View Full Version : Please help- Watery diarrhea

08-12-2018, 11:20 AM
Three greys- 4 weeks old. Had since Wednesday. Watery diapering started last night into this morning. Feeding powder goats milk. 1 part powder 2 parts water with a syringe about 4 ccs every 4-5 hours. What do I do to help stop this diarrhea so they do not die of dehydration.

08-12-2018, 12:34 PM
It's probably the powdered goat's milk. This will not be enough nutrition for them to survive. Please go buy Powdered Puppy Esbilac formula, at pet stores, feed stores and sometimes Walmart. It has to be powdered not liquid in a can and has to be Esbilac (not petlac or other brands) This formula has a long successful record and others have caused lots of health problems.


Please visit this site for basic squirrel care: https://www.henryspets.com/baby-squirrel-care/

Read all six pages and follow the instructions for housing and feeding tools for best success.

Babies should be eating -5% of their weight in grams. You MUST weigh them to determine how much they should get. Overfeeding can cause diarrhea, underfeeding causes many other problems. A kitchen scale from Walmart or store that sells kitchen items is usually under $20. Also, keep a record in a notebook so if there is a problem you can look back and it may help you find solutions. FOR EXAMPLE: If baby is 80 g multiply that by 0.05 for the amount to feed at each feeding. 80g x 0.05 = 4 ml

We recommend using a syringe and nipple, not a bottle. The smaller the syringe the less chance of aspiration into the lungs so stick with a 1 ml syringe and graduate to a 3 ml syringe when you feel ready and they seem ready to master it.

At this age you can feed every 4 hours morning to evening with no middle of the night feeding as long as they are healthy. If you are working with sick or compromised babies they may need middle of they night hydration, etc.

Welcome and best wishes. Happy to help anyway we can.

08-12-2018, 12:53 PM
It's probably the powdered goat's milk. This will not be enough nutrition for them to survive. Please go buy Powdered Puppy Esbilac formula, at pet stores, feed stores and sometimes Walmart. It has to be powdered not liquid in a can and has to be Esbilac (not petlac or other brands) This formula has a long successful record and others have caused lots of health problems.


Please visit this site for basic squirrel care: https://www.henryspets.com/baby-squirrel-care/

Read all six pages and follow the instructions for housing and feeding tools for best success.

Babies should be eating -5% of their weight in grams. You MUST weigh them to determine how much they should get. Overfeeding can cause diarrhea, underfeeding causes many other problems. A kitchen scale from Walmart or store that sells kitchen items is usually under $20. Also, keep a record in a notebook so if there is a problem you can look back and it may help you find solutions. FOR EXAMPLE: If baby is 80 g multiply that by 0.05 for the amount to feed at each feeding. 80g x 0.05 = 4 ml

We recommend using a syringe and nipple, not a bottle. The smaller the syringe the less chance of aspiration into the lungs so stick with a 1 ml syringe and graduate to a 3 ml syringe when you feel ready and they seem ready to master it.

At this age you can feed every 4 hours morning to evening with no middle of the night feeding as long as they are healthy. If you are working with sick or compromised babies they may need middle of they night hydration, etc.

Welcome and best wishes. Happy to help anyway we can.

I was told that the puppy formula isn’t as good from other squirrel people that goats milk is the best. This is what I got 303885
Should I still go get what you recommend?

08-12-2018, 12:55 PM
Please read cavas post thoroughly and the baby squirrel section. Not saying you wouldn’t, but just want to second how important everything she said is, also—don’t just change them over suddenly. That can cause upset too. Gradually add the Esbilac formula to the goatsmilk over several feedings so that by the end of the day they get straight Esbilac. Also, when you mix the Esbilac, formula, use VERY warm water and it needs to sit for several hours before feeding. For the short run while transitioning, add a little baby rice cereal to their formula. That will help tighten them up a bit until the Esbilac gives their little systems enough to digest properly. Thank you for saving these little souls. Pictures? Pleeeeeze?

08-12-2018, 01:01 PM
Please read cavas post thoroughly and the baby squirrel section. Not saying you wouldn’t, but just want to second how important everything she said is, also—don’t just change them over suddenly. That can cause upset too. Gradually add the Esbilac formula to the goatsmilk over several feedings so that by the end of the day they get straight Esbilac. Also, when you mix the Esbilac, formula, use VERY warm water and it needs to sit for several hours before feeding. For the short run while transitioning, add a little baby rice cereal to their formula. That will help tighten them up a bit until the Esbilac gives their little systems enough to digest properly. Thank you for saving these little souls. Pictures? Pleeeeeze?

Thank you very much. I have read the guidelines as of this morning. I will be switching them and doing it gradually. I found these babies in the middle of a parking lot at work. Two were already hit by cars. One was alive and infested with maggots. She didn’t make it through the night. These little ones are left. Two boys one girl. Mom was no where to be found. They were invested with fly eggs which are taken care of now. 303886

08-12-2018, 01:01 PM
Thanks Chickenlegs for those reminders.

