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03-06-2018, 06:26 PM
Hi All!

A quick introduction as I'm new to the site! A couple of months ago, my partner and I were browsing a pet store (we later found out it was not a particularly nice one!) We stumbled across this poorly looking feller, a little Richardson Ground Squirrel. He was in a teensy cage, he was overweight, 3 years old already (which is pretty old in ground squirrel terms) the worst in temperament (undoubtedly to do with his neglectful previous owners) and trapped in a room packed wall to wall with screeching parrots. I probably acted a tad rash, but we had to take him away from there. Shortly afterwards, we came home with said floof and named him Alan.

Rolling on having him for at least two months now, but it wasn't the easiest of transitions. Alan has a floor of the house to himself including a deluxe ferret cage! And I'm pretty satisfied we've done a decent job of helping him come out of his shell. He still isn't overly fond of people, if he had his way I'm pretty sure he would have the whole house to himself, but with time and patience he appears to be getting more and more confident.

We've never done this before and I can't tell you how happy I am to find this forum! There is absolutely zero information on how to keep these critters, my heart breaks a bit as I would love to release him or find him a sanctuary, but at 3 years old and living in the UK, this really isn't an option.

I was wondering if anyone had any hints or tips on these fellers? The guys at the store palmed him off with a giant bag of seeds and nuts, but after extensive research, I've realised this may be a cause of his obesity. We try and minimise the snacks and give him mostly Timothy hay to chomp on, let him out the cage for easily more than 4 hours a day but unfortunately he doesn't seem to be shifting any of his weight. We have also installed a wheel but fat chance (pardon the pun) is he using that!

Lastly, as he is letting me handle him more frequently, I have noticed a little lump on his back right above his tail. It concerns me as I've read these guys can be susceptible to melanomas. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this? I'm also not sure what the best course of action would be seeing as he is 3 years old already (if anything older!) - is there any way to tell their age other than taking the word from a pet shop owner?

So sorry for the essay! but that's us in a nutshell! :) If you made it to the end, thanks for reading :grin2:grin2

03-06-2018, 07:09 PM
Wow! Thanks for saving Alan....however old he is...or how much time he has left...it's been a blessing for him to have been rescued from squirrel hell....sorry, but tiny cage, squawking birds :shakehead can't get much worse for any small mammal :( I'm putting a link to a few threads that concern Richardson Ground Squirrels and ground squirrels in general...you may find some useful info there. I would be a little concerned about the lump...but it could be an old injury from his past circumstances.



Thank you for saving this little guy and :Welcome :wave123

03-06-2018, 08:54 PM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

Oh my yes, thanks for rescuing this poor guy. What a horrible existence. :(
I don't really know anything about ground squirrels as we don't have them in Florida. If it was a tree squirrel I could help you out but I'll have to learn with you.
There is an entire section about ground squirrels in the Breed Specific section of the board. You will probably find a lot of info there.
The links that Sweeper mentioned are in that category.

I'm pretty sure a diet of seeds is harmful to ground squirrels just as it is for tree squirrels. High phosphorus foods like seeds and nuts cause calcium to be leached from the bones. It causes a condition called Metabolic Bone Disease. It is due to an improper diet and can be fatal if the diet isn't corrected. Check out those thread and I'm sure some of your questions are probably answered there.

Welcome again.

03-06-2018, 09:09 PM
Greetings! I see the Richardson's (Spermophilus richardsonii) made it to the UK. I have a lot of Prairie Dog experience and the Richardson's has similar needs. You are spot on with a primarily Timothy Hay based diet. Here in an excellent diet guide <link below> with nutritional information by Dr. Gena Seaburg - the top Blacktail PD nutritionist in the world. My Blacktail was a rescue and has excelled following this dietary plan. September - March is generally his torpor with rapid weight gain in the fall and pronounced weight loss upon emergence. Being indoors his natural torpor rhythm may be altered. Don't be off-putted if he is testy or bites during mating season as it's just his nature and it will not last. Just be patient and understand he is a wild rodent and retains much of his natural behaviors. Just stick with him and don't get discouraged if he doesn't meet expectations as a cuddly pet. He is a unique part of the American west and you will have a great little companion once he accepts you. As you know release in the UK is not an option and the next home may not be a good as yours. I got lucky with my Blacktail and he is a sweetheart except during his annual Rut.

