View Full Version : Running short on formula - blending Q

04-22-2018, 02:27 AM
I received 4 week olds that are now about 5 1/2 weeks. Rejected Esb Puppy upon arrival so I tried 20/50 and all took to it. Droppings normal for age and all gaining weight. A little underweight when found so I have been adding a small amount of Ultraboost to each mix. I gave away a bag of 20/50 thinking I had 2 but it turned out to be 32/40 which I have discontinued for the most part in favor of Esb Pup. I am running short on 20/50 and have to stretch it out until mid week. Any thoughts on blending 32/40 and/or more Ultraboost with 20/50 until I get a new shipment? I don't want to upset the digestive applecart since things are going so well. My experience is more long term care of NR adults, medical and behavioral issues than formula specifics / nursing other than following the usual Henry's recommended routine. Hopefully a SR rehabber can advise. I normally triage, stabilize, and hand off but no rehabbers/subs available at present so I am momma once again.

3.1 Litter


04-22-2018, 03:06 AM
We had to transition our babies from Fox Valley to Esbilac here - deliveries to Canada were never predictable, sometimes held at customs... plus shipping costs were out of this world. We began putting a touch of Liberty vanilla yogurt in the Esbilac and a touch of 35% cream - the lactose free kind - and we had no problem with the transition. I think it's the taste that is usually the problem since FV has that vanilla flavour you don't find in Esbilac.

We started with less than 1/4 of our prepared mix of Esbilac to more than 3/4 Fox Valley, and very gradually increased until total Esbilac with yogurt and cream. Our babies have always been growing big and plump on that, so we've stuck to it. :)

04-22-2018, 03:36 AM
You can use up to a 50/50 mix of Fox Valley and Ultraboost. I have always done it that way.

island rehabber
04-22-2018, 05:49 AM
SophieSquirrel, if you do the math (I know, you're like me -- we try not to LOL) I believe that mixing 32/40 with the recommended percentage of UltraBoost actually gives you.....FV20/50. :grin2
Mel have you ever had problems (runny poop) using that much Ultra Boost in your formula? They recommend no more than 25% of the mixture but you have tried 50%. I would think that so much fat might result in some poop issues, but maybe not...:thinking :dono

04-22-2018, 08:09 AM
SophieSquirrel, if you do the math (I know, you're like me -- we try not to LOL) I believe that mixing 32/40 with the recommended percentage of UltraBoost actually gives you.....FV20/50. :grin2
Mel have you ever had problems (runny poop) using that much Ultra Boost in your formula? They recommend no more than 25% of the mixture but you have tried 50%. I would think that so much fat might result in some poop issues, but maybe not...:thinking :dono

Actually the bag says to “mix 3/4 part formula to 1/4 part Ultraboost” “not to exceed 1/2 formula and 1/2 Ultraboost”. I have always mixed it this way for Joey to get the most calories in him. I’ve never had a problem with loose stool, even when I mix it like this for babies.

04-22-2018, 01:14 PM
I think I am going to do 1/2 32/40 and 1/2 Ultra boost and then mix that 50/50 with 20/50 and see how that works I am not going to mix the powders but make the formulas with the proper 2:1 and then mix. At 5+ weeks I am not worried abut the potential solids problem with the 32/40 especially as only 1/4 of the formula. I do add a little Kefir (liquid yogurt) as a rule anyway.

Does this sound reasonable?.