View Full Version : Need dosage info within the next 30mins please :/

06-02-2018, 05:52 PM
I must give clavamox to my release before dusk, she has a potential arm abscess, I recently posted about it on the board. I was advised to give her this antibiotic as soon as possible, but did not hear back in regards to dosage instruction :/ Would anyone have the kindness to please instruct me how to give it? She’s a nursing well-fed mommy. I have one capsule, I’m assuming it must be diluted in water? And is it ok to give infant Advil at the same time or should I stop? Thank you very much

06-02-2018, 06:26 PM
Can you give us the size of the clavamox tab (there are several strengths) and at least a pretty good guess as to the weight of the squirrel in grams? We need this to calculate a dose.

06-02-2018, 06:36 PM
Can you give us the size of the clavamox tab (there are several strengths) and at least a pretty good guess as to the weight of the squirrel in grams? We need this to calculate a dose.

Thank you for your reply. Tablet is 375 mg and squirrel I have no idea :/ was advised .12 for infant Advil in regards to her weight if that helps at all. Here’s pictues of her from this week 301847

06-02-2018, 06:37 PM

06-02-2018, 06:48 PM
She’s here right now, she will be leaving shortly :/

06-02-2018, 07:04 PM