View Full Version : Doesn’t like everyone

06-03-2018, 07:16 PM
Hey guys I have read a lot of posts but haven’t seen anything to help my problem. My squirrel baby’s name is Ember and she is an eastern Nc Grey Squirrel. I have had her for about 10 months and I have raised her from a pup. I cut down a tree in my back yard and she fell out eyes still closed I have raised her since she is a playful loving squirrel who loves hand fighting and snuggles.........but not for Everyone she loves me my wife and my youngest daughter and has Zero tolerance for anyone else. She becomes an attack squirrel and will chase people down and scratches and bites them I have tried everything I can think of but she has her mind set on attacking my son and pretty much everyone who is not one of her 3 people this has also made me believe that she will never be releasable as she has no problem chasing people in the yard. Any one have any suggestions on helping me get her a least happy with every one in the house. I love my silly girl but it’s hard to spend time with her when she doesn’t get along with everyone. She hasn’t always been like that it seems that she just woke up one day and said I only want you 3 and nobody else

06-03-2018, 10:01 PM
Hey guys I have read a lot of posts but haven’t seen anything to help my problem. My squirrel baby’s name is Ember and she is an eastern Nc Grey Squirrel. I have had her for about 10 months and I have raised her from a pup. I cut down a tree in my back yard and she fell out eyes still closed I have raised her since she is a playful loving squirrel who loves hand fighting and snuggles.........but not for Everyone she loves me my wife and my youngest daughter and has Zero tolerance for anyone else. She becomes an attack squirrel and will chase people down and scratches and bites them I have tried everything I can think of but she has her mind set on attacking my son and pretty much everyone who is not one of her 3 people this has also made me believe that she will never be releasable as she has no problem chasing people in the yard. Any one have any suggestions on helping me get her a least happy with every one in the house. I love my silly girl but it’s hard to spend time with her when she doesn’t get along with everyone. She hasn’t always been like that it seems that she just woke up one day and said I only want you 3 and nobody else

There's no rhyme or reason (to us) with whom a squirrel chooses to like and dislike and only they know the exact reason. So many factors go into this behavior. Try not to over analyze and adjust your household to work around her personality. She is a house squirrel and obviously bonded with 3 of you. You are 100% correct about release and strangers. Fuzz24butt in SC went through thus with the neighbors and her release Roscoe. Usually it's just one person they bond with. So how many people are in your immediate household that she does not like? When guests are visiting I would not have a squirrel on the loose especially in NC where private ownership is frowned upon. If your squirrel bites someone outside the immediate family and they complain you will get a visit from animal control.

Do you have a room that can become a "squirrel room" for out time with a closed door? I am referring to inside the home - not a basement, porch or garage. The idea is not to isolate the squirrel, just to keep her from those who are on her radar to drive out of her territory.

In the wild squirrels are not communal with large social extended families like Prairie Dogs. They sleep in groups for survival in the dead of winter and litters over winter with mom, but that's where it ends. Bonding with humans is obviously not a natural thing so it's hit or miss who they prefer. Someone who fed them on the bottle thru weaning can be rejected for someone who gives belly rubs.

Sure your squirrel could "wild up" for a release, is this really best for her? I have said this before and I will stick by it. It's as traumatic putting out a captive raised squirrel outside as it is bringing a wild indoors. You completely destroy everything that squirrel knows and has adapted to. Certainly the overly aggressive (to everyone) and constant pacer is telling you he needs to go, and it's usually (but not always) a male. We have to be careful not to have a "by the F&W book" rehabber's mentality that all squirrels "belong in the trees". Remember squirrels like Ember are special cases and the majority of squirrels are not "suffering indoors" or "longing for the trees", it a really tiny amount that have this special relationship with people so it's not the end of the world if Ember says with her family. Content captivity depends on the squirrel, the competency of the holder, and the environment the squirrel lives in.

Remember having a squirrel in the house means adjusting to her, not the other way around. Some behaviors can be corrected but instincts cannot.

