View Full Version : Reuniting Babies and Moms

island rehabber
08-06-2007, 08:39 AM
The first responsibility of anyone who finds a baby squirrel is to TRY to reunite the baby with its natural mother. The baby's chances for survival and success as a healthy squirrel increase greatly when reunited with Mom as opposed to being raised by humans. Here is one experienced rehabber's technnique for encouraging a reunion of baby squirrels discovered by landscapers or tree-cutters:

I have had success reuniting when a tree comes down. If you can get out to the site it is best to put your own eyes on the situation. This is what I do. First I check the babies for injuries, brusing, fleas, dehydration, etc. If injuries are minor I treat homeopathically on the site and these babies are then ready to be returned to mom otherwise they come with me. I nail a small box to a nearby tree, sheltered from the elements as best it can be, ( and from pine pitch if limbs have been cut ) that's deep enough to protect the babies and open on the top to allow the mother to see in and gain access. I place a heat source in the bottom ( I use chemical hand warmers ) and a blankie of some sort. Mom will not retrieve cold babies and she won't come while everyone is still there. I return or have the property owners check the box after a couple of hour or at dusk. Sometimes if it's already late in the day, I bring the babies in keep them warm and rehydrate them and make the attempt in the early morning returning to check before the heat of the day sets in.

(Originally posted by MARS, 08-06-07)

08-06-2007, 09:17 AM
I was able to reunite three pinkies with their mother. After I found them still in their nest on the ground, I checked them for injuries. They were not injured, so I took a piece of the nest and put the babies on it at the base of the tree. I didn't even have time to leave before the mother was down the tree and taking the babies one at a time to a new nest. :) It was an amazing sight!! :Love_Icon