for a few hours before using so push their feeding back a bit if needed. Use super hot water to make it, mix it very well and I think I read you can let it sit 2 hour minimum before feeding. The reason is to let it continue to fully dissolve .

Tator it will help the babies to get liquid Esbilac out of their systems by just giving pedialyte or any hydration fluid at their next formula feeding. No formula. Then the feeding after that mix your Esbilac 2 parts water/1 part powder. This is the correct way to mix this. But since you are transitioning to a 'new' formula, you want to do it slowly. So mix the 2:1 formula again with equal amt of water. For instance, if the four of them are eating a total of 16 ccs per feeding, draw up 16 ccs of water and add it to 16 ccs of 2:1 Esbilac. You want to dilute the formula so their tummys don't get upset. Do this for two feedings in the amount that they need for their size. After those two feedings, mix the 2;1 Esbilac formula and dilute with 1/4 water. Again, using the example above, if you are feeding 16 ccs add 8 ccs of water. Feed for two feedings. Feed full strength 2:1 Esbilac after that.

Please do not get anything else other than Esbilac powder. Another puppy milk replacer is not the same and your babies will not thrive on it.

How old are your babies?. What do they weigh? We would love a picture of them. That would help us tremendously to help you with them. Are these your first babies? 4 at one time is tough. Good on you!:grouphug

08-26-2018, 10:34 AM
Tator it will help the babies to get liquid Esbilac out of their systems by just giving pedialyte or any hydration fluid at their next formula feeding. No formula. Then the feeding after that mix your Esbilac 2 parts water/1 part powder. This is the correct way to mix this. But since you are transitioning to a 'new' formula, you want to do it slowly. So mix the 2:1 formula again with equal amt of water. For instance, if the four of them are eating a total of 16 ccs per feeding, draw up 16 ccs of water and add it to 16 ccs of 2:1 Esbilac. You want to dilute the formula so their tummys don't get upset. Do this for two feedings in the amount that they need for their size. After those two feedings, mix the 2;1 Esbilac formula and dilute with 1/4 water. Again, using the example above, if you are feeding 16 ccs add 8 ccs of water. Feed for two feedings. Feed full strength 2:1 Esbilac after that.

Please do not get anything else other than Esbilac powder. Another puppy milk replacer is not the same and your babies will not thrive on it.

How old are your babies?. What do they weigh? We would love a picture of them. That would help us tremendously to help you with them. Are these your first babies? 4 at one time is tough. Good on you!:grouphug

eyes aren't yet open, but I have raised 1 squirrel my first time, and 3 squirrels successfully my second time, but my schedule has changed and now I am no longer there during the day so I have found a rehabber to take them. I want to make sure they are on the right Esbilac before handing them over later today.

08-26-2018, 10:35 AM
eyes aren't yet open, but I have raised 1 squirrel my first time, and 3 squirrels successfully my second time, but my schedule has changed and now I am no longer there during the day so I have found a rehabber to take them. I want to make sure they are on the right Esbilac before handing them over later today.

I have redone the bedding to a fleese blanket so their little,nails,no longer get caught,

08-26-2018, 10:46 AM
That's responsible of you, finding someone who can spend the time they need with them.

When are you handing them off? They look pretty great, you've done a good job.

I see the heating pad cord is in the box, take it out and place it under half the box.

I have personally seen the damage from a baby animal laying against a heating pad, sometimes they don't move away from it like you think they would. It can be really devastating.

08-26-2018, 11:46 AM
That's responsible of you, finding someone who can spend the time they need with them.

When are you handing them off? They look pretty great, you've done a good job.

I see the heating pad cord is in the box, take it out and place it under half the box.

I have personally seen the damage from a baby animal laying against a heating pad, sometimes they don't move away from it like you think they would. It can be really devastating.

thank you! I will do and heading that way now.