View Full Version : Plant fertilizer ?

05-21-2018, 11:00 PM
I just bought a tree for my squirrel today, it didn't even occur to me the fertilizer inside the dirt... I'm not certain he even ate any of the fertilizer while digging the dirt. I'm probably just being paranoid, because he seems perfectly fine, although his breathing is a bit more audible right. Is there anyway I'd know if he did ingest any?

05-21-2018, 11:24 PM
Also the tree I bought is a Cleveland select flowering pear. Is it safe for him? He was munching on the tree all day. I didn't read anything that'd suggest it'd be toxic, but wondering if anyone knows otherwise?

05-21-2018, 11:26 PM
i am not a expert but i would think you would watch for anything out of his normal ways. acting lethargic or anxious, sleepy, not eating or drinking. vomiting and loose stool. sometimes seizures happen after a toxic ingestion also. lets hope your kid did not eat any of it. as for the tree i dont know but i give my kids pear tree leaves and branches. hope they are the same fruit bearing and non fruit bearing.

05-21-2018, 11:43 PM
I'm praying he didn't! I'm over here watching him like a hawk now. :shakehead I washed him to make sure none of it was on his fur since he was digging in it. I feel terrible for not even thinking of the fertilizer in the plant before giving it to him! I'll continue to keep a eye on him. Fingers crossed he'll be fine! I tried googling the effects it would have on squirrels and found absolutely nothing! So thank you so much for your help! :hug

05-22-2018, 08:05 AM
I’m pretty sure he will be fine. My wild squirrels dig in my outside potted plants all the time and don’t seem to suffer any ill effects.