Yes, please get the Powdered Puppy Esbilac. Many rehabbers with years of experimentation recommend it and it's never failed me either.

You can also purchase another product from Fox Valley, online, that's actually squirrel formula 20/50. Many rehabbers begin feeding this when eyes open and you're almost there if they are four weeks. Another week or so. You can get it at the Henry's site where the baby information is. You can also get syringes and miracle nipples there which are a lifesaver and make feeding so much easier. They're made for little squirrel mouths.

We've had new folks say they were told to feed kitten milk replacer, GNC milk replacers and other products but what usually brings them to us is a problem that is solvable by changing to a formula that WORKS for squirrels and then we get to watch them flourish after they're on the right track.

So, yes, go buy the Esbilac and phase out the goat milk powder.

They're very cute but could use some fattening up! Look forward to watching them grow.

08-12-2018, 01:02 PM
There is a goatsmilk formula that includes full fat yogurt and heavy cream but generally it’s used for neonates and as the babies age, they are transitioned to Esbilac or Fox Valley 20/50. I know nothing about the Manapro product pictured but Esbilac has a tried and true track record.

They are precious. You’ll see them fill out once the calories go in. Maggots are EVIL! Might want to include Capstar in your tool kit in case you ever again find a baby with fly strike or maggots.

08-12-2018, 01:05 PM
Thanks Chickenlegs for those reminders.

Yes, please get the Powdered Puppy Esbilac. Many rehabbers with years of experimentation recommend it and it's never failed me either.

You can also purchase another product from Fox Valley, online, that's actually squirrel formula 20/50. Many rehabbers begin feeding this when eyes open and you're almost there if they are four weeks. Another week or so. You can get it at the Henry's site where the baby information is. You can also get syringes and miracle nipples there which are a lifesaver and make feeding so much easier. They're made for little squirrel mouths.

We've had new folks say they were told to feed kitten milk replacer, GNC milk replacers and other products but what usually brings them to us is a problem that is solvable by changing to a formula that WORKS for squirrels and then we get to watch them flourish after they're on the right track.

So, yes, go buy the Esbilac and phase out the goat milk powder.

Thank you so much. Going now!! I was also told since they have diarrhea I should give them a little pedlyte?

08-12-2018, 01:06 PM
I was told that the puppy formula isn’t as good from other squirrel people that goats milk is the best. This is what I got...
Should I still go get what you recommend?

All puppy formula is not the same, the Esbilac is the go-to formula for babies squirrels.

You can raise them on Esbilac or at about 4 - 5 weeks transition to Fox Valley 20/50. Many folks here on TSB, myself included, use a half Esbilac and half Fox Valley 20/50 starting at 4 or 5 weeks.

Note: We do not recommend Fox Valley 32/40 even though it is marketed for baby squirrels up to 4 weeks. We have seen way too many problems, mostly it sitting in tummies like a rock and it can be fatal.

Here is a link for the Fox Valley formula, you can only get it on-line, so you'll want to find some Esbilac and make the switch as soon as possible.

:Welcome to TSB!

08-12-2018, 01:06 PM
Yeah, you can do that for up to 24 hours then switch to water after that. The salt in Pedialyte will help replace what's lost during diarrhea but after 24 hours it is too much for them and water will suffice.

Don't mix it with the formula, just offer a bit in between your normal feedings.

08-12-2018, 01:09 PM
All puppy formula is not the same, the Esbilac is the go-to formula for babies squirrels.

You can raise them on Esbilac or at about 4 - 5 weeks transition to Fox Valley 20/50. Many folks here on TSB, myself included, use a half Esbilac and half Fox Valley 20/50 starting at 4 or 5 weeks.

Note: We do not recommend Fox Valley 32/40 even though it is marketed for baby squirrels up to 4 weeks. We have seen way too many problems, mostly it sitting in tummies like a rock and it can be fatal.

Here is a link for the Fox Valley formula, you can only get it on-line, so you'll want to find some Esbilac and make the switch as soon as possible.

:Welcome to TSB!

Mix the Esbilac with the fox valley or alternate feedings?
I am going to switch to the esbilac today and gradually mix with what I am feeding now. When should I start the fox valley?

08-12-2018, 01:10 PM
Yeah, you can do that for up to 24 hours then switch to water after that. The salt in Pedialyte will help replace what's lost during diarrhea but after 24 hours it is too much for them and water will suffice.

Don't mix it with the formula, just offer a bit in between your normal feedings.

Thank you so much!!

08-12-2018, 01:11 PM
Thanks Chickenlegs for those reminders.

Yes, please get the Powdered Puppy Esbilac. Many rehabbers with years of experimentation recommend it and it's never failed me either.