If the lump is squishy, soft, painless and free floating it's probably a benign Lipoma also known as a fatty tumor. It's common with the species. Could also be a benign Keratocanthoma. If it's hard, more attached, painful, and growing it may be a Liposarcoma or Fibrosarcoma and I would be concerned enough to visit a vet. Just keep an eye on it and gently palpitate it often. If you need any RGS advice just ask me and I will try and help!

Diet and info on Blacktail's also applicable to RIchardson's


My Blacktail Prairie Dog - attach a photo of your little guy


03-07-2018, 04:41 AM
If the lump is squishy, soft, painless and free floating it's probably a benign Lipoma also known as a fatty tumor. It's common with the species.

Diet and info on Blacktail's also applicable to RIchardson's


My Blacktail Prairie Dog - attach a photo of your little guy


This! This sounds exactly like what it is :bliss it’s a squishy little lump that doesn’t cause him any distress and it’s not attached to to anywhere but the folds in his fat rolls ! Gosh this makes me relieved! I’m going to keep an eye on it though because ideally, I don’t want to stress him out with a vet visit if I can help it! The poor critter has had enough trauma in his life!

With regards to his diet, he doesn’t seem to enjoy eating the hay too much so I’m afraid it’s going to be tough love until he is used to it. Who would want hay if he’s basically had a diet of tasty seeds his whole life! He does like his meal worms, but I use these only as a treat and to muster a bit of trust in him

I love him so much and he’s had a bad start! I hope he can live out the rest of his years in bliss!

I love your prairie dog, he looks like an absolute champ :grin2 I’ve tried to attach a photo of Alan, hopefully it works!!

Thank you all so much for your responses, and your links and advice! Can’t tell you all how relieved I am to find somewhere I can share all my squirrely advice! I have so much to learn from you guys and I’m so happy to be here :dance299151

03-07-2018, 05:13 AM
Welcome to TSB !

03-07-2018, 05:31 AM
Welcome!! Your pics are great, he looks like he's got a personality, for sure.

Keep the photos coming, we love them.

I'm glad you found SophieSquirrel, she'll be great help:w00t

03-07-2018, 07:10 AM
:klunk :Love_Icon :serene oh my goodness....yes keep the pics coming...he is toooo cuuute! Love the reaching hands :grin3 and the stately profile pic :great he's a handsome devil :Love_Icon

03-07-2018, 07:54 AM
:klunk :Love_Icon :serene oh my goodness....yes keep the pics coming...he is toooo cuuute! Love the reaching hands :grin3 and the stately profile pic :great he's a handsome devil :Love_Icon

Oh why thank you!! :blowkiss I will let him know he has a few admirers :grin2 finally I have found somewhere I can gush about my baby!! He likes to grab at me with his tiny little hands, he seems to be somewhat of a one person kind of guy, unfortunately for my partner. I think he has accepted this somewhat :glomp


Pictures of the monster under my bed!


03-07-2018, 09:17 AM
:laugh2:laugh2 The monster under the bed!!

03-07-2018, 09:33 AM
Oh my goodness he is PRECIOUS!!! I love the picture of his hands up in the air. It sure would be hard to say no to that little face!

03-07-2018, 10:05 AM
He is adorable! I know we have a number of people who have had Richardson's plus one lady with a close relative, the Paiute, who is from Montana. I am sure you can get some help here plus anyone who posts lots of adorable pics is always popular.

That is, of course, as long as you don't currently have a woman in a pit in the basement. We have standards here, you know.

03-07-2018, 12:14 PM
He is absolutely gorgeous, what a cutie! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon

03-07-2018, 12:46 PM
He is adorable! I know we have a number of people who have had Richardson's plus one lady with a close relative, the Paiute, who is from Montana. I am sure you can get some help here plus anyone who posts lots of adorable pics is always popular.

That is, of course, as long as you don't currently have a woman in a pit in the basement. We have standards here, you know.

:laugh2 Killing me here Crittermom!

Alan's Mom......Alan is adorable! He looks very happy to me! Thanks for rescuing him & glad you found TSB! :hug

03-07-2018, 12:55 PM
:laugh2 Killing me here Crittermom!

Alan's Mom......Alan is adorable! He looks very happy to me! Thanks for rescuing him & glad you found TSB! :hug

I had to read the thread just because of the screen name!

