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02-19-2018, 11:41 AM
298568 Hello, Everyone!! I have been following this board for about 2 maths. I have learned so much for raising a healthy squirrel. I live in Florida and this past Sept we had hurricane Irma come through. The day after Irma went through, we found 2 pinky grey squirrels lying on the ground. One was dead and the other alive. Have never helped nurse a squirrel before, so I learned instantly via the internet. I found Mary CC's web page first and learned about immediate hydration after doing a skin pull test to determine how dehydrated the baby was. The baby wasn't to dehydrated so I did Pedialyte every 3 hrs through the night and until the next afternoon. Mary's page said to feed Esibilac puppy formula.I found it and began feeding the the baby following feeding schedule on Mary's page. I never learned about the bad formula until I began browsing this board a couple mths ago. Fortunately, our formula was the new with probiotics. The baby grew big and strong. We tried contacting rehabbers but because of all the squirrels effected by the hurricane, rehabbers were overwhelmed. I raised this baby myself and 2 weeks ago at the age of 14.5 weeks got to climb the tree for the first time. I released in my yard because I have a huge Oak tree. Plus the baby was born in this tree. Our release technique wasn't text book by any means but it worked and our baby has dreys built in the tree and comes in and out our open bedroom window to visit and get treats, HHB's Peanutbutter sticks. We leave outside blocks and pellets, HHB's Hi Protein and Oxbow, that she continues to eat daily. Her diet after weaning was all the wrong things. I learned nutrition from this board and she was released so healthy. She makes us so proud. Just wanted to thank all of you. Thank you!!298569298570298571298572298573

02-19-2018, 12:32 PM
Hi GreyluvR
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

I think everyone in FL raised Irma babies. :grin2 I was in Publix recently buying acorn and butternut squash. The lady asked how I cook it. I said I have no idea, it's for the squirrels. She laughed and said we have squirrels too. :rotfl

Your baby is precious. She is a real beauty. I just love the pics. It is very rewarding to have a squirrel that you raised still seek out your company after release. What is her name?

Thank you for doing your research. Hang around. We can use your help in FL. :thumbsup

02-19-2018, 01:39 PM
Hi GreyluvR
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard

I think everyone in FL raised Irma babies. :grin2 I was in Publix recently buying acorn and butternut squash. The lady asked how I cook it. I said I have no idea, it's for the squirrels. She laughed and said we have squirrels too. :rotfl

Your baby is precious. She is a real beauty. I just love the pics. It is very rewarding to have a squirrel that you raised still seek out your company after release. What is her name?

Thank you for doing your research. Hang around. We can use your help in FL. :thumbsup

Thank you!! Okay, nobody laugh about the name thing. We knew absolutely nothing about squirrels in the beginning. Our friend who had a pet squirrel told us ours was a male. So we named him Richocet, Rico for short. Richocet because he had to have richochet off every branch from the nest to the ground. So for 12 weeks we had a baby boy in our minds. However, once I got onto this board and started researching I came across pictures of identifying gender of Grey Squirrels. Oops we have a problem Houston!! We actually have a female. She knows her name and comes when you call her so it stayed Ricochet, Rico. As a baby we kept her in an aquarium. Bought her a big cage but She never was locked in a cage after weaning at about 10 wks. The bedroom we kept her in was squirrel proofed and ran free. We hung up 2 wooden squirrel boxes up high on the walls. She decorated them both to her likings. 298574 Tried to acclimate her to the outside by placing her in the cage outside. She would go nuts biting the cage every time we tried. Then we started taking her outside on our shoulder a little at a time. Finally, we opened the window and she ventured outside. First couple of days she wouldn't leave the window by far. Then she climbed the Oak. Proudest parents ever. Once I figure where I can post our videos I will. Every day was filmed. About 5 days after her first outing, 7 am after her breakfast, she would start bouncing at the window. We would let her out. She would go play til around 10 am. Return through the window, eat lunch, and go take a nap in her box til 3ish. Start bouncing at the window around 4 to let her out. She would go play and return home at 645pm. She would eat dinner and go to her box. 14 days of this exact daily routine. A couple Saturday nights ago she didn't return home at dark. We shinned a light in the tree and found her building a drey. Our baby just became independent. We left her that night but kept the window open in case. The next morning she came through the window at 7 am we fed her breakfast. She kept her exact routine except she sleeps in the tree. She is the happiest squirrel. She has had to defend herself for territory of the tree. She has scratches and scars but she has earned her spot in the tree.We put her food outside now but she still comes through the window for some loving everyday.