You can also purchase another product from Fox Valley, online, that's actually squirrel formula 20/50. Many rehabbers begin feeding this when eyes open and you're almost there if they are four weeks. Another week or so. You can get it at the Henry's site where the baby information is. You can also get syringes and miracle nipples there which are a lifesaver and make feeding so much easier. They're made for little squirrel mouths.

We've had new folks say they were told to feed kitten milk replacer, GNC milk replacers and other products but what usually brings them to us is a problem that is solvable by changing to a formula that WORKS for squirrels and then we get to watch them flourish after they're on the right track.

So, yes, go buy the Esbilac and phase out the goat milk powder.

They're very cute but could use some fattening up! Look forward to watching them grow.

Thank you so much!!

08-12-2018, 01:13 PM
All puppy formula is not the same, the Esbilac is the go-to formula for babies squirrels.

You can raise them on Esbilac or at about 4 - 5 weeks transition to Fox Valley 20/50. Many folks here on TSB, myself included, use a half Esbilac and half Fox Valley 20/50 starting at 4 or 5 weeks.

Note: We do not recommend Fox Valley 32/40 even though it is marketed for baby squirrels up to 4 weeks. We have seen way too many problems, mostly it sitting in tummies like a rock and it can be fatal.

Here is a link for the Fox Valley formula, you can only get it on-line, so you'll want to find some Esbilac and make the switch as soon as possible.

:Welcome to TSB!

Buy this one? 303887

08-12-2018, 01:19 PM
Yes, it says 20/50 on it. He means feed them both at the same time, make them both and feed half of one and half of the other together in the syringe.

Many switch once eyes are open (about 5 weeks) which should match when yours will arrive. Until then, use the Esbilac and then when the 20/50 comes you can begin to gradually mix it in with the esbilac until you are up to 50:50.

08-12-2018, 01:20 PM
Oh my gosh! I never said

08-12-2018, 01:22 PM
Oh my gosh! I never said
Thank you and that’s ok!! Didn’t even notice just a worried squirrel mommy at the moment.

08-12-2018, 03:51 PM
:Welcome:Welcome You’re getting great advice. I don’t want to add anything that may confuse you. If you have any questions just ask. We’ve all been where you are. :hug

I just wanted to be sure that you checked the little guys’ ears or any other orifice for fly strike. Capstar is a drug that’s usually available at Tractor Supply, feed stores and maybe Walmart or petsmart. It will kill any maggots or external pests they may have.

Thank you for saving them. It’s very sad about there siblings. :(

08-12-2018, 04:16 PM
:Welcome:Welcome You’re getting great advice. I don’t want to add anything that may confuse you. If you have any questions just ask. We’ve all been where you are. :hug

I just wanted to be sure that you checked the little guys’ ears or any other orifice for fly strike. Capstar is a drug that’s usually available at Tractor Supply, feed stores and maybe Walmart or petsmart. It will kill any maggots or external pests they may have.

Thank you for saving them. It’s very sad about there siblings. :(
Thank you. It is very sad. When I first found them I washed them in dawn and using a flee comb for hours getting all the fly eggs off. I am going to get the Capstar tomorrow.

08-12-2018, 05:35 PM
Thank you. It is very sad. When I first found them I washed them in dawn and using a flee comb for hours getting all the fly eggs off. I am going to get the Capstar tomorrow.

It is very sad. They must have been away from mom for quite a while, otherwise maggots would never have developed... or the fly strike situation.

The good news is they found YOU! Capstar can be crushed and mixed with water to be used externally as well as given orally for any bass turds inside... always a good idea to give some when maggots or fly eggs are present. It is a very safe drug in the greater scheme of things, and extremely effective.

08-13-2018, 10:27 AM
Update: got cap star today.,formula is changed. They are doing great and no more diarrhea

08-13-2018, 12:56 PM
Great update! Keep them coming... did we mention we LOVE squirrel pictures? :w00t:clap:dance

08-13-2018, 01:28 PM

GREAT news!

08-13-2018, 05:09 PM

GREAT news!

I got the cap star- I read on another thread that it can given orally or sprayed on body. What do you suggest? Can I do both?

08-13-2018, 05:24 PM
I got the cap star- I read on another thread that it can given orally or sprayed on body. What do you suggest? Can I do both?

Yes, you can do both. Do you see fly strike on him or in his ears / nose?

08-13-2018, 05:36 PM
Yes, you can do both. Do you see fly strike on him or in his ears / nose?
I don’t see any more but when I first found them they were covered. But I bathed and picked for hours.

08-13-2018, 06:57 PM
Yes, you can do both. Do you see fly strike on him or in his ears / nose?

I hope I am not a bother but I had another question. I did the oral dose.
I know I dissolve the pill to apply topical however do I was it off?

08-13-2018, 06:58 PM
You're not a bother. You're learning. I don't know the answer to that question, though, but you're not a bother.

08-13-2018, 08:11 PM
I hope I am not a bother but I had another question. I did the oral dose.
I know I dissolve the pill to apply topical however do I was it off?

You can simply wipe her down with a damp cloth.