View Full Version : LUNA in Costa Rica- April 22--new problem

04-22-2018, 07:29 AM
POSTED 4-21-18--on LUNA's regular thread...

Luna .............praying that she is not getting sick.
She started to have mucus in one nostril.

stosh just refresh me. Does Luna have her top teeth or are they just nubs?
IF this continues, make a seperate thread and post in the emergency or non emergency sections, to get more eyes on it.


It seems like--lately-- The Costa Rica CREW has been on emergency threads every few weeks.
I do not want to be a nuisance, but we worry--a lot- and often.


LUNA has been with only one upper incisor for quite a while. Left side.She can't open almendras, because the nut casing is very hard, but normally she can open squash seeds to get inside the seed casing.
However; lately we have seen her drop the seeds in frustration. On inspection of her mouth, we found the one tooth gone. It is broken off at the gum line. The other incisor is --and has been--below the gum, and not visible at all.
We are not sure when Luna broke that one good tooth.
She was snorting/sneezing and rubbing her nose frequently. Last night Luna had mucus on her right nostril that came out and went back in when she breathed. Finally RamaMama got to remove it with a tissue. It was not much. Also her right eye also shows white a few times a week for the past 2 weeks.
Her appetite is slowly decreasing. Food plate is not being consumed --like normally she would do.
We will monitor her activity and symptoms carefully today--and in coming days.
We pray Luna will show signs of improvement.

After the loss of SEIS & the DUDE (the DUDE tested positive for MRSA) we both got tested for MRSA and the results were negative for RamaMama and for me.---

island rehabber
04-22-2018, 07:35 AM
I would start her on antibiotics immediately, if she were mine. Sounds like there may be infection in that broken tooth, and of course that spreads easily to their sinus cavity. Maybe SMZ-TMP -- mild and slow-acting but I would nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand. White tears are no passing thing; they signify extreme stress or pain.

Nancy in New York
04-22-2018, 07:40 AM

It seems like--lately-- The Costa Rica CREW has been on emergency threads every few weeks.
I do not want to be a nuisance, but we worry--a lot- and often.


NEVER worry about being a nuisance.
This is what the emergency forum is for, regardless of how many times you post,
it's FINE. :grouphug

04-22-2018, 10:55 AM
Stosh, I know you want her to have the option to wear her remaining teeth down but I think especially for now you should discontinue any hard to get into foods so she doesn't exacerbate the pain and inflammation she is having.

It would give her teeth/tooth a rest and maintain nutrition. Make life super easy for her, sweet thing.

You are never a bother. We care about your crew too!

04-22-2018, 11:04 AM
Try offering her booballs. Thst will be easier to eat and nutritious as well.

04-22-2018, 04:28 PM
If you don’t see any change maybe consider a nose drop AB. A few weeks after Sammy’s surgery he started having a wet sneeze, increase in white tears and boogers in his nose. Dr. E had me put him on a opthamalic drop intranasally because she thought it was an infection in his sinus cavity. That cleared it right up for him where the oral AB had not.