View Full Version : Moving question

Snicker Bar
07-09-2018, 11:32 AM
I just wondered from those who’ve done this for years, do captive NR’s do better indoors or outdoors ? When I got my first three disabled babies three years ago, I assumed , like zoo animals, they would
Thrive best with something as close to their natural habitat as possible . And since we did not have a spare, indoor room, the porch was used. They have acclimated to seasonal changes well, ( but I haven’t and feel the need to provide fans and heat sources as temps . change).

So now , I have the chance to move them to a building of their own. It will have a much SMALLER porch, compared to the huge , open air porch they have now. We could wire the porch , and add a small pet door to allow acces to the inside of this building. Their area inside would be their primary play and feeding area .

I guess my question is, to those who know the minds of squirrels ( better than me!) , would permanent NR’s be happier, live longer, and healthier lives if left to the elements they were created to live in?? Or , would this man - made , climate controlled ( if they choose to be inside) be better for them?? I know what the answer is for ME lol; cleaning, fresher food, NO ANTS, no fans/heaters with wires to guard from teeth... All sounds very appealing to me. But I want what is best for THEM. My husband has just offered to do this project. I want to be very careful , and not make a decision that would stress them in any way.
I have one vote for Yes so far...

07-09-2018, 12:13 PM
I would give the thumbs up on the build plus they have the option to enjoy the open air and come in for warmth, safety and play. Just be careful that all wood is covered with wire so they can't chew through and escape into the wild. If they are NR's depending on their physical limitations they probably won't survive.


Snicker Bar
07-09-2018, 02:46 PM
Yes all three are handicapped in different ways. The overall sq footage may be a bit less than what used to, because I’m sharing the building for work purposes; it’s Maine purpose was to be an ICU for critical pets I need to bring home. But after the heat wave we’ve recently had, and daily ant battles, I just wondered if they would be happier with this set up.

The wood , on porch rails I’ve been told is treated. So will have to deal with that somehow; I guess like you stated we could wire from the inside surfaces of the boards..

07-09-2018, 09:35 PM
The wood , on porch rails I’ve been told is treated. So will have to deal with that somehow; I guess like you stated we could wire from the inside surfaces of the boards..

If it the green pressure treated lumber it may contain chromate copper arsenate (CCA), an extremely toxic chemical. I would cover it with another wood or distance the wire from the PT lumber. They can chew through the screening and into the PT wood if you just lay the wire over it.