My perfectly happy (and releasable) Kami


06-04-2018, 02:52 AM
Hey guys I have read a lot of posts but haven’t seen anything to help my problem. My squirrel baby’s name is Ember and she is an eastern Nc Grey Squirrel. I have had her for about 10 months and I have raised her from a pup. I cut down a tree in my back yard and she fell out eyes still closed I have raised her since she is a playful loving squirrel who loves hand fighting and snuggles.........but not for Everyone she loves me my wife and my youngest daughter and has Zero tolerance for anyone else. She becomes an attack squirrel and will chase people down and scratches and bites them I have tried everything I can think of but she has her mind set on attacking my son and pretty much everyone who is not one of her 3 people this has also made me believe that she will never be releasable as she has no problem chasing people in the yard. Any one have any suggestions on helping me get her a least happy with every one in the house. I love my silly girl but it’s hard to spend time with her when she doesn’t get along with everyone. She hasn’t always been like that it seems that she just woke up one day and said I only want you 3 and nobody else

It is a normal behavior of a mature squirrel in captivity to choose one person.
Some may tolerate others, some will only choose that one person to interact with.
Behavioral changes /showing aggression can be linked to seasonal changes, mating
season and many females become very agitated during their estrus cycle.
Feeding (too many) nuts is another source that has been shown to cause aggression
in captive squirrels.
It sounds like your girl has wilded up, ready for release but has claimed territory.
"chase people down and scratches and bites them" is a dangerous situation for you,
your family, as well as her. If she were to scratch/bite someone that reported the
incident or had to seek medical, you could be heavily fined or face a law suit.
The squirrel gets euthanized!
Please remember this is a wild animal by instinct, rather then to have her spend her life
in a cage or otherwise restrained you may want to consider locating a rehabber that can
do a proper release in another area safe for her and away from people.

06-04-2018, 08:44 AM
It is a normal behavior of a mature squirrel in captivity to choose one person.
Some may tolerate others, some will only choose that one person to interact with.
Behavioral changes /showing aggression can be linked to seasonal changes, mating
season and many females become very agitated during their estrus cycle.
Feeding (too many) nuts is another source that has been shown to cause aggression
in captive squirrels.
It sounds like your girl has wilded up, ready for release but has claimed territory.
"chase people down and scratches and bites them" is a dangerous situation for you,
your family, as well as her. If she were to scratch/bite someone that reported the
incident or had to seek medical, you could be heavily fined or face a law suit.
The squirrel gets euthanized!
Please remember this is a wild animal by instinct, rather then to have her spend her life
in a cage or otherwise restrained you may want to consider locating a rehabber that can
do a proper release in another area safe for her and away from people.

No disagreement with any of that which is why found squirrels generally go to licensed master rehabbers - and the majority do. They are fed in a line, kept with other squirrels and not treated like pets in preparation for release. Once you treat one as a member of a human family you have a 1/2 wild animal that is bonded to that one person. In reality no exotics should be treated as or kept as pets. Not Prairie Dogs, Chinchillas, Sugar Gliders, Flyers or Hedgehogs etc. Some states like California reflect this allowing only domesticated animals. In reality the exotic pet trade is huge so what do we do with all those animals? For those who are dedicated to helping them we give support and education. What does that have to do with squirrels? Some are NR's by disability and some are by nature of being raised as coddled "pets". Should all squirrels who are true NR's should be put down? I see senior people on TSB who's captive squirrels have attained cult status yet others are discouraged and told to release. In cases like Fuzz24butt Roscoe was not a good fit in the house and after release Roscoe was outside chasing neighbors. People who love their squirrels, are dedicated to them, and the squirrels are happy (not caged 24/7) should be educated in proper care. If they keep the squirrel anyway and no one tells them about the liability of biting visitors, how territory works, proper feeding etc there definitely will be a disaster. People are going to keep the anyway just like they keep exotics. It's up to those with experience on TSB to educate those seeking knowledge. My NR's are 100% squirrel and I have no grand illusions otherwise. I have just learned to adapt to their instinctual behaviors and also learned which behaviors can be corrected and which cannot. My severe bite from Lady is a reminder that I do have a 1/2 wild animals in the house. Kami was raised by a well meaning family that couldn't keep her. She was there for a long time until surrendered and in my opinion release is not a good option in her case. Every case is different.

