View Full Version : June Bugs?
Snicker Bar
03-25-2018, 10:05 PM
It’s only March, but we already have a few of those big, fat brown beetle things ( the kind that are on your porch in the morning on their backs, or in swimming pool..) coming out. Here, we call them June Bugs. They look like they could be a delicacy to a Flyer; does anyone know if these are safe? Or if even like them?
03-26-2018, 10:38 AM
I use to live in KY (born there) - I have to say I would be afraid to fed a June Bug to
one of my two flyers out of fear what it might do to them.
Eeeek!! *bite* *bite* *bite*
:poke :eek
03-26-2018, 11:13 AM
We just went through that on TSB that with a Gray that ate a hard shelled stink bug tearing up it's gut and causing intestinal bleeding. I would not feed a hard shelled beetle unless I was sure it's part of a flyer's diet. Quality mealies would probably be safer. DiggiesFriend posted a good source of organic mealies <link below>. I know absolutely nothing about flyers and assume they eat a lot of insects?
Copy of a previous post by DiggiesFriend on TSB
"A member had a problem when their squirrel slurped a stink bug, for it causes pain and a bit of bleeding from the sharpness of the carapace moving through the intestines.
I recommend Camilles Vita-Mealies online, that produces quality organic raised sources for pets. This family run business is very helpful and friendly. They offer both live and freeze dried mealies. Some squirrels prefer the crunch of the freeze dried mealworms over the live. And then these added advantage not having the short time limit to feed them for reason of the worms morphing into insects, resulting in a beetle population explosion".
Snicker Bar
03-26-2018, 02:50 PM
Wow, missed that discussion; will not be giving them any, thanks!
My problem is getting protein into them; they have wasted so many mealworms ( tried dried and fresh) I’ve recently been offering the Flukers dried crickets and grasshoppers. They were crazy for them at first, but not so much now. And the waxworms also loose appeal after a night or so- most are thrown away ( recycled ) to the barn chicken slop bucket lol. These chickens get so much wasted, gourmet squirrel food leftovers; lay some dang big eggs !
Since it’s warming up and they are now playing some in the community room outside, I guess I could try releasing some live (safe) bugs it there if hunting is fun for them (?) I hate the thought of feeding a live anything to an animal ( even a cricket :( ) ; was hoping the dried ones would last as a favorite.
I also offer baked chicken pieces every other night. But thanks for the beetle warning ! Will check out the link. We do have a local bait store, could try their crickets too.
Diggie's Friend
03-26-2018, 11:09 PM
Peas are high in protein; boiling increases the bioavailability of the calcium they contain.
Organic Yogurt is high in protein, but don't overdo it, save for juveniles that require more protein in their diet as well everything else. Best sources of yogurt are the plain organic, which are also the lowest in sugar which are naturally occuring only. Green Valley yogurt and kefir from milk is the source you want, not their soy product for that comes with its own set of negative issues.
Organic Winter squash is a good source of protein also; baking it makes it more digestable, as well as increases the level of its Beta Carotene content.
Adding organic food grade Chia oil (Foods Alive), and/or Pumpkin seed oil (Seed Oil Co of Oregon) to yogurt gives it a more nutty flavor and aroma. Chia seed has the best ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids of any seed widely marketed in N.A. The organic pumpkin seed oil is a high source of vitamin K.
Snicker Bar
03-27-2018, 12:00 AM
Have not tried the winter squash ( acorn and butternut not a hit with any Grey or Flyer). We do sugar snap peas, but we could boil them if it helps . And keep forgetting about that oil! Got to order that !
At least the chickens aren’t picky, and are eating healthy; egg production has been amazing since the squirrels have come to the farm ! :)
Diggie's Friend
03-27-2018, 12:22 AM
Oh, you have chickens!
If you don't use feed that contains soy, and preferably is organic, as soy compounds are transferred to the yolk,
I would recommend soft boiled egg yolk cooled to congealing.
1 yolk approx. 1 Tbsp. approx. 2,700 mg. protein.
For juveniles reduce to (1/4 Tsp. to 3/8 Tsp.) daily serving, approx. (225 to 337.5) mg. of protein.
For adults reduce to (1/8 to 3/16 Tsp.) daily serving, approx. (112.50 mg. to 168.75 mg.) of protein.
Diggie's Friend
03-27-2018, 12:44 AM
You should try the Camilles Vita Mealies online superworms, not gut loaded.
A very picky gray squirrel I know loves these like they're potato chips! Ground squirrels go for them too!
I think it must have something to do with them being raised on organic foods.
Get the smallest package to give them a try; then if the squirrels don't like them, well you can always give them to your chickens.
Try using this trick: Give one flyer a couple and not the others, and see if they don't try to sneak in to get one.
