View Full Version : New to this site I have a question about juvenile squirrels

05-10-2018, 07:58 PM
Hello! My name is Lisa and I have been working with squirrels for about 4 years now. I don't take in too many at a time usually only 2-3 is my favorite number. I love working with squirrels more than people! ha! anyway I really enjoy what I do I also work as a vet tech. I hope to one day just focus on wildlife but for right now I am trying to save money to buy my own house. It will only get better from there I am hoping. Maybe I could win the lottery and open up a wildlife clinic! Dare to dream right!
So anyway I have been looking around and I am not sure how I can ask my question. I would like to know if anyone has any experience putting juvenile squirrels together. I have never needed to try that until now. I have 2 females that are about releasing age. And I had the animal control officer in my town bring me another male squirrel that was alone and underweight/ dehydrated actually at a daycare going up to the kids outside. I think something happened to mom you know the drill. Anyway sorry if I can't ask my question here but like I said I am having trouble understanding the site. But I would like to introduce the singleton to my 2 but I am not sure it will go well due to their age BUT I am not sure.
Thank you!

05-10-2018, 08:18 PM
Hi there, thanks for all you do. It usually doesn't go well once they are that old. You know, they're not pack animals and tolerate one another but in the wild they're solitary. Sibs and young ones who have grown up together sometimes start to fight as they get into that age, some don't. Seems to me that those who have tried it haven't had luck. Maybe someone here will have had a different experience and will advise differently.

Can you hang on to him inside while you release the gals, then get him out a month later, something like that? Or even build a "singleton" release cage next to the gals' cage?

You're doing it right, this is where you ask questions and you should bookmark the page so you can come and refresh to see if people have answered you.

05-11-2018, 05:02 AM
Oh thank you so much! I was so excited this morning when I saw I had a reply! Yea thats what I am thinking about doing I don't want to risk any fighting. So I will get him big and strong and release him for all the ladies to admire!

island rehabber
05-11-2018, 05:52 AM
Welcome, Lisasquirrel! I agree with cava above: best not to chance introducing babies who are over 9 weeks old, in my experience. Especially when one is a singleton...I have actually combined two cages of 4 and 5 babies each in a big release pen and they did get along, but they had grown up alongside each other in the same room. Those girls don't know your new guy and it could get nasty.

05-11-2018, 08:47 AM
My boys were about 16 weeks when I put them together, but I had to over winter them so I had time. I got Vin when he was about 7 weeks. Charlie came a few weeks later and they were about 11 weeks. Charlie was so scared and aggressive to anyone and anything but me. I put them in separate cages side by side for a few weeks and finally when they were about 16 weeks I was able to put them together. So it is possible, but I don't know how often it's possible. I think they are more the exception than the rule. :grin2 Currently they are about 9 months old and are in the release cage outside. Unless you are a ways off from releasing them, I too would release them separately.

05-11-2018, 04:58 PM
I am so excited about this forum because I often have questions that I just feel like people get from experience not from any book! Thank you all for your advice. I am not going to chance it because the little boy is smaller than them. The 2 girls are very no nonsense little ones they seem not to be too lovey dovey like some have been. So I know I was told never to have a singleton and I have really worked hard when I have had singles to pair them up. But they were always younger in this situation. Is it the same case for Juvenile squirrels? I have been trying to pair him up so far with no luck. I think our human brain thinks aw he is all alone but maybe because he is older he is okay with that? As of right now I just have them in cages next to each other. Anyway thank you for any tips and tricks! I want to soak up any information I can! :)

05-11-2018, 08:55 PM
Hi and welcome to TSB. We have raised and released many singletons without a problem. But on the other hand, siblings who were raise together can get aggressive with each other and need to be separated especially when overwintering. That happen twice this last winter.