06-04-2018, 01:04 PM
It is great that you rescued and raised this little squirrel. But as you are finding out, they are difficult "pets" at best and it takes a LOT of commitment to keep a NR squirrel for what could 10+ years. I think StepnStone's advice ,to locate a squirrel rehabber who can do a proper soft-release that will allow her to wild up and then live freely out in the trees, is really the best option. We may be able to help locate a rehabber near you if that helps?

06-04-2018, 09:46 PM
Speaking as a licensed master rehabilatater and for a majority of licensed rehabilatators, (Not a facility) most do not feed or treat our squirrels like an auto on an assembly line! They are raised with siblings (if any) or some may be placed with others of like age if tolerated for companionship and learning. They are adored, "coddled," and handled with compassion up until the stage of pre-/ soft release. At this time one feeds, waters, and does not interact with the squirrel(s) allowing them to distance themselves from human contact and reverting to their own instincts and true nature.

By law in most States, non-releasables are required to be euthanized unless licensed/recorded as an educational species. TSB didn't make the ruling and obviously don't agree with it. The majority of members keeping captive squirrels long term, including some "senior members" have handicap, disabled or otherwise compromised squirrels who would not survive in the wild and are non-releasable. They didn't have a choice, we give them one. Their dedication to caring for these compromised animals year after year is to be commended and deserving of "cult status" IMO. Regardless if one is keeping a NR, discouraging the keeping of a perfectly healthy squirrel wanting to be free should be a responsibility of all in the name of free nature. There are exceptions, there are kept "pets."
Suggesting or questioning release on our part is not judging, it is establishing intent.

06-05-2018, 08:06 PM
Thanks for all of the insight I know that some points in my post may have made it seem as if Ember is a menace but she is not. She is a perfectly happy,healthy house squirrel the aggressive behaviors that I mentioned were unfortunately trial and error I was hoping that she would want to be out side but proved she didn’t and I’m fine with that. I have not had the experience of squirrel behavior before and always assumed that they were curious but timid creatures as they run from every thing. I was unaware that they were bold when they are not afraid and she has no fear of dogs cats or big green parrot 😂 so she will quickly defend her territory from anything that doesn’t kill her first (Learned the hard way) I was really just hoping that someone would have some tips on getting her to friendly up with my son. And I think that I may have found it in a site to help me live with said big green parrot. Almost all of my animal companions were rescued from a bad situation and I am willing to accept 10-20 year commitment to help animals in trouble.True she will attack my son ( who is 15 ) so she really only runs in my bedroom and when she is out he knows that my room is off limits but he would like to be able to play with her too. So for now I’m using positive reinforcement as a steppingstone so far it’s ok she has pretty much stopped pacing when he is close to her cage which is a two story ferret cage. I have learned a lot about squirrels and their behavior but I’m sure that there is a lot of knowledge in this room to pick up as well. I really don’t have any interest in releasing my Ember but all comments are read and appreciated even the ones that say contrary to what I have written here today and I look forward to sharing with y’all.

06-05-2018, 08:17 PM

06-05-2018, 09:54 PM
Thanks for all of the insight I know that some points in my post may have made it seem as if Ember is a menace but she is not. She is a perfectly happy,healthy house squirrel the aggressive behaviors that I mentioned were unfortunately trial and error I was hoping that she would want to be out side but proved she didn’t and I’m fine with that.

True she will attack my son ( who is 15 ) so she really only runs in my bedroom and when she is out he knows that my room is off limits but he would like to be able to play with her too. So for now I’m using positive reinforcement as a steppingstone so far it’s ok she has pretty much stopped pacing when he is close to her cage which is a two story ferret cage. I have learned a lot about squirrels and their behavior but I’m sure that there is a lot of knowledge in this room to pick up as well. I really don’t have any interest in releasing my Ember but all comments are read and appreciated even the ones that say contrary to what I have written here today and I look forward to sharing with y’all.

SNS, I was not implying you or anyone else on TSB are "assembly line rehabbers". I just had a problem when the first thing everyone said was "take her to a rehabber" before knowing the situation. For the gal in Alberta getting to a rehabber was the ONLY solution. Now that we know the situation with Ember obviously this is a squirrel who wants to be with her family, AeCman has a level of experience and he is committed to the 9-10 years plus with Ember. Releasable or not Ember has a good home and is a loved member of the family.

