View Full Version : What are some good foods for first introducing solid foods to my squirrel babies?

04-04-2018, 04:31 PM

I was curious what some of your favorite foods are to feed the babies when they are first starting on solids?
I have already introduced them to blocks, which they really seem to love, but today I would like to try something new.

Appreciate the suggestions.

04-04-2018, 05:22 PM
I start with a bit of broccoli. Others may start with other things but whatever you do, introduce one thing at a time and let them have that for a while. It will tell you if a certain thing is giving them tummy troubles.

Again, blocks are the base of the diet so the veggies shouldn't be in such abundance that they only eat that and don't need the blocks anymore.

Also, how old are they, are you still feeding formula?

Diggie's Friend
04-05-2018, 11:04 PM
Cutting up and boiling stalked vegetables, headed cabbages, with shorter boiling (blanching) for Asian cabbages , Turnip greens, Kales 3 to 10 min.

Also 1 to 2 minute blanching for immature: lettuces, chicory leaves, arugula, watercress, garden cress, and escarole, as this makes these immature leaves that have a positive Ca: Ox more digestable, that makes the nutrients that they contain more available to be absorbed into the bloodstream. It also supports the removable of bad bacteria and endoparasites that leafy greens may carry otherwise raw.

04-05-2018, 11:08 PM
Cava - Thanks for the tips! Yes, they are still eating formula. However, it seems like they are starting to not be as hungry for it, and are more curious about other stuff. They have been loving their blocks though! They are 6 1/2 weeks old! :grin2

04-06-2018, 01:23 AM
Cava - Thanks for the tips! Yes, they are still eating formula. However, it seems like they are starting to not be as hungry for it

That's pretty normal, you can start to lengthen the time in between and or feed one less time a day. Four times a day as long as you're feeding at least 5% and they are eating the blocks which will replace the nutrition the formula was giving is fine. And soon, three times a day. I find that at 9 weeks they're being real butt heads about sitting for feedings, but every baby is different.

We don't promote weaning but some babies are just way too "busy" wiggling away and checking things out to sit for their feedings. Do your best to get it into them but you can place a shallow dish of formula in their cage and provide a water bottle as well. They may not use it at first but it will eventually replace the hydration they receive in the formula.

We love pics!:grin2

04-06-2018, 01:03 PM
Thank you so much for all the advice!! I truly appreciate it. :grin2 I will definitely be taking it. Let me try and snap some more pictures for you today. These little buggers are so active today. Gonna try and get them together for a family photo :Love_Icon