View Full Version : Just got a fawn , help please

Snicker Bar
07-24-2018, 02:22 PM
I’m waiting on our local rehabber to call me back , and I’ve never tried to help something this tiny. He’s alert, responsive , weighs approx. 5 #. He’s been orphaned ( per client that brought him in) approx. 24 hrs. Doesn’t appear dehydrated per skin tent test. She brought us a bag of Unimilk, but barely taken any yet. I also have a can of goats milk.
1. Which formula better?
2. Do we warm it, how frequent feedings?
3. Do we offer water ?
4. What else do we need to do , untl can transfer?

Snicker Bar
07-24-2018, 03:20 PM
Found some videos etc. so answered most questions . But is there a trick to getting it started? You would think the little guy would be starving. I’ve placed the nipple in mouth, squeezed a bit of warm milk etc. It just looks at me and swallows. But won’t nurse on own. Going to keep trying , just wondered if others with deer experience have any secrets to success with this.

07-24-2018, 03:43 PM
Here's a number to call. (904)424-6543
It's the number for Jonathan Howard. He is the director of the ARC Wildlife Sanctuary in North FL.
He is a member (Magna) but rarely checks in. He is way too busy with animals. He has MANY baby deer and I'm sure he can answer any question you have.

The WMB book says they can't thermoregulate so the little one needs heat.

07-24-2018, 03:47 PM
The recommended formulas in the WMB book are:

Colostrum (for newborns only) first few days of life
Zoologic Doe milk replacer
Goats milk
Kid Milk Replacer
Lambs milk

10-12% of the body weight (4-6 oz)
Formula feed 5 times per day

Snicker Bar
07-24-2018, 04:07 PM
Just talked to him and got a crash course, very kind and helpful! Also told him to say hello to Miss Anne :) Haven’t talked to her since my weepy call about my lost little Flyer Tiny . Good folks there :)

Snicker Bar
07-24-2018, 05:00 PM
Rehabber must be swamped, so looks like we have a new foster child. Girls calling him Elliot. And once again my husband’s Oval Office has been taken over between three who reside here differnt shifts through the day :

Snickers has a nighttime nest between door and wall
Hunny Bun stays in during the daytime heat
And now Elliot in the tub...

07-24-2018, 05:14 PM
Elliot.. how precious. :grin2
Makes me want to come and squish that sweet face. :Love_Icon

I've always wondered how people rehab precious little fawns.
I would nurture and love it and someone else would stalk the woods for MY baby.
It would kill me. People are so cruel. :(

Snicker Bar
07-24-2018, 06:38 PM
I know... it can’t be released here on our land. Too many rednecks; they shoot anything that moves, domestic or wild. We see way too many gunshot dogs during deer season. The rehabber finally called and she’s going to assess it tomorrow. Her health has been bad she said, and she is currently overwhelmed with skunks, Possum’s and rabbits , and another baby fawn. So she’s considering letting my oldest daughter and I help with the deer for the bottle feeding stage. If we go to long, I will get too attached ! I am going to check around for refuges , where no hunting is allowed. Or somewhere safe they can graduate to, for older stages of care. Surely there are some places like the Ark, in this state, I hope ..

07-25-2018, 06:12 AM
Elliot is very special! What a treat raising a fawn! :Love_Icon