View Full Version : Squirrel sitting question ?

Seymour's mom
03-11-2018, 02:34 PM
Will my Seymour like seeing the squirrel I'm watching for a week? Seymours cage is in our living room and his old one is in the playroom, which is where our guest sqwee will be.
Will Seymour be offended if he sees another Squirrel? He's never seen one before. Is occasionally wheeling their cages closer together a bad idea?

03-11-2018, 02:46 PM
I squirrel sat once and my NR was curious but the guest hated him. Haha! It stressed her out when he was around at first so I mostly kept them apart until the last of her stay. She was never fond of him though.

Seymour's mom
03-11-2018, 02:55 PM
Lol I hope it goes ok

Diggie's Friend
03-11-2018, 04:25 PM
Squirrels are loners into dominance, and can also be territorial. For this reason to not allow them access to personal contact with one another, not even through the cage wire as toes can get nipped, or worse!

Seymour's mom
03-11-2018, 05:42 PM
Squirrels are loners into dominance, and can also be territorial. For this reason to not allow them access to personal contact with one another, not even through the cage wire as toes can get nipped, or worse!

I definitely wasn't gonna let them get that close, like 10ft away to look at each other lol