View Full Version : Sore on Heel

06-23-2018, 05:13 PM
I've been dealing with some sores on the foot of a recently received para female. One toe missing upon arrival and sore on side of foot with mutilation as discussed in another thread. I found the heel pad on the other foot had a thick black scab that was peeling. Suspecting infection underneath I removed it since it was peeling - no pain due to paralysis. No necrosis in tissue. Soaked in sea salt, treated with Silver Sulfadiazine and dressed. This is a young squirrel so it's not a thick heel callus from age. She is on SMZ-TMP. Any thoughts on these photos?

This is what I found:

Sore on foot after removing peeling scab (foot is wet from soak)



Thick black scab that came off heel pad


06-23-2018, 05:52 PM
Lots of folks (myself included) have had great results with DermaGel. Keeping this dressed will be critical since she drags.

06-23-2018, 06:05 PM
Yup, I was going to recommend Dermagel as well. We had great success with it in the clinic setting. If you use gauze over it be sure to soak it water before removing to avoid pulling new epidermis off in the strands on the gauze. We used gauze because they had a nice wicking action and pulled junk into them (exudate from wound) but they do dry and can cause trauma if not pulled off wet.

They look clean and healthy to me, though.