View Full Version : Question about Peeps

04-20-2018, 07:28 AM
I posted this in his thread but thought I needed to post here. Last night for the third time in a couple of months we brought Peeps inside overnight. He’s fighting with the kids down the block. He has superficial wounds to his neck and a small puncture wound on the side of his muzzle and another on his front leg (claw puncture I think).

I let him out the bathroom window after I applied some more ointment to his neck because he clearly wanted to be outside. A little later I was out by the RC and he came down. He’s moving a little slow and his eyes still don’t look great so when he jumped on me I walked into the RC and left him in there.

My question, should I leave him in there for a little while or just let him out and hope he hunkers down till he’s back to 100%? I hate to ruin his trust.

Nancy in New York
04-20-2018, 07:32 AM
I posted this in his thread but thought I needed to post here. Last night for the third time in a couple of months we brought Peeps inside overnight. He’s fighting with the kids down the block. He has superficial wounds to his neck and a small puncture wound on the side of his muzzle and another on his front leg (claw puncture I think).

I let him out the bathroom window after I applied some more ointment to his neck because he clearly wanted to be outside. A little later I was out by the RC and he came down. He’s moving a little slow and his eyes still don’t look great so when he jumped on me I walked into the RC and left him in there.

My question, should I leave him in there for a little while or just let him out and hope he hunkers down till he’s back to 100%? I hate to ruin his trust.

Here's my opinoin, I just posted this in your other thread.

I think "our squirrels"/raised by us, are pretty forgiving with their "trust issues"
You will feel more comfortable observing for a while, so I'd keep him in
until you feel confident enough that he can go, and isn't too impaired.
Peeps trusts you enough to do the right thing for him, that will never change.:hug

04-20-2018, 07:39 AM
I agree with Nancy, a few days watching recovery will not hurt his trust. Heck, the safe down time and 3 squares will help him heal quicker and if you see him spazzzing out you can always release then.

04-24-2018, 08:06 AM
Peeps has been in for almost a couple of days now. He’s getting antsy and chasing all the squirrels that climb on the RC. I don’t know that he’s 100% mended, but I’m concerned about him losing his alpha stance in the yard if I keep him in much longer. If he would just stay close to home for a few more days I think he’d be healed. His neck looks pink still, his eyes don’t look perfect but better than they did.

What should I do? Let him out or keep him in longer? :dono

Pictures from this morning.

04-24-2018, 03:45 PM
If you kept him for a few days and you're seeing improvement and he's going bonkers, I say let him out (may be tomorrow morning, since it's so late) and then entice him with nuts every morning so he'll come back and let you keep an eye on him.

04-25-2018, 06:26 AM
I let him out yesterday afternoon and he went straight to his nest box in the tree. Stayed there for the night. I went out early this morning. When he woke up he wouldn’t come down for his favorite hazelnut. I watched him maneuver and he’s still moving slower than normal, his eyes still look a little glassy and he’s biting branches and other stuff, which I know can mean pain. I finally got him to come down the telephone pole to me and was able to put him back in the RC. My boy is NEVER gonna trust me again. :shakehead

I just went out and watched him. He seems to be moving around the RC fine. I don’t know if I should be concerned about a systemic infection, even though the wounds don’t look inflammed nor are they oozing. Should I give any meds, either antibiotic or metacam? Or just watch him a little longer and then let him go?

I’ve attached pics from this morning. Oops! I see they’re all upside down. Drat!

Nancy in New York
04-25-2018, 06:38 AM
I let him out yesterday afternoon and he went straight to his nest box in the tree. Stayed there for the night. I went out early this morning. When he woke up he wouldn’t come down for his favorite hazelnut. I watched him maneuver and he’s still moving slower than normal, his eyes still look a little glassy and he’s biting branches and other stuff, which I know can mean pain. I finally got him to come down the telephone pole to me and was able to put him back in the RC. My boy is NEVER gonna trust me again. :shakehead

I just went out and watched him. He seems to be moving around the RC fine. I don’t know if I should be concerned about a systemic infection, even though the wounds don’t look inflammed nor are they oozing. Should I give any meds, either antibiotic or metacam? Or just watch him a little longer and then let him go?

