View Full Version : Pinkie needs to gain weight
08-18-2018, 02:07 PM
First of all, thanks to everyone for this forum. So helpful! I have rescued several squirrels over the years and successfully released 3 in the last 2 years. On Tuesday, I received my 1st pinkie!! He fell onto a trampoline and we tried to wait out mama for several hours in hopes she woud return, but no luck. So, here are the details...umbilical cord came off Fri (guessing he is now 5 days old?). I rehydrated him but he was never severely dehydrated (never tented), but gave pedialyte to be safe then slowly introduced formula. He is eating esbilac with 1/4 heavy whipping cream every 2.5 hrs around the clock. Peeing and pooping(yellow) after each feeding. He is very active in his blankets after eating, which is prob why he fell to begin with! He is sleeping in fleece blankets with heating pad under box (half on/off). He eats ok the first .2cc, but after that, i have to really work with him drop by drop. He is 10g and according to charts should be eating at least .5 each feeding. I am persistant and patient to get that amt in at each feeding, but he isnt gaining weight. No clicking that I can hear. He makes lots of little grunting sounds during feeds. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Hope I covered any initial questions. Lol!!
08-18-2018, 02:19 PM
Can you post a picture of you baby? Is this a southern flying squirrel maybe?
Grey squirrels are typically more than 10grams at birth (fox squirrels larger).
Maybe we can start is by confirming the basics also...
Esbilac: You are feeding the Powdered Esbilac pictured below and not the pre-mixed liquid version (which is different unfortunately)?
The poops are well formed and not loose?
08-18-2018, 02:47 PM
Yes, powdered formula and stools are formed, no loose/runny. Will post pic when i get home. Had to run out for food! He is a fox squirrel. Prob gray.
Recheck or calibrate your scale. To be sure.
What nipple/syringe set up are you using? How do you warm it and remember never to reheat and reuse already heated and used formula.
Is it getting cold during feeding or is HE getting chilled during feeding? Even babies that small should have a strong suck and be eager to eat.
08-18-2018, 03:28 PM
I will check my scale. It is digital. I am using miracle nipple mini and 1cc miracle syringe. I warm a rice sock for him to lay on while feeding and keep the formula in a cup of very warm water to keep it warm. It could be possibly getting too cold while in the takes a while to feed him. Will only put .2 cc in at a time and try that. He is eager to suck at the beginning but then gets tired and i have to really work drop by drop. I have added an organic whole milk baby yogurt 1/4 part to his formula. I read on here that could help. I will try to upload pic now.
08-18-2018, 09:39 PM
Yes, powdered formula and stools are formed, no loose/runny. Will post pic when i get home. Had to run out for food! He is a fox squirrel. Prob gray.
This is very important. Are you feeding the powdered formula in the picture. The exact same one. Anything else will starve your baby. We have seen too many babies die cos the formula said puppy milk replacer, but it was not Esbilac. I agree with Cava and Spanky that your baby weighing in at 10 grams is too small. Hopefully it is a malfunctioning scale. The imbilicus falls off at ten days old. So ten grams at 10 or 11 days is even scarier. Looking forward to seeing a picture. What state are you in?
08-19-2018, 07:12 PM
My scale was off apparently. Weighing in at 22 g. Whew! Also, latching on to nipple and sucking much better. Guess the stress of the fall and separation from mom had him "off", as expected. Eating good and all normal pee and poop. Hoping he continues on this path. Thx for all the suggestions. Sometimes, it's the little things that get overlooked.
08-19-2018, 08:04 PM
Thank you for the update! I hope he starts gaining weight now that his weight is known and he can get full feedings!
We love pictures! :flash
08-19-2018, 09:07 PM
I tried to upload pix yesterday, but couldnt get them to load. I am technology! Will try again later...time to feed this little guy and grab a nap before the next one. :)
09-18-2018, 11:10 AM
I tried to upload pix yesterday, but couldnt get them to load. I am technology! Will try again later...time to feed this little guy and grab a nap before the next one. :)
Well sometimes squirrels are preme (runt),and we get them so tiny glfor there age. Sounds like you are doing everything right. I have one now that eats 1 CC then wants a potty break then consumes the next 1cc. Hope your baby is doing good.
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