View Full Version : 9 month old Grey just lost her sister, what can I do?

05-29-2018, 08:12 AM
Last September I took in two tiny abandoned angels, one had been found by the cat (Priscilla), the other ( Gertrude )nearly fell on my head while I was attending to the first. My Scilla healed well and they were both healthy as could be until my Gertie passed last night (respiratory infection we fought with everything for about 2 weeks). I'm beyond devastated. There aren't words. My concern has to be with my Scilla first though. She's looking for her sister it seems. Not herself obviously. She's only ever known life with Gertie. They have plenty of room and play time and time with me but I'm not her squirrel sister. What can I do for her? What shouldn't I do? I'm not myself either, so please, any suggestions, even if it seems to be common knowledge. I was with her all night and haven't slept, I'm not at my sharpest.

05-29-2018, 10:21 AM
Last September I took in two tiny abandoned angels, one had been found by the cat (Priscilla), the other ( Gertrude )nearly fell on my head while I was attending to the first. My Scilla healed well and they were both healthy as could be until my Gertie passed last night (respiratory infection we fought with everything for about 2 weeks). I'm beyond devastated. There aren't words. My concern has to be with my Scilla first though. She's looking for her sister it seems. Not herself obviously. She's only ever known life with Gertie. They have plenty of room and play time and time with me but I'm not her squirrel sister. What can I do for her? What shouldn't I do? I'm not myself either, so please, any suggestions, even if it seems to be common knowledge. I was with her all night and haven't slept, I'm not at my sharpest.

Why did you suspect "respiratory infection" and what did you fight the suspected infection with?
Were AB's used?
Your single little will adapt without her sibling, give her extra attention and let her know your there
and give her time to grieve her loss.
We always like to establish diet since it is the number one concern to raising healthy squirrels in captivity.
Can you tell us all that you feed and is a good quality rodent block included in their/ her daily diet?

05-29-2018, 03:08 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss. How is the other one doing, any symptoms?

05-29-2018, 09:41 PM
So sorry for the delay it's been a terrible day. Firstly, no symptoms yet with my Priscilla. I am watching her probably too closely. It's been 2 sneezes in 1 and a half weeks. Once she looked like she was wiping her face on her hammock, but she was just rearranging to sleep. At the onset of Gertrude's illness she didn't get up for our morning routine, that was what set of the bells and whistles. Gertie was the larger of the two and the only thing she loved more than breakfast was our time. (I work nights so as soon as the kids are in school we had our morning play time,) She came around that day but I knew something wasn't right. The afternoon of the next day she was sleeping in the afternoon which seemed off to me because Priscilla is a ball of energy and I had never seen one sleep without the other. Immediately I started the emergency treatment for MBD. I saw no symptoms of an respiratory issue at the time. She thoroughly enjoyed the tums but it did nothing for her. Then she started breathing heavier. At first it looked like she was out of breath, then the wiping of her face, then open mouth breathing. As soon as she was wiping her face she was put on ABs. Cipro. She started turning around and seemed to be getting better each day. Many years ago I had a small animal rescue so I was familiar with the dosage math, but double checked myself with someone who is a friend and squirrel friendly at the vets. She was eating drinking semi normally (appetite was slightly off but definitely adequate water intake was normal). At this point she was running, jumping, just more tired than any other given day. Giving meds got to be more of a chore, she didn't want to take from the syringe anymore, but we worked through it. In about two days her symptoms returned like she wasn't taking the antibiotics at all. Added doxy. There was no clicking at any time through all of this. Aside from the wiping her face and breathing she was eating (still not as much )drinking and peeing and pooping normally, she just wasn't herself. Then I came home (always wake them for pets briefly)and she was barely responsive.
Extremely long, I'm sorry. Without reliving too much of last night I tried everything I think I could and held her as she passed.
Diet, Harlan Teklad block. (2018 and 14 mix as I was worried a bit about her weight) greens (bok choy, cilantro, broccoli, snap peas, romaine ) light fruit ( apples, occasional mango, strawberries) nuts as treats in the shell ( pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts) occasionally mealworms, once in a while mushroom bits. There are others so they don't get bored, but listed are the most commonly given and I always research a food before we have it. They have a huge critter nation side by side double add on etc contraption, antlers to chew, branches all over the room from the tree they fell out of and a reptisun light above. Hadn't been outside because it only now is getting decent out though. But another cage is out there similar setup.
I know I went on and on, I just want my Priscilla to be ok and I never think I know enough so if anything sounds wrong please please let me know.

05-29-2018, 09:45 PM
And thank you both so much for the replies. Priscilla is getting my full attention every second she wants it right now.

05-29-2018, 09:54 PM
It sounds like her diet was good. She may have had a genetic defect with her heart. I don’t know enough about the meds to know how broad spectrum they are. I can say that when I had some babies that had a terrible upper respiratory infection I used Clavamox and Baytril and it cleared it up.

I hope Priscilla, and you, are adjusting to your sudden loss of Gertie. :grouphug

05-30-2018, 12:10 AM
We are trying. Thank you 💔

05-30-2018, 08:57 AM
That’s heartbreaking. I’ve rescued two babies, one newborn and the other eyes just opened. The newborn didn’t last 2 hours due to fall injuries and the other just passed in his sleep- cause unknown. I held the newborn as he passed and it was awful. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling after nine months.
Thinking of you and hoping the sister will be ok soon.