08-04-2007, 04:46 PM
Me and my friend found a red squirrel on a path in the forrest near his house.
It came into my sight while I was running after his dog. The squirrel was in the middle of doing a 2 foot back flip and kicking crazilly in the dogs direction as the dog went towards it.
At first we figured the dog attacked him before we got to them and was coming back for an other attack so I ran strait up before the dog did anything I saw. The squirrel has no cuts or anything else visible on the srface if the dog did attack him. The squirrel rolled over and was kicking and fliping around on the ground kind of like break dancing and we could quickly see it was his spine or right back leg hurting. We were coming right back to his house and thought we should bring it to see if we could find what was wrong. This was on tuesday evening.
We saw some strange sac on his head I thought was a tick but it was the same corour as the skin and looked like part of it, so we thought it was a tumor or a growth that might be causing neuroligical problems but it turned out to be some tic creature that fell off on friday.
Either way he got his brian sucked and I think this might be the main problem as he(I think it's a he but don't know how to tell yet really) is doing a lot better.
We were leaving a little after we found him and figgured if we called animal controll or something they'd just kill him so we figured we'd get his(my friends) mom to check up on him till we got back and let nature tell us what to do next. We tried giving him some granolla just to see if he'd eat and he ate like crazy! Seems to want to eat constantly and might still be a little young.
He seemed better the next day and so I took him to my house.
I would have gotten help earlier but didn't know what to do... I've just ben giving him water from a seringe thing which he also can't stop taking while I'm giving it! I gave him a bowl of nuts and sunflower and pumkin seeds but he doesn't seem to bother with the pumkin seeds.
So at this point I have him outside in a big screen tent where he can run around and has a drit bath incase he needs it, as he urinated on his leg and was all wet from me soaking it off with the seringe.
It's hard to tell if he can see well also, if he's gets dizzy when moving arond or if he's just scared and panics.
Each day he's getting better although he sleeps a lot or lays on one side. He still seems in a lot of pain. He can walk now a little but reverts to rolling when he's scared. He can do flips and stuff so it's really hard to tell if it's the right leg or his back and I don't want to hurt anything. I was reading around abit hear before posting and saw an other post in the life threatinging forum that was a simillar leg problem from someone near ottawa and I live near there also so if he was sucsessfull at finding help that could be usefull.
The tents not strong so if he gets stronger he can just tear out of it.. lot of cats around though so I don't want to let him out untill he's better. I live with my parents and they don't mind him out there really but probably won't want me building some crazy thing for him if he gets stronger and they don't want him to riun the tent probably. I don't want him getting ou if he's not well either...
Sorry that was like a book, I think that's all I can tell right now.. So any help would be great.
Me and my friend found a red squirrel on a path in the forrest near his house.
It came into my sight while I was running after his dog. The squirrel was in the middle of doing a 2 foot back flip and kicking crazilly in the dogs direction as the dog went towards it.
At first we figured the dog attacked him before we got to them and was coming back for an other attack so I ran strait up before the dog did anything I saw. The squirrel has no cuts or anything else visible on the srface if the dog did attack him. The squirrel rolled over and was kicking and fliping around on the ground kind of like break dancing and we could quickly see it was his spine or right back leg hurting. We were coming right back to his house and thought we should bring it to see if we could find what was wrong. This was on tuesday evening.
We saw some strange sac on his head I thought was a tick but it was the same corour as the skin and looked like part of it, so we thought it was a tumor or a growth that might be causing neuroligical problems but it turned out to be some tic creature that fell off on friday.
Either way he got his brian sucked and I think this might be the main problem as he(I think it's a he but don't know how to tell yet really) is doing a lot better.
We were leaving a little after we found him and figgured if we called animal controll or something they'd just kill him so we figured we'd get his(my friends) mom to check up on him till we got back and let nature tell us what to do next. We tried giving him some granolla just to see if he'd eat and he ate like crazy! Seems to want to eat constantly and might still be a little young.
He seemed better the next day and so I took him to my house.
I would have gotten help earlier but didn't know what to do... I've just ben giving him water from a seringe thing which he also can't stop taking while I'm giving it! I gave him a bowl of nuts and sunflower and pumkin seeds but he doesn't seem to bother with the pumkin seeds.
So at this point I have him outside in a big screen tent where he can run around and has a drit bath incase he needs it, as he urinated on his leg and was all wet from me soaking it off with the seringe.
It's hard to tell if he can see well also, if he's gets dizzy when moving arond or if he's just scared and panics.
Each day he's getting better although he sleeps a lot or lays on one side. He still seems in a lot of pain. He can walk now a little but reverts to rolling when he's scared. He can do flips and stuff so it's really hard to tell if it's the right leg or his back and I don't want to hurt anything. I was reading around abit hear before posting and saw an other post in the life threatinging forum that was a simillar leg problem from someone near ottawa and I live near there also so if he was sucsessfull at finding help that could be usefull.
The tents not strong so if he gets stronger he can just tear out of it.. lot of cats around though so I don't want to let him out untill he's better. I live with my parents and they don't mind him out there really but probably won't want me building some crazy thing for him if he gets stronger and they don't want him to riun the tent probably. I don't want him getting ou if he's not well either...
Sorry that was like a book, I think that's all I can tell right now.. So any help would be great.