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08-19-2018, 11:17 AM
Her ph averages to normal now based on only 2 readings a day (that's all I can get since she usually goes potty in her dig boxes). She will not eat the huckleberries or yogurt. She refuses to eat the regular Henry blocks and mostly refuses the picky blocks (after weighing it's less than one a day) if I give her any other food the day before. She doesn't like them crumbled in boo balls either. She won't even nibble on the other rat blocks and never has. Any ideas on a different recipe? Or different vitamins? The cooked oatmeal did the trick for her ph. I'm literally at a loss and about to order nut squares from him who shall not be named because she did eat them without problem the one time I ordered them out of frustration. Thank you!

Diggie's Friend
08-20-2018, 01:10 AM
I understand where you're coming from. If you have written me about this prior please forgive me for not remembering the specifics.

Please remind me, have you tried placing a drop of the Foods Alive organic Chia oil on the block to entice your squirrel to eat them?

Is your squirrel presently being fed, and eating boiled peas, baked squash, boiled greens and vegetables, and fresh fruits?

If so you should for now consider using the Vitamin and mineral mix from Henry's to add to your Boo ball type recipe.

As for a recipe other than the one that uses yogurt as the base, I haven't as yet done a full work up for one for a whole foods diet.

Researching a diet and recipes that work with it takes more time to do than creative recipes in order to confirm that the diet that includes them continues to offer optimum nutritional support.

You could give the yogurt another try, yet this time combine the following with 1/2 Tsp. Yogurt for each feeding (AM & PM)

((1/8) Organic (naturally sweetened) applesauce

(1/64 Tsp.) Foods Alive Chia oil (organic food grade)

1/64 Tsp. Organic coconut oil

1/8 Tsp. Ground nuts: pecan, or English walnuts

(1/2 Tsp.) organic low-fat yogurt

If your squirrel refuses to eat anything save for nuts, that would be another issue of course.

In that case it could be that your squirrel is low in B vitamins. I can recommend a source if you would like to try to get it into your squirrel without yogurt.

I hope that helps.

09-23-2018, 10:29 AM
I understand where you're coming from. If you have written me about this prior please forgive me for not remembering the specifics.

Please remind me, have you tried placing a drop of the Foods Alive organic Chia oil on the block to entice your squirrel to eat them?

Is your squirrel presently being fed, and eating boiled peas, baked squash, boiled greens and vegetables, and fresh fruits?

If so you should for now consider using the Vitamin and mineral mix from Henry's to add to your Boo ball type recipe.

As for a recipe other than the one that uses yogurt as the base, I haven't as yet done a full work up for one for a whole foods diet.

Researching a diet and recipes that work with it takes more time to do than creative recipes in order to confirm that the diet that includes them continues to offer optimum nutritional support.

You could give the yogurt another try, yet this time combine the following with 1/2 Tsp. Yogurt for each feeding (AM & PM)

((1/8) Organic (naturally sweetened) applesauce

(1/64 Tsp.) Foods Alive Chia oil (organic food grade)

1/64 Tsp. Organic coconut oil

1/8 Tsp. Ground nuts: pecan, or English walnuts

(1/2 Tsp.) organic low-fat yogurt

If your squirrel refuses to eat anything save for nuts, that would be another issue of course.

In that case it could be that your squirrel is low in B vitamins. I can recommend a source if you would like to try to get it into your squirrel without yogurt.

I hope that helps.

She refuses anything with yogurt so I would definitely like a different source. Also, in reply to your pm (yours is full again lol).....

She weighs 517 g and her body is roughly 10.5 inches long when stretched laying flat. I have the frontiers calcium and just ordered the magnesium. Should I quit supplementing with Henry's vitamins mixed in protein powder and oats? She eats the equivalent of 1 henry block a day (made with oats). If it's not necessary, should I supplement with other vitamins as well? I started her some sprouts today, so her diet will consist of sprouts, a little fruit, a mealworm or 2 when I have them and her protein powder/oat boo ball, sugar snap peas, her milk thistle, probiotics (mixed in her boo ball), chia oil (when she will take it), pumpkin seed oil, pycnogenol, cranberry juice, chantrell mushroom powder and a nut (everything organic). I appreciate your help!

Diggie's Friend
09-23-2018, 01:27 PM
Does she eat the baked squash, I can't recall if you posted on that or not? What other foods does she eat?

Does she eat boiled veggies; they provide calcium when boiled, and are more appetizing it appears, at least they are with the gray on my diet loves these!

The reason I ask is that without the yogurt the minerals need to be included with another food.

With my diet yogurt is a base into which the minerals and other nutrients are included. Short of using my diet, which isn't possible due to your squirrel not accepting the yogurt, I don't have time to calculate totals for other diets which requires an in depth work up. I can though work off what has been confirmed in my research diet to lend support to a balanced diet.

If your girl eats baked squash it may work ok, still I will only be able to do an approximation ofr the amounts as I shared before, at least the ratio will fall in the healthy range, which should lend support your girl's nutritional needs. I will send you the measures by PM for Calcium and magnesium citrate, yet I will need to know the amount of the Henry's vita mix you are presently including first, so please PM me with that.

10-11-2018, 04:33 PM
Does she eat the baked squash, I can't recall if you posted on that or not? What other foods does she eat?

Does she eat boiled veggies; they provide calcium when boiled, and are more appetizing it appears, at least they are with the gray on my diet loves these!

The reason I ask is that without the yogurt the minerals need to be included with another food.