02-19-2018, 02:01 PM
Congratulations! You say you knew nothing at all and you managed to pull off pretty much the perfect release in your own yard, with your baby still wanting your companionship. Wait until she brings her babies to meet you!

02-19-2018, 03:27 PM
Great job!:great Rico looks very healthy and happy!:clap


02-19-2018, 03:30 PM
:laugh2 Hey, don't worry about it. It's very common. There aren't many boys out there named Sue or Sally or Emily. Nobody gets that one wrong but MANY get the girls wrong. Right now there are female squirrels named Ralph, Frank and the one that still brings a smile to my face is Moose. Moose was a boy for several years. Many of us actually met Moose and she didn't say a word. She was a non-release here in FL. When she passed she was still Moose. :Love_Icon

Rico is in good company. :grin2

02-19-2018, 04:29 PM
Neither of us can believe how quickly our baby grew up. This has been one of the most gratifying experiences we have ever felt. We are glad we were the chosen ones.298578298579298580298581298582298583

02-19-2018, 05:14 PM
This story brought a huge smile to my face. :grin3. What a great job you did and how wonderful to have the perfect gray squirrel daughter! You can’t ask for a better scenario than to have her be independent but still choose to be a part of your lives! Kudos to you! :blowkiss:w00t

02-19-2018, 06:05 PM
This story brought a huge smile to my face. :grin3. What a great job you did and how wonderful to have the perfect gray squirrel daughter! You can’t ask for a better scenario than to have her be independent but still choose to be a part of your lives! Kudos to you! :blowkiss:w00t

Thank you!! It truly is a blessing for sure.

02-19-2018, 06:33 PM
Just one thing to say about the pics... cute as a button and spoiled rotten. :grin2

02-19-2018, 06:45 PM
What a great story :w00t One happy fuzzbutt rescued and released.


02-19-2018, 07:10 PM
What a cutie!

The easiest way I have found to post videos is to upload the video to YouTube and then post the YouTube link here.

02-19-2018, 07:10 PM
Just one thing to say about the pics... cute as a button and spoiled rotten. :grin2

Just a tad bit spoiled... Wouldn't have it any other way. I couldn't have imagined living my entire life and not experiencing squirrel kisses.

02-19-2018, 07:38 PM
Here is a little peek at Rico's rough squirrel world. Enjoy


02-19-2018, 07:41 PM
What a cutie!

The easiest way I have found to post videos is to upload the video to YouTube and then post the YouTube link here.

Thank you so much!! Let me know if the video plays.

02-19-2018, 07:51 PM
Yes, it works. :serene

02-20-2018, 06:11 AM
She's loving those belly rubs....

02-20-2018, 08:05 AM
She's loving those belly rubs....

Yes, she does.

02-20-2018, 04:51 PM
Tell me a squirrel can't be Daddy's Little Girl.


03-02-2018, 05:51 AM
Rico is adjusting very well to her outside release. It's been a month now. We put her a squirrel house about 40' up in the tree. She loves it and feels safe in it. It has a inner shelf for predator guard. She still comes in and out our bedroom window during the day. Some nights she will spend the night with us and sleep in her old squirrel house in the room. She will be 6mths old this month. She has pretty much ran all the other squirrels out HER TREE...lol She has wild up a lot. We are glad she has become fearful of strangers. Every day we notice the distance she has begun to put between us. She shows up for less and less love. One squirrel kiss a day is better than none.

Rico's new box.


03-02-2018, 06:12 AM
She's a beautiful girl and y'all have done a wonderful thing for her. She has the best of both worlds being both Mom&Dads Girl and having a wild life....awesome.

03-02-2018, 06:15 AM
Wow! You guys are dedicated. I just found this thread and wanted to tell you what a great job you did and are doing!!