AcEman, for long term health have you seen this diet and store? https://www.henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/

Here is another squirrel supply store: https://www.squirrelsandmore.com/

So now that it's been determined that Ember is staying with AeCman let's all work with him to solve the problem at hand.

In the wild they defend their territory and in Embers case the cage with nestbox is her territory (drey). Your son approaching her territory and forcing the issue is causing a problem. If Ember is out and you son is sitting in a chair in the living room does she approach him with tail flagging & teeth chattering or does she treat him with indifference?

This paralyzed squirrel <photo attached> was diverted today from one of those "assembly line" rehabbers. He fell from a tree and has a mid back injury. His destiny was euthanasia since the rehabber stated she does not have time to give him specialized care with 30 other squirrels in house. He is now warm, hydrated, fed and on Metacam and on the road to recovery.


06-05-2018, 10:26 PM
[I]Speaking as a licensed master rehabilatater and for a majority of licensed rehabilatators, (Not a facility) most do not feed or treat our squirrels like an auto on an assembly line!

By law in most States, non-releasables are required to be euthanized unless licensed/recorded as an educational species. TSB didn't make the ruling and obviously don't agree with it. The majority of members keeping captive squirrels long term, including some "senior members" have handicap, disabled or otherwise compromised squirrels who would not survive in the wild and are non-releasable. They didn't have a choice, we give them one. Their dedication to caring for these compromised animals year after year is to be commended and deserving of "cult status" IMO. Regardless if one is keeping a NR, discouraging the keeping of a perfectly healthy squirrel wanting to be free should be a responsibility of all in the name of free nature. There are exceptions, there are kept "pets."

There are many accounts of LICENSED "facilities" on TSB that treat squirrels poorly so I hold little respect for having obtained a piece of paper. I judge a rehabber by their actions and SNS you are obviously a great rehabber. HOWEVER, I know of one licensed wildlife center that throws live NR's to raptors like a piece of meat. I personally know one in Delaware that puts dwarfs in outdoor cages. I know one in Michigan that uses a hammer. I also agree that said members and their squirrels are deserving of "cult status", with that being said people like AcEman should also be lauded for the good job they are doing. Ember is obviously one of the "Exceptions" and we need to help caring people like AcEman with the best advice to keep them healthy and happy.

I am opinionated like my friend Karen Clark was and learned a lot from her. Karen kept many NR's healthy and happy for years and saved more squirrels than most of us put together. One thing Karen taught me was to help people who keep squirrels to give them the best life possible. She was not an advocate of keeping healthy releasables as pets but as you said there are exceptions. My Kami, Ember and a few other "cult status" healthy squirrels on here are exceptions to the rule.

06-06-2018, 06:46 AM
Thanks for the support..... as for the question Ember will usually attack him anywhere in the house My son is cell phone age so he spends a lot of time pretty oblivious on the phone so when we were using the living room if he walked through it or was in it she would appear to ignore him then with out any warning signs other than she would see him and then go to him and climb on him the do what I call a rough climb where her every step is piercing and run either to an ear or hand and bite several times. Not viscous bites as o know she could hit bone easily. But enough to draw blood and when she gets in attack mode she is likely to even bite me if I come to the rescue but she has never drew blood from me with a bite.And she doesn’t chatter or chirp she rarely makes any noise at all. She has woke me up in the middle of the night screaming like she was dying, When I checked her she was asleep.Tail waving is usually something that happens when she is playing I have a video where she is on my computer chair and she would shake her tail at me when I snap my fingers. Her body language so funny. I know that approaching her cage is pushing a little bit but right now I have my son giving sun flower seeds as a treat and she used to pace and aggressively grab his fingers with her paws but lately she is only holding his fingers (no claw ) while she takes her treat and no pacing. I feel like it’s a start and trying to keep the interaction positive maybin time get her to stop treating him as a threat. But I’m always open to new suggestions.

06-06-2018, 11:40 AM
I'd like to ask about diet, what all does she actually eat on a daily basics?
How many nuts seeds does she get throughout the day?

