View Full Version : Ingredient tips for homemade blocks...flavor suggestions

04-11-2018, 09:59 PM
So I know there are tonsssss of posts regarding making your own blocks and I have looked through the cookbook thread several times trying to decide which route I should take but I am still a little overwhelmed haha. I know a lot of it will be trial and error but just thought getting some feedback from those that have tried different recipes and flavors would be helpful :) My Wilbur loves the Henry's blocks but I love to cook and ultimately I think it might save some cash. Any of you that make your own blocks think its economical and worth the trouble? I have already ordered the vitamins and protein from Henry's so I am awaiting their arrival. I know I won't attempt to do the vitamins from anywhere else but is there any other protein besides the NOW brand that you all use or recommend? For the recipe that uses baby food did you have better luck with one flavor over another? Wilbur is super super picky so I thought this route might be better to use the baby food and get some extra nutrients and good stuff in there. Any advice is very much appreciated!

*Oh and somewhat off subject but this is too good not too share. Thrive Market is where I was looking at almond flour, raw nuts, organic baby food, etc. for my blocks. They have tons of organic/paleo/vegan groceries and personal items and right now they have a deal going where you get $20 off your first three orders of $49 or more and free shipping. You have to pay a subscription fee after the first month but I plan on cancelling before then! Just couldn't turn down a $20 coupon. I love a good deal so wanted to share the love :)


04-13-2018, 07:32 PM
Well decided to go with the plain HHB recipe and Wilbur won't eat it. So upset that I wasted all of those ingredients 😭

04-14-2018, 01:23 PM
Can anyone use these? I would be happy to donate them to someone and ship them to you! I just can't stand to Waste!

Squirrelly Joe
04-14-2018, 01:36 PM
Can anyone use these? I would be happy to donate them to someone and ship them to you! I just can't stand to Waste!
So sorry that this didn't work out for you ... I wrote you a private message!

04-14-2018, 02:02 PM
I use HT 2018 blocks, almonds (say 1 cup block, 1/4 or less nuts), unsweetened apple sauce (or baby food of your choice, a little coconut oil, and I add whatever powdered formula I have on hand and mix it all together. I use however much applesauce I need to get the right consistency. Sometimes I bake them and sometimes I just freeze them. They also like them refrigerated as well. I’ve used other flavor applesauces and they ate them but didn’t love them. They like them made with banana baby food too but that’s the only baby food I’ve tried so far. HTH!

04-14-2018, 03:01 PM
Try adding genuine almond extract (it is strong - a little goes a long way) to any of the blocks that you bake (which evaporates the alcohol). It adds flavor AND smell and I think they like both.

04-14-2018, 03:15 PM
Ok I may try doing that next time! I used the hazelnut extract in this recipe but he literally turned his nose up to them 😂 Haha

04-14-2018, 03:34 PM
I use HT 2018 blocks, almonds (say 1 cup block, 1/4 or less nuts), unsweetened apple sauce (or baby food of your choice, a little coconut oil, and I add whatever powdered formula I have on hand and mix it all together. I use however much applesauce I need to get the right consistency. Sometimes I bake them and sometimes I just freeze them. They also like them refrigerated as well. I’ve used other flavor applesauces and they ate them but didn’t love them. They like them made with banana baby food too but that’s the only baby food I’ve tried so far. HTH!

My recipe is similar but I always used different flavored baby foods. I buy the pouches with a combo of flavors (apple/broccoli) and make a couple mini batches at the same time with different flavors so they wouldn't become bored. I noticed they prefer almonds v. walnut or pecans in their boo balls. Dunno why.


04-15-2018, 04:56 PM
My recipe is similar but I always used different flavored baby foods. I buy the pouches with a combo of flavors (apple/broccoli) and make a couple mini batches at the same time with different flavors so they wouldn't become bored. I noticed they prefer almonds v. walnut or pecans in their boo balls. Dunno why.


OMG I bought the exact same baby food and flavors haha! I think I am going to try the boo balls recipe next :)

04-15-2018, 05:20 PM
I roll them into block sized balls and bake them on a cookie sheet at 350-400 for 15 minutes moving them around every 5 minutes.

But save some for the freezer and fridge (uncooked) so you can see what he prefers.

04-15-2018, 05:30 PM
I've been making blocks for a number of years.
I never use any kind of extract
Had to throw out the batch I made with hazelnut
extract years ago :tap even my wilds wouldn't
touch them
Learned to keep it simple and all my squirrels eat

whey protein
baking powder
eggs (an extra egg makes them a little taller and softer
for my teeth challenged kids)
nuts (I use chopped pecans and sliced almonds)