Don't give them more than two, but use other foods for variety and overall nutrient support.
03-27-2018, 01:27 AM
You should try the Camilles Vita Mealies
Ground squirrels go for them too!
Quality Mealies in small quantities are also recommended for Prairie Dogs (a true ground squirrel) or Nature's Recipe Healthy Skin Vegetarian for the added protein.
My "Patches" loves Mealies - big goofus!
03-27-2018, 07:55 AM
The only squash I have had luck with is called a kabocha squash. It looks much like a buttercup (not butternut) squash but the flesh is denser. I microwave it and mash it for my dwarf, but you could microwave chunks till just tender and then offer it. My gray squirrel loves Japanese sweet potatoes. They are red on the outside with white flesh. I cut chunks and microwave them. Have you tried Pure Bites dehydrated chicken? You can get it at Pet Supermarket and maybe the other big box pet stores. It’s marketed as a dog treat, but it is 100% USA chicken breast. I know of other flyers that eat it and my dwarf eats it, and he’s PICKY!
Snicker Bar
03-27-2018, 09:28 AM
I will have to check Kroger for those vegetables, we haven’t tried those so maybe ? That’s our only hope around here for exotic foods, or anything else really. The Piggly Wiggly is not healthy for people , squirrels , or farm animals. And dried chicken pieces may be the trick; like the chickens our little house dog gets the meat leftovers (chicken breast) before the rest is swept into the chicken scrap pot. I’ll check the feed, not sure about soy? But we have some free range hens and a rooster that mostly eat whatever they can catch. The others are in a pen to protect that flock’s rooster from the yard rooster “The Kernel” ( a barred rock rooster, looks more like a raptor) . I’ve never heard of Camille’s , I wonder if it’s that place we saw featured on “Dirty Jobs”? I’ll check them out. Husband is going to flip. He makes fun of the fact we order special squirrel food per mail. Now bugs and worms .... He will be speechless:)
Snicker Bar
03-27-2018, 09:50 AM
I need to read about that “Patches “ if she has a story somewhere? I see her pop up every now and then, wonder what life with a Prairie is like,
She looks very healthy !
Diggie's Friend
03-27-2018, 12:29 PM
My "Patches" loves Mealies - big goofus!
Patches, what's not to love!!:Love_Icon
Snickers Bar wrote:
I’ve never heard of Camille’s We'll now you have.
Mealworms are a staple of all groundy squirrel/rodent diets, but also of the flyers.
There is a rehabber here I gave a bag to that gives them not just to the ground squirrels, but to the gophers that they rehab too.
For winter squashes just add a bit of pumpkin seed and/or chia oil as that gives it a nutty aroma and flavor.
Diggie's Friend
03-27-2018, 12:47 PM
SophieSquirrel, be sure to get the larger Superworms for your Patches, there's more to numb numb on down!
Mealies contain an amino acid known as Taurine; this is the same one Karen Clark was concerned about squirrels lacking in their diets.
Egg yolk also contains taurine.
03-27-2018, 01:29 PM
I need to read about that “Patches “ if she has a story somewhere? I see her pop up every now and then, wonder what life with a Prairie is like.
I created a new thread on PD basics rather than hijack this one:
03-27-2018, 02:17 PM
I have never seen a gray squirrel cherish anything quite like a big, fat, juicy Cicada. We usually see them in the early summer for a month or two. Don't know how that translates over to flyers but if you find one maybe you could try it?
Will's Mom
03-28-2018, 06:13 PM
An injured adult Northern flyer I looked after loved the few june bugs I would give him when they were available, but he didn't eat the hard parts, wings etc..
Months later he had roundworms, and although I am not sure if they originated in the june bugs, I am leary to feed them now, because the bugs do hang out in the soil.
An injured adult Northern flyer I looked after loved the few june bugs I would give him when they were available, but he didn't eat the hard parts, wings etc..
Months later he had roundworms, and although I am not sure if they originated in the june bugs, I am leary to feed them now, because the bugs do hang out in the soil.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder that insects can be vectors for other organisms we might not think about.
Snicker Bar
03-28-2018, 07:43 PM
Cicadas will be coming soon! And easy to collect. Our cats usually leave maimed versions of these all over the porch every morning , when these monster bugs are at their peak. They play with them apparently .
Diggie's Friend
03-28-2018, 08:34 PM
That's the biggest problem with wild insect sources; for they carry potentially damaging intestinal parasites.
How the wilds deal with them isn't supported in home care diets, for it is those sources that are high tannins, like acorns and chestnuts, that act as natural parasiticides that work to keep these infestions down.
Diggie's Friend
03-28-2018, 08:43 PM
That's the biggest issue with wild insects, as they carry intestinal parasites.
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