06-06-2018, 02:15 PM
She gets a small variety of nuts. Almond Pecan Walnuts Chestnut Peanuts and the occasional Brazil nut she also eats a mixture of Parrot food and Gunia pig food along with fresh fruits and veggies her favorite is apples and avacados. To be honest she eats better than me. Now granted she doesn’t get every one of these every single day but that helps keep it a variety she also has a deer antler for gnawing and calcium oh and none of the nuts are shelled she has to open every one but I was wondering if she should have a salt lick. And she has her water bottle. Sometimes when I go walking I’ll pick up some acorns from the oaks down the street

06-06-2018, 03:04 PM
She gets a small variety of nuts. Almond Pecan Walnuts Chestnut Peanuts and the occasional Brazil nut she also eats a mixture of Parrot food and Gunia pig food along with fresh fruits and veggies her favorite is apples and avacados. To be honest she eats better than me. Now granted she doesn’t get every one of these every single day but that helps keep it a variety she also has a deer antler for gnawing and calcium oh and none of the nuts are shelled she has to open every one but I was wondering if she should have a salt lick. And she has her water bottle. Sometimes when I go walking I’ll pick up some acorns from the oaks down the street

One of the VERY valid points made by rehabbers regarding not keeping healthy squirrels is that with the wrong diet they die a horrible excruciating death from Metabolic Bone Disease. The fruits, veggie, apples (no seeds) and avocados are great. No parrot food! Zupreem nutblend (Petco / Petsmart) is not bad in moderation but any other brand will cause serious issues in the long run. Guinea pig food is really bad so that has to be cut out. Brazil nuts are also really bad. Small quantities of Almond, Pecan, & Walnut are OK in the shell as a treat and to help with teeth wear. No need for a salt lick. You have to break open any acorns and check for mold. The mold may have white threads, or black / brown. You also have to split the acorn kernel and make sure it is not brown (rotten) inside. Acorns that have been laying on the ground are suspect. I have never had MBD in any of my squirrels following this.

You absolutely have to follow this diet: https://www.henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/

This explaines MBD: https://www.henryspets.com/what-is-metabolic-bone-disease/

We do not hold stock in Henry's Heathy Pets. The info and products on here are designed for a captive squirrel and you need to follow the diet <link> to the letter including purchasing Teklad 2018 or Mazuri Rodent block.

06-06-2018, 06:17 PM
She gets a small variety of nuts. Almond Pecan Walnuts Chestnut Peanuts and the occasional Brazil nut she also eats a mixture of Parrot food and Gunia pig food along with fresh fruits and veggies her favorite is apples and avacados. To be honest she eats better than me. Now granted she doesn’t get every one of these every single day but that helps keep it a variety she also has a deer antler for gnawing and calcium oh and none of the nuts are shelled she has to open every one but I was wondering if she should have a salt lick. And she has her water bottle. Sometimes when I go walking I’ll pick up some acorns from the oaks down the street

AeCman she may be eating better then you but that diet is way off and setting her up for MBD.
Squirrels have a high calcium requirement, seeds and nuts rob the body of calcium. Once the calcium has been depleted in the body it leeches the calcium from their bones. This is MBD. MBD cripples, it's very painful, it can cause seizures, and MBD kills!
The Guinea pig food is not good, the parrot food contains too many seeds. All "captive" squirrels should be eating a good quality rodent block as the primary to their diet.
Nuts should only be given 1-2 as a treat and only if they are eating their healthy foods.

Here's the thing... You may see a wild sitting at a bird feeder eating all day or consuming every nut they see out there but in the wild a squirrel eats a large verity of foods from bark, bugs, bird eggs, leaves, roots, dirt, etc, etc, to balance and support their daily nutritional requirements. In captivity we are the ones that have to balance that nutritional requirement with what we know and have access to. This is where a good quality rodent block comes in. There are adequate commercial block and some not so adequate. I will post pictures of recommended commercial block that can be purchased in stores as well as HHB's (Henry's healthy block) that has to be ordered on line or by phone. HHB's were developed and designed specifically for a squirrels daily nutritional requirements.
I strongly suggest you get your baby on a healthier diet that will support a squirrel's nutritional requirement. If you follow the pyramid on the Healthy diet for (pet) squirrels you'll be on the right track.
Healthy diet for pet squirrels:
Henry's Healthy Block (HHB'S)


06-06-2018, 06:29 PM
Just to be clear the parrot food and guineapig food are seed based not pellets

