View Full Version : New Squirrel Mom

03-03-2018, 12:12 AM
Hi everyone! I’ve been looking around and decided to join. Our friend owns a motorcycle shop and has a paint booth inside. Our baby was found after he apparently fell from the top of the booth. The mother never got him or came for him. Out of desperation they called me because they know my love and dedication for animals. We named him Chopper. He was fully covered in fur but eyes were still closed. Got him hydrated and he’s been on Esbilac since. He’s thriving! His eyes opened this past week and he is just a sweet and cuddly little fella. He loves to be rubbed under his chin and on his chest. He will turn over and throw his front leg up in the air for a rub. In his box we have hot water bottles with an area for him to get if he’s too warm. I put rodent blocks in his box today to introduce him. He doesn’t seem interested yet but I didn’t expect he would. He thinks my husband’s beard is wonderful (I am attempting to attach a picture if it will work) I never thought a squirrel could be so sweet and cuddly. I am not sure his age but I thought you guys would be able to tell me what you think. He is very loved and will be moving into a large cage as he gets more active. We have a wonderful friend who is an exotic and wildlife vet so he is just a phone call away if we need him but so far, Chopper is doing very well. I’m happy to have found you guys and I appreciate the wealth of knowledge you have all shared here. Looking forward to learning more from all of you!298953

03-03-2018, 12:31 AM
Grey squirrels open their eyes at between four and a half and five weeks. Depending on what day last week he opened his eyes, he should be right at six weeks now.

Welcome to The Squirrel Board !

03-03-2018, 01:23 AM
Welcome to the board. Your baby is adorable. I love the name you gave him. I'm sure he will live up to the name Chopper....lol

03-03-2018, 01:35 AM
:Welcome to TSB!
Eyes open pretty much like clockwork for eastern greys at five weeks.

It is recommended to use a no shut off heating pad set to low placed half under container.
You mentioned "box"? IF you are referring to cardboard it needs to change as cardboard
draws moisture from them aiding in dehydration.
What does your baby weigh and how much is he eating per feeding, how often?

Here is a link many new "moms" have found extreamly helpful. :great
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.

03-03-2018, 01:55 AM
His setup is just like the picture minus the heating pad. Putting one under it now. Sorry, I refer to everything like that as a “box.” Rubbermaid box, plastic box...
Thank you for the link. I have printed all that info. So helpful. I’m putting in an order to Henry’s tomorrow. I’m glad you shared that with me. I want to change to Fox Valley anyway.
I will weigh him in the morning for a current but he is right at 100g. He takes about 5-6cc every 5 hours but goes longer during the night.
He opened his eyes this past Tuesday morning. I was thinking he was probably about 5 weeks.

03-03-2018, 04:04 AM
His setup is just like the picture minus the heating pad. Putting one under it now. Sorry, I refer to everything like that as a “box.” Rubbermaid box, plastic box...
Thank you for the link. I have printed all that info. So helpful. I’m putting in an order to Henry’s tomorrow. I’m glad you shared that with me. I want to change to Fox Valley anyway.
I will weigh him in the morning for a current but he is right at 100g. He takes about 5-6cc every 5 hours but goes longer during the night.
He opened his eyes this past Tuesday morning. I was thinking he was probably about 5 weeks.

Don't suddenly switch formulas - it needs to be done slowly. You will mix both up in separate containers and combine them for feeding. Start out with all Esbilac and just a splash of the FV for a few feedings, then mix more but with a bit more FV and less Esbilac and feed that for a few feedings and so on. It may be a pain but the longer you spend making the food transition the less chance of having any tummy issues.

He is going to get a LOT less cuddly pretty soon. Not mean - just a tiny lunatic with sharp nails who is fast as lightening!

03-03-2018, 05:59 AM
That photo just made my day.

Welcome and keep up the good work!

03-03-2018, 07:43 AM
Don't suddenly switch formulas - it needs to be done slowly. You will mix both up in separate containers and combine them for feeding. Start out with all Esbilac and just a splash of the FV for a few feedings, then mix more but with a bit more FV and less Esbilac and feed that for a few feedings and so on. It may be a pain but the longer you spend making the food transition the less chance of having any tummy issues.

He is going to get a LOT less cuddly pretty soon. Not mean - just a tiny lunatic with sharp nails who is fast as lightening!

No, I wouldn’t just make a quick switch. He’s doing really good on Esbilac but I know everyone here seems to love the FV.

I know he will get a lot more active and won’t want cuddles as much. We are enjoying it now while we can. :grin2

03-03-2018, 07:47 AM
No, I wouldn’t just make a quick switch. He’s doing really good on Esbilac but I know everyone here seems to love the FV.

I know he will get a lot more active and won’t want cuddles as much. We are enjoying it now while we can. :grin2

It isn't so much that they don't WANT cuddles - it is more that there is just so much for them to DO and SEE and EXPLORE it is harder to find time for them!

Everyone pretty much starts their babies on the Esbilac, and keep them on it all the way through. Some transition to half Esbilac/half FV when they are 6 or 7 weeks old. Some go all the way to FV and suspend the Esbilac. Every animal is different and you need to sort of let them lead you on this.

Diggie's Friend
03-03-2018, 03:29 PM
He thinks my husband’s beard is wonderful (I am attempting to attach a picture if it will work)

Heart beat, breath, and warm skin, with hair that matches the coloration of his coat; good squirrel sense!

Congratulations on your little big addition!

03-05-2018, 04:46 PM
your using powdered Esbilac, correct? he's precious :)

03-05-2018, 05:38 PM
Omg hes adorable!! Im sure he feels at home cuddled in your husbands beard. Here is a website for you to also learn the nutrients that he will be needing and the stages in which he will need them. www.henryspets.com Good Luck and looking forward to seeing more pictures of the little adorable one!.

03-05-2018, 08:13 PM
your using powdered Esbilac, correct? he's precious :)

Definitely powdered! And I didn’t get a chance to update his weight. He’s 106 g as of today. :)