View Full Version : Introducing Borion and Berry, 7 wk grey squirrels

04-02-2018, 02:37 AM
My name is Shawna and my family and I are currently caring for two 7 week old grey squirrel kittens. A friend who works at an animal shelter had two different individuals come to her, each with litters that were about the same age, and she kept them all for the first week or two. She was about to go out of town and needed someone to take the squirrels, so her mom took two and we took two on March 14.

We're a very animal oriented family, have many pets and are avid birders, which is why the friend asked me if I'd take two of the squirrels. I've had experience hand raising Eastern Cottontail rabbits, opossums, kittens (cats) and many hand-fed baby parrots. I also briefly had a just-out-of-pinky stage squirrel in high school, but the people who had found him let him lie exposed for hours and flies laid eggs on him. I removed the visible eggs but did not know then that there were eggs in his ears. He was growing very well but soon met a tragic end. That was more than 20 years ago and I have always wanted the chance to try again with a squirrel.

We are a homeschooling family and have time to spend with babies. Our 12 year old daughter is sharing in the feeding duties and play time for the squirrels. I would not trust most children her age to do this, but she is extremely responsible in caring for baby animals (she recently helped rear a parrot from 3 weeks old and helped with feeding our rabbit kittens a couple years ago... never once aspirating a baby). I was her age when I raised my first orphan possum, and it's great to see her tenderly and carefully tending to these squirrels.

We have a male (Borion) and a female (Berry) who may or may not be actual siblings, since the litters got mixed up. They were about 4 weeks old when they came to us, judging by the date their eyes opened (March 19). They are now 7 weeks old and just moved out of their tub and into a play cage for climbing a few days ago.

I had initially been feeding puppy formula with heavy cream and vanilla yogurt, but have just transitioned to Fox Valley 20/50 and they seem to be adjusting to it well.

Both babies are growing, active and playful, but the male has struggled with loose bowels on and off (especially when he first came) and has always been smaller than the female since his arrival with the previous caregiver at 2 or 3 weeks old. Although he is smaller, he has been gaining and just seems to be proportionally smaller than Berry. He weighs 135 grams compared to her 152 and just looks a little... well, scruffy when compared to her plump sleekness. He has a nervous disposition while she is relatively calm and snuggly. But, they are both quite sweet and very endearing! I will post photos when I'm next on a real computer and not a phone.

They are experimenting with rodent block and baked parrot treats (more on that below) and I've begun offering fresh twigs as well for play and chewing.

Already, this forum has been a help to me. Twice today I noticed blood on Berry's mouth, bedding and some food crumbs. She wasn't in distress, and after doing a search on here I learned that this can come from teething. What a relief!

I'm sure this forum will continue to be helpful as these babies grow and we get closer to their eventual release onto our property.

I do have a question about the parrot treats I've been offering. These are the ingredients: oatmeal, vegetable shortening, rice syrup, millet flour, oat flour, honey, flax, dried fruit or vegetables (depending on flavor), dried whole eggs,* whey, vitamin E, natural flavors. Crude protein 6%, crude fat 24%, crude fiber 2.5%. Does this seem to be an appropriate first food in addition to the rodent block? I can repost this question in the nutrition forum if more appropriate.

Thanks very much!

04-02-2018, 03:38 AM
Welcome to TSB... :wave123
First I've altered your subject line "7 wk grey kittens" (very confusing)
to reflect squirrels so you'll get attention for squirrels not kittens.
Squirrels are not a feline species and are not referred to as kittens.

Your parrot treats are not a good nutrition to be fed to a squirrel.

The male struggling with loose bowels is a concern as it can cause dehydration.
With dehydration they can not properly process what they eat.
Posting a picture could be very helpful to get an overall assessment.

04-02-2018, 05:50 AM
Welcome and thanks for helping these little ones. Here's some information you may not need at this point, but it's good info to have in general. You may find something you missed: https://www.henryspets.com/baby-squirrel-care/

You mentioned you're an animal loving family. If you have many animals around the house keeping the squirrels in a predator free room, high up and off the ground will make them more comfortable and might help little guy feel less skittish. Make sure they have a cube or blanket cave or some place they can go into for sleep and security during the day. I put a sheet over my cage, when I switch them, and leave just the front open to minimize drafts and offer them seclusion and security.

You may continue to put a heating pad under the corner of the cage as it's more airy and they can catch a chill v. the bin. It gives them the option if they need it and since Borion isn't 100% he should be offered anything that would take stress off of his body, like warmth.