06-06-2018, 06:31 PM
Ok makes sense I will order the HHB Block today

06-06-2018, 06:54 PM
A good diet is the single most important thing you can do to have a healthy squirrel. StepnStone’ post is dead-on accurate! :great

06-06-2018, 07:52 PM
Just to be clear the parrot food and guinea pig food are seed based not pellets
I understand this and it is the consumption of seed that is to be avoided.
With feeding nuts/seed the recommendation is 2-1 calcium to Phosphorous ratio.
Hazel nuts & roasted Almonds are two of the less offensives.
Nuts and Seeds
Ca:Phos .................Mg/100g ....Ca:Phos
Almonds, roasted.... 291:466..... 1.0:1.6
Hazelnut................ 114:190......1.0:1.7
Pecan ................... 70:277.......1.0:4.0
Chestnut, roasted.....29:107.......1.0:5.9
Peanuts, roasted......88:517.......1.0:5.9
Brazil Nut.................160:725.....1.0:4.5
Sunflower Seed (unr)..78:660......1.0:8.5
Sunflower Sd (roast)..87:1139.... 1.0:13.1
*Acorn, Raw................41:79.......1.0:1.9
*Acorn, Dried..............54:103......1.0:1.9

*Acorns have cost the lives of several (pet) squirrels due to the toxins. Many left on the ground have been rejected by the wilds who have the instinct to detect the bad, unfortunately most captives have not developed that instinct and will eat any nut we feed them..
Aflatoxins and mycotoxins are toxins produced by fungi found commonly in the soil. Acorns, in-shell nuts, and grains can grow the fungi, especially if stored at room temperature (70 degrees). You cannot always see the fungi.
To Avoid this Deadly Toxin:
-Only collect acorns from branches or when freshly fallen (green)
-Never collect brown acorns off the ground

06-06-2018, 08:13 PM
There's no rhyme or reason (to us) with whom a squirrel chooses to like and dislike and only they know the exact reason. So many factors go into this behavior. Try not to over analyze and adjust your household to work around her personality. She is a house squirrel and obviously bonded with 3 of you. You are 100% correct about release and strangers. Fuzz24butt in SC went through thus with the neighbors and her release Roscoe. Usually it's just one person they bond with. So how many people are in your immediate household that she does not like? When guests are visiting I would not have a squirrel on the loose especially in NC where private ownership is frowned upon. If your squirrel bites someone outside the immediate family and they complain you will get a visit from animal control.

Do you have a room that can become a "squirrel room" for out time with a closed door? I am referring to inside the home - not a basement, porch or garage. The idea is not to isolate the squirrel, just to keep her from those who are on her radar to drive out of her territory.

In the wild squirrels are not communal with large social extended families like Prairie Dogs. They sleep in groups for survival in the dead of winter and litters over winter with mom, but that's where it ends. Bonding with humans is obviously not a natural thing so it's hit or miss who they prefer. Someone who fed them on the bottle thru weaning can be rejected for someone who gives belly rubs.

Sure your squirrel could "wild up" for a release, is this really best for her? I have said this before and I will stick by it. It's as traumatic putting out a captive raised squirrel outside as it is bringing a wild indoors. You completely destroy everything that squirrel knows and has adapted to. Certainly the overly aggressive (to everyone) and constant pacer is telling you he needs to go, and it's usually (but not always) a male. We have to be careful not to have a "by the F&W book" rehabber's mentality that all squirrels "belong in the trees". Remember squirrels like Ember are special cases and the majority of squirrels are not "suffering indoors" or "longing for the trees", it a really tiny amount that have this special relationship with people so it's not the end of the world if Ember says with her family. Content captivity depends on the squirrel, the competency of the holder, and the environment the squirrel lives in.

Remember having a squirrel in the house means adjusting to her, not the other way around. Some behaviors can be corrected but instincts cannot.

