View Full Version : Penelope; radical change, how feed now??

Snicker Bar
04-09-2018, 04:53 PM
Wow. So just yesterday I posted my weaknesses , getting attached and such during this process with Penelope and Buddy . They are now , best guess, 8 /9 weeks old; the first two normal ( not crippled or brain damaged ) baby Greys to attempt to attempt to rehab from start to finish. Many thanks again, to Cava and others who posted links on Soft Release Process , and Release Cage plans...
So, any warm fuzzies just now froze to a stop. I fed my two normal little kids this am; ( also offering block and other first foods) ; but just now, Penelope went werewolf on me?!? I went to get her out of tub, and, it’s like she didn’t know me?? Doing her most viscious grrr, grrr, grrrs like a big girl; squeaking , and kind of, rushing my hand like she has rabies! No weird smells on my hands , nothing out of ordinary routine. What happened?? I finally managed to get her fed a few mls by offering it to her IN the tub. After she got the idea, she allowed me to gently lift her out and finish her serving; but not all docile and cuddly after . I promptly put her back, and now wonder do I need gloves , or try to offer her milk in a dish? Is this sudden behavior change normal? My others NEVER did like this. Scared crap out of scrawny little Buddy. I was planning today to move them into a larger cage, with more things to climb , some branches etc. Add a water bottle, and a dish for veggies and block. Going to keep the heating pad under half the base , with blankets etc. Just concerned, and kind of sad :(

04-09-2018, 06:36 PM
It's normal behavior. It could have been a sound, or she was startled by something. Heck, when Frances opened her eyes (my first one rehab) she saw me, a huge monster coming for her, and would growl and lunge on unsteady 5 week old legs when I got her out for feedings. It will pass, you have to handle them for feeding and cage cleaning, etc. Hang in there, but I think it might be an early message that they for sure will wild up and be ready for release (even if Momma isn't:grin2)

Edit: after 9 weeks Frances and Basil wouldn't let me touch them. I spent the whole winter with these a-holes (I say with love) and they got out of cage time once a day and I had to get creative about getting them back into the cage. You may not have to deal with that at all since they will be old enough for release this summer and they can stay in a cage until then.

04-09-2018, 07:27 PM
I totally agree with cava. This is a normal stage that they go through around 8 weeks. I've seen it referred to as the 'ghost stage'. Out of the blue they startle easily and they are afraid of everything. It's like they see ghosts. Some will act out with growling and aggression. It will pass and they usually go back to being sweet little babies.

Give it a few days. If you need to, wrap her in fleece and cover her eyes with the corner of the fleece when you feed her. She should be fine. Usually by this stage they are getting difficult to feed anyway. They will take a few CC's and then wiggle free and climb your shoulder. :tilt Take a little more and try to wiggle free again. :shakehead You can offer formula in a shallow bowl if you need to. I'll warn you, it's very messy.

04-09-2018, 08:13 PM
Great advice. I used to shield their eyes with one hand while I fed with another and made a circle out of a folded up towel to put them in their "feeding arena" to help minimize escape. It kind of worked.

I also attempted to feed through the cage bars when they were being especially difficult. With two, it gets tricky. Hang in there.

If you choose to go the dish route you can give them a treat and while they are settled in eating it hurry up and switch bowls out.

Snicker Bar
04-09-2018, 08:14 PM
Growling on wobbly legs? That is scary! Well, relieved to know this is normal and not a symptom of some freakish brain parasite or disease . I may have to do the messy dish thing, at least for mid day feeding on the two days I work... I think it would stress her taking her/them with now; if she’s at an age to have sudden spells .

I did go ahead and set them up in a slightly larger, but taller cage with fresh limbs with lichens, and some early Maple leaves, and those helicopter seed things. Buddy is ecstatic, chewing and playing, but she’s under her pink blankie making occasional grumpy growls anytime he bumps her spot :(

And yes....this removes all risk of getting too attached, or worry she/they will become too tame :) Her wildness is already starting I guess