With my diet yogurt is a base into which the minerals and other nutrients are included. Short of using my diet, which isn't possible due to your squirrel not accepting the yogurt, I don't have time to calculate totals for other diets which requires an in depth work up. I can though work off what has been confirmed in my research diet to lend support to a balanced diet.

If your girl eats baked squash it may work ok, still I will only be able to do an approximation ofr the amounts as I shared before, at least the ratio will fall in the healthy range, which should lend support your girl's nutritional needs. I will send you the measures by PM for Calcium and magnesium citrate, yet I will need to know the amount of the Henry's vita mix you are presently including first, so please PM me with that.

I'm so sorry this is so long!

Rose’s Diet (plus 30 min to an hour of first morning sun or 3:30 pm sun, PH averages 6.5-7.5 right now-was lower, before Henry Vitamin increase, averaging 6-7 PH):
½ tsp organic pecans or yogurt soaked and oven dried walnuts
¼ tsp total of fruit (rotating different fruits) daily-sometimes an additional piece of tiny organic tangelo (and soon to be kumquat!) since she seems to crave these the most
¼ tsp total differing sprouts/vegetables a day
1/8 tsp oats (in addition to what is in her boo ball- it seems to keep her lower on the PH scale)
Whatever grass roots/tree/flower buds/weeds she happens to be interested in that day
2 tiny mealworms (she will be getting bigger mealworms as they grow…is this ok? Or just skip them?)
3 drops unsweetened organic cranberry juice
A drop of Pycnogenol
Milk thistle away from food
In her boo ball:
Note: I was using 1/8 tsp Henry Vitamins and upped it to ¼ tsp, which is the recommended dose. Within a few days, she started having crystals in her urine. The exact same thing happened when she was only eating 1 Henry Block and I started to worry it wasn’t enough (she refuses all other block), so I started giving her the other daily recommend amount of 1/8 tsp mashed in a vegetable. I have since lowered to 1/8 tsp daily and I am mixing her 3 drops of cranberry juice in a ¼ tsp of dandelion tea. I am considering adding zeolite to her boo ball mixture after more research on my part to aid in kidney health and possible anti-tumor properties.
1/8 tsp Henry Vitamins
1/8 tsp unsweetened organic apple sauce
½ tsp organic yogurt
½ tsp cooked organic acorn squash
1 tsp cooked organic green peas
1.6 g recommended oats
2.6 g Henry protein powder
1 drop organic coconut oil
2 drops recommended organic pumpkin seed oil
3-4 drops recommended chia oil

So, the obvious problem for Rose’s particular situation seems to be the increase in Henry Vitamins. What nutritional information from her boo ball ingredients do I need to supply to figure the additional calcium and magnesium citrate? The non-obvious problem is she is still starving after eating every bite of above. Haha What else can I feed her? Thank you for your help!

Diggie's Friend
10-12-2018, 09:55 PM
Increase the measures of both the squash and the peas.

Boiled Green Peas at 2 Tsp. and Squash at 1 1/2 Tsp. fed daily split AM & PM.

Watch the weight to make sure it doesn't go up too high.

The measure for the old fashioned plain oats, no sugar added, cooked measure is 1/4 Tsp.

What does MTS away from food mean?

MTS liquid is added every other day to the yogurt, or kefir.

2 drops from an ml syringe for PYC

1 drop from an ml syringe every other day for MTS

If the urine was tested after it cooled there will be crystals in the urine, for as it cools the bacteria increase elevate the urine pH as a direct result.

If the urine tested prior to cooling was found to have crystals that would be a concern.

In my diet the urine has been tested only when it is freshly deposited, centrifuged and then examined under a 400X compound microscope. Under these conditions if either oxalate or calcium phosphate crystals (seen in alkaline urine), then that is a matter of adjusting the diet pH by increasing or reduces specific foods by measure, or eliminating higher oxalic acid level foods. With a lower oxalate diet, and a mean urine pH below 7.0 , there shouldn't be crystals save the calcium intake or the protein intake is too high.

Diggie's Friend
10-12-2018, 10:26 PM
Sorry I ran out of time didn't complete the last line.

With a lower oxalate diet, and a mean urine pH below 7.0 , there shouldn't be crystals save the calcium intake or the protein intake is too high. If the mean urine pH is above 7.0, then bladder crystals are produced in the form of Calcium phosphate, that may be seen in the urine itself.

That said, I cannot ensure by using HHB block or vitamin mineral mix, or even some of the foods noted to feed with it (grasses, other wild sources generally alkaline in pH) that are not included in my diet, that crystals won't form in the urine.

I can only then speak for my own diet, that doesn't add block or calcium carbonate as a supplement, that has not been found to promote urinary calculi in the urine. Combining HHB diet with other diets has been known to in some cases result in imbalances.

Diggie's Friend
10-13-2018, 04:17 AM
It appears that by adding the wild sources you posted here, which includes the mineral vitamin mix, that has a higher Ca:P ratio than that of the HHB block, it has caused a significant change in the mean urine pH alkaline range. It may also be that the protein is too high for your size of squirrel, which if it is, is known to promote calcium and phosphorus loss in the form of Calcium phosphate stones. Animal protein also is known to cause calcium loss into the urine, thus lending to a higher pH and some forms of urinary calculi (crystals).

I can assure you that the foods I have recommended are healthy sources in healthy portions to include as part of the whole foods portion for any diet; yet even these foods cannot make up for the loss of the block by including these elements of the HHB diet. For without it there are key components that are needed to support a balanced diet that are missing. It would be better to go with another block diet than to try to make a new diet from the pieces of the HHB diet, that weren't intended to be used without the block itself.