My perfectly happy (and releasable) Kami


It is funny how one day they are super sweet and cuddley and the next day those instincts kick in and look out! This is a behavior that you most likely will not be able to change. Just respect the fact that she has chosen who she trusts and while others are around I would put her away. The fact that she is chasing people means she will attack so for her saftey and the saftey of others keep her away at those times. I just think it is her instinct kicking in and it is just the way it is. Listen to her and to be safe respect the fact that she wants no part of people other than the ones she likes. ❤️

06-06-2018, 08:29 PM
Ok makes sense I will order the HHB Block today

My two cents is not only order the HHB today, but cut out all seeds and nuts today until her diet is straightened out. Then maybe you can re-introduce these as treats. At 10 months with the diet listed your Ember is at high risk of MBD. As StepNStone already said MBD is a killer... and onset can be very quick. Countless threads here on TSB will have stories of squirrels that were fine one evening only to be found on the floor of their cage the next morning.

And as long as I am weighing in after consciously not for a few days now: if you plan to keep healthy Ember as a pet you need to have a vet that will treat her. You need that in place now, not later when it may be an emergency.

06-07-2018, 08:48 AM
First let me say I'm not here to advocate release in this situation but I want to address the fact that she is attacking your son. It's not fair to him and if she has to be isolated so he can walk about his home, eventually it won't be fair to her.

I get what you're doing with the sunflower seeds, and may be allowing him to take part in her care WILL create a better bond between them.

Squirrels are generally ONE person animals, we hear these questions all of the time and just recently someone was looking for a home for a squirrel who only liked one person and the partner was afraid and getting attacked. This squirrel was over a year old.

All I'm saying is really assess your family and home situation and consider how you will manage if this is the scenario for the next 10 years. Is it something you are willing to live with while making her life as fulfilled as possible. Best wishes.

06-07-2018, 11:02 AM
Feeding (too many) nuts is another source that has been shown to cause aggression
in captive squirrels.

Do consider what has been said here....
I've raised many squees and have given nuts as treats. (not every day) Admittedly, I have over "treated" at times.
The change in attitude is uncanny and certinally not appreciated, cutting out the nuts greatly improves the attitude
and aggression. Once they have returned to a more normal disposition I will treat with a nut again but limit it to only
1-2 X per week.
Also please take in consideration to the scale in post #19 and the recommendation of 2-1 calcium to Phosphorous ratio.
Sunflower seed is too high in Phosphorous.

06-08-2018, 10:34 PM
Ok makes sense I will order the HHB Block today

Make sure you put the HHB's in the freezer since they are made from fresh ingredients and will spoil if left out. Ember may not take to them right away expecting the "bad" foods she likes. A squirrel will not starve and eventually will eat the blocks. I have seen some stubborn ones!

06-20-2018, 04:25 PM
Hey Guys I just wanted to post an update I ordered the HHBs and Ember absolutely loves them she don't even care that they are frozen and I have scaled back her nuts and seeds to treats only she is still doing fine. but will tolerate my son coming in and giving her a treat or HHB she even sat with him for a couple minutes the other day before she clawed him (maybe progress) he really wants to be a part of the squirrel group so maybe the positive association is slowly breaking down her defenses. it has not however helped me with the big green parrot who I have determined is jealous and protecting his mate (my Wife ) From me go figure guess that's why they say exotics are not for everyone but I cant watch an animal be mistreated or left for dead which is how I became a member of this page. just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't just go away, and that I am following as much good advice as I can. I'm glad y'all are here to help us noobs. I have realized that I need to take her outside more often from some of the other posts I have read. Just so you know she absolutely hates it and spends much of the time hiding in her box I'm hoping that with time she will get more comfortable with her outside time as I would like to see her actually getting some good sunlight and not just window bathing. Thanks for the good advice 302433

06-20-2018, 06:55 PM
By "outside" do you mean out of her cage inside the house or outdoors in a sunning cage?

06-20-2018, 07:19 PM
Outside in her cage. It’s large and has wheels and usually if I’m able to sit outside with her she will stay on top of her box but if I have yard work or have to come inside for more than a few minutes she will go in her nesting box and hide.

