View Full Version : Best rehab protection gloves?

07-06-2018, 08:17 PM
Anyone have advise on what gloves I should get for rehab protection? I have very small hands, I'm hoping to find something that wont be too huge and bulky but still have great protection from those moody critters. :poke

07-07-2018, 09:11 AM
You want a flexible Level 4 or 5 cutproof glove. Many use kevlar and stainless steel fibers or other synthetic fibers. A couple important points. You want a glove that has a grippy rubber coating on the fingers, it makes holding a squirmy animal MUCH easier. Smooth leather gloves for example are slippery on fur.

If you want extreme protection, get the gloves 1-2 sizes too large so you can fit a second stretchy, neoprene type glove underneath. This gives extra cushion from crushing bites and allows the teeth so slide off your finger to the side during a bite.

These gloves may not stop all bites but will stop the majority of bites from breaking skin. Gloves that are completely impervious to bites are generally too stiff and make it difficult to perform procedures like cleaning wounds, hydrating etc.

07-07-2018, 10:38 AM
I have a pair of ArmOR Hand vet gloves. I use them for treating wilds but don't use any gloves with my NR's as they are all tame. They are bulkier than police gloves and not cheap. If you have any NR's and handle wilds do not cross-contaminate by using the same gloves for both.

07-09-2018, 12:19 AM
I use leather gloves like for gardening or utility work. They need to be flexible. When they bit me I could feel it but never bit thru. Make sure they are thick. Some aren’t thick enough.