04-16-2018, 03:31 PM
Just Wondering---
I ran out of my mixed Fox Valley and , of course, my little Mancha was in "the mood" & drank the only 7 cc that I had ready.
So I just mixed another new, larger batch. I stirred and shook the container well....waited 15 minutes and stirred and shook again.
Usually I wait 2 hours to allow complete absorption, with the mixed F.V in the fridge. Then I reheat syringes--as needed.
---My question is:
What is the minimum wait time--before I can safely offer the F.V. to my baby ??
Many time she refuses my syringes...and I wait a few hours and try again.
TODAY--she gulped down the little bit I had left, and wants more--NOW.
I ran out of my mixed Fox Valley and , of course, my little Mancha was in "the mood" & drank the only 7 cc that I had ready.
So I just mixed another new, larger batch. I stirred and shook the container well....waited 15 minutes and stirred and shook again.
Usually I wait 2 hours to allow complete absorption, with the mixed F.V in the fridge. Then I reheat syringes--as needed.
---My question is:
What is the minimum wait time--before I can safely offer the F.V. to my baby ??
Many time she refuses my syringes...and I wait a few hours and try again.
TODAY--she gulped down the little bit I had left, and wants more--NOW.