Step is correct about removing the parrot food. Blocks and FV will meet nutritional needs right now. Are you feeding them formula based on weight? Overfeeding can cause diarrhea.

Looking forward to your photos soon!

04-02-2018, 06:39 AM
Offer some extra hydration (water) in between feedings to Barion if he has loose stools. As Step said, if he’s dehydrated he wont process what he eats or be interested in eating. If the loose stools persist you might add a touch of infant rice cereal or infant banana baby food to one of his formula feedings and see if that helps.

:Welcome Welcome to the Board. I look forward to pictures and an update.

04-02-2018, 11:11 AM
In my locale, the term "kitten" is often used for baby squirrels. Of course I know they're not felines (did that really need to be said?)... but other non-feline infants are called kittens, such as rabbits. I didn't know it wasn't used here or that it would be confusing on a forum that is mostly dedicated to squirrels. :dono

Borion's soft stools are mostly a past problem with a seemingly random smooshy (but not liquid) movement once every couple of days. This is a big improvement over how he was on arrival. I wondered if it was why he was "behind" his sister, but learned from the former caregiver that he was always smaller. He was dehydrated when he came, and when he was younger I would hydrate between feedings. He now passes hydration tests just fine and is uninterested in water but a pig for formula. I'm feeding based on weight, but tend toward the 7% with him. He would definitely eat more if I let him! I will cut down to 5% per feeding and see if that resolves his remaining issue, and try the infant cereal if it doesn't. He's weighed daily and consistently gains, and has never been lethargic or otherwise seemed ill as far as behavior goes.

Photo was taken yesterday. It's very difficult to catch a picture of him by phone without some portion of him being blurred. He is quick! But he's just not as plump and resplendent as his sister.

Thanks for looking at the parrot treats for me. They enjoy crumbling these up but I will continue on with just the blocks.

I need to get more photos on soon but our internet is so sketchy out here! I couldn't get a photo of Berry to upload without my connection being lost.

04-02-2018, 11:49 AM
I tried again to get the picture of Berry to load. Here she is playing with my daughter. She is always smooth, sleek and pretty. Except for the bloody mouth/teething incidents yesterday she has never had any issues at all.

04-02-2018, 11:59 AM
Which rodent block are they eating?

I have had great success using Fox Valley Ultraboost mixed with Fox Valley formula to help little ones that seemed behind in growth and weight to catch up. You can get it online at Henry’s or the Fox Valley website. It boosts the calorie/fat content of the formula like heavy whipping cream, but without the diarrhea that the cream can cause.

04-02-2018, 12:04 PM
Here are the two of them the day their eyes opened (about 2 weeks ago). Berry (girl) is on bottom of photo and was visibly bigger in every way than Borion then. They look so big now compared to this!

04-02-2018, 12:07 PM
Which rodent block are they eating?

I have had great success using Fox Valley Ultraboost mixed with Fox Valley formula to help little ones that seemed behind in growth and weight to catch up. You can get it online at Henry’s or the Fox Valley website. It boosts the calorie/fat content of the formula like heavy whipping cream, but without the diarrhea that the cream can cause.

They're eating "Wild Harvest" brand blocks. I'll look into the Ultra Boost. Thanks.

04-02-2018, 12:16 PM
Here is another angle of Borion. If I didn't have his sister to compare him to, I'd probably see him as sleek and plump. I guess there is some room for individual variation after all.

04-02-2018, 02:50 PM
They're eating "Wild Harvest" brand blocks. I'll look into the Ultra Boost. Thanks.

Is it Wild Harvest mouse blocks? If so, this is not one of the recommended blocks for squirrels. We recommend Henry’s or Harlan Teklad 2018 (both must be ordered online) or Mazuri, Zupreem or Oxbow which can be purchased from big box pet stores. These are all the rat food versions, except Henry’s which is especially made for squirrels. Henry’s blocks are given two per day along with an assortment of veggies and limited fruits and nuts. The other blocks are free-feeding and squirrels can have as many as they want. Veggies and fruits are also given at the same time for variety and additional nutrition.

04-02-2018, 03:13 PM
This may help:



04-02-2018, 03:41 PM
Of course I know they're not felines (did that really need to be said?)...
You are a new member, I can not be expected to know what you do or do not know.
However, we have had many newbies that come on board equating squirrels to felines feeding KMR instead of puppy formula,
addressing meds stated for feline administration, etc. So yes, in my experience with this subject it needed to be established.

04-02-2018, 04:38 PM
The package said for "mice and rats." Thanks for the list of good blocks! I feel like I may have seen the Kaytee before at our local Tractor Supply.