I’ve attached pics from this morning. Oops! I see they’re all upside down. Drat!

It's difficult to see from the pictures, but the ones you posted yesterday, the eyes do
look "off"
Mel, if you released him yesterday and he went straight to his nest box
and stayed there all night. I think that's your answer.
I'm not sure at this point what I would treat for, but I do believe he
might need something.
Moving slow, and wounds would concern me. I do wonder if a round of Clavamox
is in order, though I hate to shove drugs if that's not the answer.
That would also mean longer confinement if abs. are started. Not that it would be a problem
for you, but not sure if Peeps could stand that. Unless you think you could dose him daily
without the long stay. :dono

04-25-2018, 07:00 AM
I could probably dose daily even if I let him go. He comes every evening for treats and to get in his box. I could put it on an opened hazelnut.

Is Clavamox preferable over Baytril?

04-25-2018, 07:06 AM
Is Clavamox preferable over Baytril?

For a wound.... most definitely.

04-25-2018, 07:37 AM
I have injectable Baytril 22.7mg and Clavamox powder 50mg/12.5. Peeps weighs approx 350gr.

Unless it’s unadvisable to treat him, I think I’d like to, since this is the third time in a couple of months he’s had neck wounds from a fight. Could someone dose for me, please?

Nancy in New York
04-25-2018, 07:51 AM
I have injectable Baytril 22.7mg and Clavamox powder 50mg/12.5. Peeps weighs approx 350gr.

Unless it’s unadvisable to treat him, I think I’d like to, since this is the third time in a couple of months he’s had neck wounds from a fight. Could someone dose for me, please?

I too would dose him, something seems a little off.

With the powder do you have one of the bottles where you add X amount of water.
If so, is this a new bottle of the powder?

04-25-2018, 09:55 AM
I’m sorry I had to go to the store...company coming tomorrow.

It’s not brand new, but I keep it in the freezer. It came from Dr. E. Her instructions for Joey were 1cc powder to 2cc of water to make a small quantity. I probably have 2cc of powder left. Expiration 9/2018.

Nancy in New York
04-25-2018, 10:15 AM
I’m sorry I had to go to the store...company coming tomorrow.

It’s not brand new, but I keep it in the freezer. It came from Dr. E. Her instructions for Joey were 1cc powder to 2cc of water to make a small quantity. I probably have 2cc of powder left. Expiration 9/2018.

Well if this makes a strength of 62.5 mg/ml then the dose would be 0.11 for a weight of ~350 grams.
I'm unsure what the strength would be with 1 cc of powder to 2 cc's of water.
This is dosed twice daily for 7 days.
Edit: How do you measure a cc of powder?

04-25-2018, 04:45 PM
Thank you. I found my notes from last time I dosed him and it was 0.12 for 375gr. :Love_Icon

I asked Dr. E the same question and she said to pour the powder into a syringe up to the 1cc mark, then pour it into another container and add the water. I can only assume she measured out the full amount of powder in the bottle to come up with her less than scientific way of reconstituting :grin3.

Nancy in New York
04-25-2018, 05:08 PM
Thank you. I found my notes from last time I dosed him and it was 0.12 for 375gr. :Love_Icon

I asked Dr. E the same question and she said to pour the powder into a syringe up to the 1cc mark, then pour it into another container and add the water. I can only assume she measured out the full amount of powder in the bottle to come up with her less than scientific way of reconstituting :grin3.

Oh good so you're going with the dose of 0.12 guesstimating that his weight is 375 grams, correct?
Remember this is twice daily, I know you know that. :)

04-25-2018, 06:25 PM
I gave the second dose, it wasn’t exactly 12 hours apart but I wanted to get it in him before he went into his nest box in the RC. Yes, I gave somewhere between 0.11 and 0.12.