03-07-2018, 04:43 PM
Oh my goodness...he looks soo relaxed getting his belly scritchens :klunk

And sooo ferocious in his "monster under the bed" pic :eek :jump

I just can't get over how lucky he is :dono the "one person" attachment is quite common in the squirrel world...all but my flyers like one person exclusively...well, Baby (our grey squirrel) likes me and my husband....but he has worked really hard from the beginning to win her over:great that's what it usually takes...hands on attention from a young age. Alan being a little older gentleman has really graced you with his affection :grin3 they don't always take to someone at that age...so congrats :clap :blowkiss

03-07-2018, 05:10 PM
I just have to ask, did you get the name Alan from the viral video.

It still cracks me up after all these years. :grin2
Yes, I was a little curious about your user name. You're rubbing lotion and Sweeper is sweeping the forest. Interesting! :thinking :poke :rotfl

03-07-2018, 05:25 PM
OMG, please someone imbed that video!

03-07-2018, 06:03 PM
I just have to ask, did you get the name Alan from the viral video.

It still cracks me up after all these years. :grin2
Yes, I was a little curious about your user name. You're rubbing lotion and Sweeper is sweeping the forest. Interesting! :thinking :poke :rotfl

Rubbing the lotion is a reference to "Silence of the Lambs." Uttered by the crazy guy (Jame Gumb) that Jodie Foster's character was chasing who had the senator's daughter in a pit in his basement, "rubbing the lotion on "it's" skin" was in order to soften it before he made his girl-skin suit out of her. It was one of the most terrifying lines from a terrifying movie (and book). Which is saying something from a movie that sported "I ate his liver with fava beans and a fine chianti!" My eyes fell out of my head when I read it here! LOL.

03-07-2018, 06:19 PM
I just have to ask, did you get the name Alan from the viral video.

It still cracks me up after all these years. :grin2
Yes, I was a little curious about your user name. You're rubbing lotion and Sweeper is sweeping the forest. Interesting! :thinking :poke :rotfl

:laugh2 Yes...I recommend sweeping the forest...theeen rubbing the lotion....otherwise it can get quite messy:eek :crazy1 :jump

The Alan video! :klunk :klunk :laugh2

03-07-2018, 07:16 PM
Rubbing the lotion is a reference to "Silence of the Lambs." Uttered by the crazy guy (Jame Gumb) that Jodie Foster's character was chasing who had the senator's daughter in a pit in his basement, "rubbing the lotion on "it's" skin" was in order to soften it before he made his girl-skin suit out of her. It was one of the most terrifying lines from a terrifying movie (and book). Which is saying something from a movie that sported "I ate his liver with fava beans and a fine chianti!" My eyes fell out of my head when I read it here! LOL.
:eek :eek I'm gonna have nightmares just from your description. :crazy1:crazy1

03-07-2018, 09:14 PM
I just have to ask, did you get the name Alan from the viral video.

It still cracks me up after all these years. :grin2
Yes, I was a little curious about your user name. You're rubbing lotion and Sweeper is sweeping the forest. Interesting! :thinking :poke :rotfl

Hahahahaha! These responses have had me in stitches :rotfl
I don’t really know why, but it’s my favourite movie and the username just stuck :grin2

Although, I’d quite like to rub lotion on Alan’s skin, because he is a tad stinky. Saying that I’m getting used to his stank, and i sometimes like to smell him when he’s sleepy and let’s me cuddle him for five minutes before he goes in for a chomp :grin2 is that weird?! Yes that’s definitely weird l!

In response to was he named after the viral video, he was indeed!:grin2 it was a toss up between Alan or Steve! He gets a face on just like that cheeky chap in the video and boy is he vocal! Sometimes I think a bird has gotten through a window :grin2 I’m still getting used to his little noises, there are so so many! I’m pretty sure he even does a little growl, somehow it sounds more like a little pig grunting, I find myself saying “that’ll do pig, that’ll do” quite often :serene

Also, yay!! I’m glad I’ve been the chosen one! I seem to be the one who does the dirty work and my arms and hands are looking a tad worse for wear but hey ho! The ups and downs of keeping a floof!