03-02-2018, 06:29 AM
To everyone, thank you!! This was our first rescue and release. The education we learned reading from this board made it so much easier.

You really do get get emotional some days.


04-11-2018, 05:52 AM
Hi Everyone!!

Wanted to update that Rico is doing awesome since her release. She was absolutely Born to be Wild.


island rehabber
04-11-2018, 06:37 AM
Hi Everyone!!

Wanted to update that Rico is doing awesome since her release. She was absolutely Born to be Wild.


:bliss:dance:rotfl :rotfl :bowdown

And the Oscar for Best Short Subject, Nature Documentary goes toooooooo -- GreyluvR, BORN TO BE WILD!
(Additional Oscars were given earlier for Best Editing and Soundtrack.)

That has got to be one of the best squirrel release videos I've ever seen -- live, love and run free, Rico!! Awesome job, GreyLuvR!

04-11-2018, 07:00 AM
That was an AWESOME video! Rico is a very lucky squirrel! :w00t. You can tell she is very attached to you guys and seems quite happy and well-adjusted. What a great job you guys did! :hug

I have to know, though. Does she come and go from your house still? Or does she stay outside and live in one, OF HER TWO, beautiful condos? :Love_Icon:dance

04-11-2018, 07:33 AM
I just love you guys. This video made me cry. She's so lucky to have found you and looks like a healthy, happy gal.

Hopefully she will have babies in one of those amazing nest boxes and you'll have little Ricos all over the tree.

BTW, I couldn't get my brother to go higher than 16 feet when hanging boxes (granted the tree is on a hill) but you tell your man that I said he is awesome for getting the extension ladder out and putting that wonderland up there!

04-11-2018, 07:42 AM
That was an AWESOME video! Rico is a very lucky squirrel! :w00t. You can tell she is very attached to you guys and seems quite happy and well-adjusted. What a great job you guys did! :hug

I have to know, though. Does she come and go from your house still? Or does she stay outside and live in one, OF HER TWO, beautiful condos? :Love_Icon:dance

Rico sleeps outside now in her large nest box. We leave our room passage open for her to still come visit which she does everyday. She still wants to be loved and cuddled and have her playtime with us.
We have been dealing with rats preying upon Rico and the other squirrels in the tree during the night. I have a complete thread at Squirrel Nation with a security night vision camera's photos posted of this problem. We thought she was hoarding food and that's what was attracting them. My husband had to climb and drill an access panel in the small nest box to see what she was keeping. Turns out nothing. The rats are after the squirrels. This has been our only issue thus far. We just about have it under control.

Thanks for the awesome compliment.

You will see how lovable Rico still is to this day in this video.




04-11-2018, 07:53 AM
Yes, kudos to your man for hanging out way up there in the tree with Rico! And looking comfortable doing it! :Love_Icon

I have heard horror stories about rats and squirrels. That’s very disturbing. I have only seen one or two around my release cage, but I trapped them and released them up the street at a nature park. They will absolutely take baby squirrels, too. :eek Raccoons will, too.

04-11-2018, 08:07 AM
:bliss:dance:rotfl :rotfl :bowdown

And the Oscar for Best Short Subject, Nature Documentary goes toooooooo -- GreyluvR, BORN TO BE WILD!
(Additional Oscars were given earlier for Best Editing and Soundtrack.)

That has got to be one of the best squirrel release videos I've ever seen -- live, love and run free, Rico!! Awesome job, GreyLuvR!

Thank you!! It has been one of the greatest experiences for both of us. Nothing compares to the feeling of seeing your squirrel run the tree tops for the first time.

04-11-2018, 08:11 AM
I just love you guys. This video made me cry. She's so lucky to have found you and looks like a healthy, happy gal.

Hopefully she will have babies in one of those amazing nest boxes and you'll have little Ricos all over the tree.

BTW, I couldn't get my brother to go higher than 16 feet when hanging boxes (granted the tree is on a hill) but you tell your man that I said he is awesome for getting the extension ladder out and putting that wonderland up there!

Thank you!! It would be a joy to have little Rico's running wild. There is nothing my husband wouldn't do for Rico. He is awesome!!