06-26-2018, 09:38 PM
Hey Guys I just wanted to post an update I ordered the HHBs and Ember absolutely loves them she don't even care that they are frozen and I have scaled back her nuts and seeds to treats only she is still doing fine. but will tolerate my son coming in and giving her a treat or HHB she even sat with him for a couple minutes the other day before she clawed him (maybe progress) he really wants to be a part of the squirrel group so maybe the positive association is slowly breaking down her defenses. it has not however helped me with the big green parrot who I have determined is jealous and protecting his mate (my Wife ) From me go figure guess that's why they say exotics are not for everyone but I cant watch an animal be mistreated or left for dead which is how I became a member of this page. just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't just go away, and that I am following as much good advice as I can. I'm glad y'all are here to help us noobs. I have realized that I need to take her outside more often from some of the other posts I have read. Just so you know she absolutely hates it and spends much of the time hiding in her box I'm hoping that with time she will get more comfortable with her outside time as I would like to see her actually getting some good sunlight and not just window bathing. Thanks for the good advice 302433

Great news that your making adjustments for Embers health and well being.
I think eventually Ember will learn to appreciate the sun a bit more.
I remember reading about a wild squirrel that became friendlier (not AS biting) after the person sat near him for hours over weeks. Maybe as well as giving her the occasional treat your son could try sitting quietly near her cage so that she can smell him. Ultimately Ember will decide if she'll accept him or not but might help?

Nancy in New York
06-26-2018, 09:48 PM
Outside in her cage. It’s large and has wheels and usually if I’m able to sit outside with her she will stay on top of her box but if I have yard work or have to come inside for more than a few minutes she will go in her nesting box and hide.

Just be VERY careful NOT to put her in direct sun, and to NOT bring her outside if it's too hot or humid.
Here's an excellent link to read.


07-17-2018, 10:46 PM
Thanks for all the responses Ember i suppose is right about 1 year old now and is thriving her behavior has not changed but I should feel lucky that she is happy with 3 people and she is definitely my baby she now enjoys laying across my shoulder and when she is out of her cage spends 90% of that time trying to make sure that I don’t leave room and that I cannot play with anything but her she used to love bouncing off all of the furniture in the room but now only wants to stay with me and groom my ears she is very smart and will usually not use any more claw than required to climb clothing and very rarely uses claw on bare skin the last month or so she has become more docile with me and very affectionate. I know squirrels are not supposed to be social animals but she is very attached to i me. I swear some times she even comes when called. Her diet consists of fresh fruit and vegetable she loves avocados and blueberries but only tolerates broccoli she gets peanut butter or yogurt with her food most days and always gets at least 1 HHB I just really wanted to give you guys an update on my baby Ember and her care any feedback is always appreciated

07-18-2018, 12:16 AM
Thanks for all the responses Ember i suppose is right about 1 year old now and is thriving her behavior has not changed but I should feel lucky that she is happy with 3 people and she is definitely my baby she now enjoys laying across my shoulder and when she is out of her cage spends 90% of that time trying to make sure that I don’t leave room and that I cannot play with anything but her she used to love bouncing off all of the furniture in the room but now only wants to stay with me and groom my ears she is very smart and will usually not use any more claw than required to climb clothing and very rarely uses claw on bare skin the last month or so she has become more docile with me and very affectionate. I know squirrels are not supposed to be social animals but she is very attached to i me. I swear some times she even comes when called. Her diet consists of fresh fruit and vegetable she loves avocados and blueberries but only tolerates broccoli she gets peanut butter or yogurt with her food most days and always gets at least 1 HHB I just really wanted to give you guys an update on my baby Ember and her care any feedback is always appreciated

So very glad to hear you are keeping her as part of your family. So many times when the squirrel is not what the human family expected out goes the poor confused squirrel. You have discovered the joys (and challenges) of having a squirrel as a family member!

Just explain to those who are not in her "inner circle" not to take it personally and there is no rhyme or reason with whom a squirrel decides to bond. Usually it's only one person and often that will change over time being more accepting of others. As far as not being social animals that holds true in the wild where they are always on guard for predators and protecting their territories. In a safe home a squirrel eventually let's it's guard down and can be loving and relaxed (sometimes).

Stay strict with the Henry's diet and not too much peanut butter. If you take her outdoors in her cage on wheels keep her out of direct sun, never leave her alone, make sure the cage is locked and escape proof. As squirrel in direct sun can heatstroke very quickly and they cannot sweat to stay cool.

GREAT job raising her!

01-30-2021, 07:43 PM
Any updates on Ember's behavior; did she mellow out, make progress on being comfortable outside, continue attacks etc?