But just to clarify, no women are currently in my basement (that I know about) and the only precious I have is Alan. Sometimes I ask my partner to put the lotion in the basket when he leaves a mess. I tell him to do whatever he’s told, or else he gets he hose again. I’m not saying I’m buffalo bill, I’m just saying you don’t ever see us both in the same room :grin3

03-07-2018, 09:22 PM

Here is Alan posing for a selfie. He really looks like a grumpy old man here :blowkiss


Another hand grab!


Having a cheeky snooze!! Looking back from a few months ago, I think he may have lost a tad of his... er... baby weight let’s call it :grin2

island rehabber
03-08-2018, 05:43 AM
oh my GAWD he is delicious! Look at that adorable boy! I wanna pfffffffffffffffftlllphhhh that tummy but I'd probably lose an eye....

I want to second what SophieSquirrel said about Dr Gena Seaberg -- she is THE go-to human on this planet with regard to ground squirrels in captivity. :great

03-08-2018, 07:19 AM
Keep in mind that I don't know diddly about ground squirrels but are you sure Alan isn't Alana.
It looks sorta bare down there. :thinking :rotfl

The pics are great. :grin2

03-08-2018, 07:55 AM
Keep in mind that I don't know diddly about ground squirrels but are you sure Alan isn't Alana.
It looks sorta bare down there. :thinking :rotfl

The pics are great. :grin2


03-08-2018, 09:36 AM
i sometimes like to smell him when he’s sleepy and let’s me cuddle him for five minutes before he goes in for a chomp :grin2 is that weird?! Yes that’s definitely weird l!

You will not find any of us judging you for this. I suspect we all do it and secretly love it! HA! TSB...we're all a little "weird" here, but we like it! :grin2

03-09-2018, 04:31 AM
Keep in mind that I don't know diddly about ground squirrels but are you sure Alan isn't Alana.
It looks sorta bare down there. :thinking :rotfl

The pics are great. :grin2

Hahahaha! I won’t tell him you insulted his man hood!! Speaking of which he definitely is a dude, I don’t know whether to be concerned actually as it appears his testicles look rather enlarged recently.....

03-09-2018, 06:53 AM
Enlarged testicles can be a sign of being in rut.....mating season. There can also be some behavioral changes for a period of time.

03-09-2018, 07:14 AM
Hahahaha! I won’t tell him you insulted his man hood!! Speaking of which he definitely is a dude,


03-09-2018, 09:22 AM
Definitely a boy! Richardson's are not common as pets in the US but I have seen them pop up from time to time. Like the Black Tailed Prairie Dog they are vacuumed from their burrows for sale into the pet trade and are rarely "captive bred". He will go through a distinctive spring season (Rut) where he is territorial, agitated and aggressive. He is less aggressive than his much larger Prairie Dog cousin who is the size of a small cat and can be a terror. It won't last long but don't be surprised if he get nippy. Unlike our Eastern Gray squirrel he has 3 distinct active periods during the day but that may be altered by lack of sunlight. I would suggest a metal Tic Tac Chin wheel on a stand that you can set in the middle of the cage and fix the stand down with a screw clamp. Avoid anything wood, plastic or made in toxic China. Alum can only be used for rodents that are not prolific chewers as aluminum can shred and be toxic. Here are Silver Surfer alum wheels http://www.silversurferwheels.com/ but they have to be mounted to the side of a wire cage. This is a steel saucer I have used: http://www.flyingsaucerwheels.com/ And Happy Chilla: https://exoticanimalsupplies.com/chinchilla-wheel-for-exercise/

Tic Tac Wheels are loved by chin owners in the UK, some are made of metal and are top quality from NE Lincolnshire, UK. Here: http://www.tictacwheels.co.uk/metal-wheels

I am going to try and get some brought in to the USA for squirrels.

Try this distributor in the UK to see if he has steel wheels: John Hopewell Marketing. 6 Hellaby Lane, Hellaby Industrial Estate, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, UK. Tel: 01709 702000 or mobile 07976 748834

We have a hard time getting any quality wheels here as Americans refuse to boycott cheap toxic plastic products from Communist China. Our pet chains are awash with toxic chew toys and pet foods containing melamine and carcinogenic dyes. I think the Europe has more niche market quality pet products.

Tic Tac Wheel with stand - get the unfinished one


To hold down the wheel - can be found in the electrical department of a hardware store