View Full Version : Fever Reducer?

05-26-2018, 08:08 AM
Bean has been very warm since the start of her URI.
Where she lay directly again at my skin this morning though was UNCOMFORTABLY hot. Stinging. The only twist is- I have steroids in my system and have flushing where she lay, so might possibly be related to my sensitivity.

But even without direct skin contact, she still feels pretty feverish.
To be safe, how high is too high and how do I take her temp to begin with?
WHAT do I give her? Children’s ibuprofen?
Dosing? She weighed 378g yesterday at the vet.
If she had been my (human) child, I’d have said it was dangerously high.

I refuse to spazz out over this, because she moved around the room and ate a nut she found, but I’m concerned.

Funny side note: Grayson had to watch from inside his cage as “the interloper” stole his nut and quite rudely ate it right above his head. Sorry, little man, she has all the room privileges right now. LOL

She immediately put herself back to bed, though, and my gut says she could benefit from fever reduction.
My ability to search the forum and actually find the info on my own is non-existent.
Don’t know why I bother anymore. LOL

05-26-2018, 04:54 PM
You can give 0.1 ml infant ibuprofen (50 mg/1.25 ml) every four hours but it can cause GI distress so try a dose and see how she does and see if twice a day works. The antibiotics should kick in soon and you shouldn't need it for more than a day or so.

Also, give access to plenty of fresh water when they're on antibiotics and consider a probiotic two hours before or after her antibiotic dose to keep gut flora happy. The amount of a capital O from a capsule is fine.

05-26-2018, 06:49 PM
I have Children’s, not infant, ibuprofen which looks to be twice that strength. It’s 100mg/5mL (i.e.50mg/2.5mL) Math isnt my strength. I don’t want to overdose her or cause diarrhea, etc. so double checking.
Thank you!

You can give 0.1 ml infant ibuprofen (50 mg/1.25 ml) every four hours but it can cause GI distress so try a dose and see how she does and see if twice a day works. The antibiotics should kick in soon and you shouldn't need it for more than a day or so.

Also, give access to plenty of fresh water when they're on antibiotics and consider a probiotic two hours before or after her antibiotic dose to keep gut flora happy. The amount of a capital O from a capsule is fine.

05-26-2018, 09:29 PM
Bean is doing better this evening. She’s much cooler and she’s opening her eyes all the way, clear and alert not half lidded and bleary. I’m glad I got the ibuprofen in her. And I think the stacked AB’s are working their magic. She hasn’t completely clogged up tonight and mouth-breathed. *sigh of relief* She absolutely HATED the bulb syringe, but it had to be done. Only got nipped once :)
She sleeps 99% of the time but drinks plenty when I offer it and ate half a Henry’s block.
TSB folks are awesome ❤️

05-26-2018, 09:56 PM
Bean says Thank You!

05-27-2018, 04:36 AM
That makes me happy. I'm glad to hear he's feeling a little better. :)
He can have the ibuprophen every 4 hrs as needed.

Nancy in New York
05-27-2018, 05:01 AM
I have Children’s, not infant, ibuprofen which looks to be twice that strength. It’s 100mg/5mL (i.e.50mg/2.5mL) Math isnt my strength. I don’t want to overdose her or cause diarrhea, etc. so double checking.
Thank you!

Children's ibuprophen is 20mg/ml (100mg/5ml) so it's HALF the strength of
infant iburpophen at 40mg/ml (50 mg/1.25 ml)
If giving the Children's ibuprophen you would double that amount from
the infants.

(Thought being that infants get less volume, as they are harder
to dose than children so they make infants stronger.)

05-27-2018, 06:09 AM
Embarrassing. It’s obvious to me now as you explain it. I stared at the numbers given and my box which was different and would have sworn it was double, not half. Describing the lowest denomination for the compared concentrations for some reason made it crystal clear. I will keep that in mind in the future when I’m double (and quadruple) checking dosage. I’m not classically dyslexic, but straight conversions are tough. Probably why word problems were my strength. :)
Thank you again!
Children's ibuprophen is 20mg/ml (100mg/5ml) so it's HALF the strength of
infant iburpophen at 40mg/ml (50 mg/1.25 ml)

Nancy in New York
05-27-2018, 06:22 AM
Embarrassing. It’s obvious to me now as you explain it. I stared at the numbers given and my box which was different and would have sworn it was double, not half. Describing the lowest denomination for the compared concentrations for some reason made it crystal clear. I will keep that in mind in the future when I’m double (and quadruple) checking dosage. I’m not classically dyslexic, but straight conversions are tough. Probably why word problems were my strength. :)
Thank you again!

I think we get it in our heads that children's HAS to be higher, as that makes sense to us.
Believer me, this has been explained to many of us, who initially had a "mental block".
I'm so glad you posted and were double checking.
Because of your questions, it helps others to understand.
I sent you the chart to make it easier in the future.:hug