View Full Version : Fox Valley--Need to Wait ??

04-16-2018, 03:31 PM
Just Wondering---
I ran out of my mixed Fox Valley and , of course, my little Mancha was in "the mood" & drank the only 7 cc that I had ready.
So I just mixed another new, larger batch. I stirred and shook the container well....waited 15 minutes and stirred and shook again.
Usually I wait 2 hours to allow complete absorption, with the mixed F.V in the fridge. Then I reheat syringes--as needed.
---My question is:
What is the minimum wait time--before I can safely offer the F.V. to my baby ??
Many time she refuses my syringes...and I wait a few hours and try again.
TODAY--she gulped down the little bit I had left, and wants more--NOW.

04-16-2018, 11:43 PM
I’m sure you’ve already fed her. But to answer your question, in a pinch like you were in, it would be ok to give it without it “resting”. To the best of my knowledge, it won’t harm them to drink it without it sitting for awhile, it’s just not ideal.

island rehabber
04-17-2018, 09:00 AM
:hidechair Dare I say this? I feed freshly-mixed formula fairly often, because (and it's the same for stosh) when you are only feeding less than 4-5 babies at a time you really don't use up a large pre-mixed quantity fast enough -- so you tend to make small batches. ANYway, I have never had a problem doing that. I use a very small wire whisk and whip it like crazy; I also use very hot water.

04-17-2018, 09:41 AM
Thanks--for the replies...
(yes--I had already fed my baby....)
But this info might help others in the same situation.