View Full Version : Biting JO

04-17-2018, 06:37 AM
My name is Poppa and I have a one year old Eastern Gray named Jo. He has always liked to give me little bites but he has begone to bite more and harder. How can I break him of this?

04-17-2018, 07:47 AM
The best way I have found to discourage bad behavior is to immediately take away the thing they want most - being out with me, playing. So as soon as the mean bite happens, just pick him up and bring him back to his cage, put him in, and leave the room. No drama - don't grab him, don't yell or scold, don't slam the cage - just calmly pick him up and deposit him and leave. And don't go right back in there - you are trying to imprint upon him that mean biting = going right back to cage. You have to be completely consistent for this to work - if you sometimes let him get away with it, he will learn that if he persists, chances are he will be successful. If you are consistent he will rapidly learn that not biting is the way to go!

He is highly hormonal right now too. A year old is about the apex of their naughtiness in the growing up process.

Is he being released or is he not releasable for some reason?