View Full Version : Where can I find companion ( Flyer)

Snicker Bar
05-16-2018, 07:10 PM
I know there are some pet stores/breeders ( Texas, up North) but would there by any chance be any TSB members in the SE, that have any young Flyers in need of rehoming? NOT candidates for release; but one that was already born IN captivity. Maybe an accidental breeding situation... I’m just concerned still for my young , now single female. The room has been extra - fortified. She has the dream life; a huge area on our porch , adjacent to our bedroom ( easy access all hours in pajamas lol) . Limbs, logs, bugs... I give her cuddle time every morning, but I’m no substitute for her companion she’s been with since 8 weeks old . That big room is not near as fun without him, no matter how much enrichment. I’d even be willing to adopt two- if the more the merrier . She has her huge cage ( Deluxe Critter Nation style ) , and I have an equally large cage ( just a bit more cumbersome to move) that newcomers could be safely introduced in. I just hate to see her a alone in all that space , night after night.

05-16-2018, 08:56 PM
I’m sorry I don’t know of anyone with a young flyer. :sadness. If a young one doesn’t become available have you looked into exotic breeders in FL? I don’t necessarily approve of breeding squirrels, but I understand there is a market for them. With that said, I think you would make a lovely momma to one and it would be very lucky to have you and a buddy. :Love_Icon

I can’t tell you where to look, as I’ve never searched, but a google search will turn up just about anything. I wish you the best of luck finding a buddy for your baby. :hug.

Maybe someone will have some other ideas.

Snicker Bar
05-16-2018, 09:27 PM
Ok! Florida is doable:) We try to meet the needs of all these babies... Failed miserably on the one . But so thankful for all we’ve learned ( and still more to learn) here on TSB :)

05-16-2018, 09:47 PM
one really excellent breeder is Janda Exotics in Texas. they have no more babies, but they do have young adults (not hand raised but born in captivity.) they won't be as friendly, but you can get them warmed up to you. maybe next baby season you can find one here on TSB. gotta go now, good luck!

Snicker Bar
05-16-2018, 11:20 PM
I’ll check there as well. As long as they can potentially warm up to each other, and are legal ( not trapped from wild) it’s worth a try and the drive. Young adult sounds good , or as close to her age I suppose, would be best. I guess I could ask them, since they raise these. I’ve just heard they are very proliferative , and would be glad to help out a worried Flyer person who had too many flying fur balls lol. I’m not so concerned about being able to cuddle/handle newcomers... but willing to try :) She and I have a great bond, and I will keep our daily reading routine together; we both enjoy this special alone time. I got her trained now, to willingly climb into a bonding pouch ( with a few treats) and hang with me while I read in the bathroom she is familiar ( overwintered ) with. I mainly just want some playmates for the night shift , but willing to cuddle everyone if they’re not too wild to try :)
Thanks for this reference !

05-17-2018, 03:59 AM
Another resource: Tnflyers. It’s a flying squirrel breeder in Tennessee.

Snicker Bar
05-17-2018, 09:27 AM
I just actually called the Tn reference . Very nice man, talked for a long time and he gave me lots of Flyer tips. But when I told him the situation , he basically just said, ‘I could sell you a squirrel... but you don’t NEED another squirrel. She’s fine, as long as we spend time with her daily.’ So I’m kind of confused now . I guess it’s a mom thing... If my youngest goes more than 2/3 days without a friend coming over, she gets ILL !
Idk, he’s a breeder so I don’t want to disrespect his experience. I thanked him for the info. I just thought , ( and what I’ve read and learned here) they do better with a friend .

05-17-2018, 11:50 AM
I hear what you’re saying and I know others thought the same thing and got a second flyer thinking they would be buddies, but they didn’t like each other. Hopefully others with flyer experience will chime in about what is best.

I’m glad you spoke with the owner. The reviews about him were all good.

Snicker Bar
05-17-2018, 01:11 PM
I’m going to call Jada pets and see what they say;
If all are in agreement I’ll just try and be at peace with it, and I guess, give her as much attention life will allow.

05-18-2018, 11:05 AM
Here is another thread about a lonely flyer: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?60352-Looking-for-buddy-for-disabled-flyer!&p=1264995#post1264995

Not knowing anything about flyers but I have always heard they live in colonies. Is the problem introducing a stranger?

I can tell you all about Prairie Dogs and if you throw a stranger into an existing town (colony) and chances are he/she will be rejected. One of may reasons PD's can never be "released" if you don't know where their home "town" (kin) is located.

Snicker Bar
05-18-2018, 01:52 PM
What a cute baby she has... I wonder how things worked out. No, our problem has been trying to locate another, young female . Before Teenie gets to mature and set in her ways. There are no breeders in our State. Not legal to breed or sell here.

05-20-2018, 12:12 AM
Here ya go - flyers in Ocala, FL: https://orlando.craigslist.org/pet/d/flying-squirrels/6593515064.html

Flying squirrels of different ages, need to rehome.
Call for more info

Phone number: (352) 436-3016

Sale/rehoming/keeping of flyers is lawful in Florida and the non-TSB person put his phone number on CL, so no need to move this post to Intake Inf

Snicker Bar
05-20-2018, 12:21 PM
Thank you for trying to help with this reference. So disappointing; they have the perfect ages, gender , and reasonable “rehome” fee. And we were willing to travel. But when they asked and we said we are in MS, they said they couldn’t let them go out of state (??) I didn’t realize that was an issue? Because Jada pets it TX was willing, but they just didn’t have any. Same with Frazier Farms in Tn. But this person said no; didn’t want to get in a fuss. Told him/her thanks anyhow :(

05-20-2018, 01:39 PM
Thank you for trying to help with this reference. So disappointing; they have the perfect ages, gender , and reasonable “rehome” fee. And we were willing to travel. But when they asked and we said we are in MS, they said they couldn’t let them go out of state (??) I didn’t realize that was an issue? Because Jada pets it TX was willing, but they just didn’t have any. Same with Frazier Farms in Tn. But this person said no; didn’t want to get in a fuss. Told him/her thanks anyhow :(

That's just as well Marie. I don't trust Craigslist at all. I don't know of any 'reputable' breeders in FL. I don't know if it was Ocala but there was a nest robber up in North FL that was stealing babies from the wild and selling them. :madd If I'm not mistaken I believe it was a Craigslist ad. You notice they didn't put a lot of information on the post. Pretty bare ad. If they are a licensed USDA breeder they should say so.

From reputable places, sending out of state isn't a problem. Bonzai was shipped from Texas (Janda's Exotics) to someone in St.Pete. I didn't purchase him. He was rehomed due to illness. I know you have a unique situation there and it's sorta time sensitive also due to the window for bonding closing on you but I won't buy a flyer. Flyers come available for rehoming with some regularity on TSB but when you need one there isn't one to be found. :shakehead I know pnerissa is also looking for a baby flyer.

To the Admins... we aren't looking to buy a flyer on TSB or sell one either. We also aren't looking to violate
TSB's policy against buying and selling flyers. :hidechair