View Full Version : Not eating his HHB'S anymore

02-16-2018, 11:04 PM
Hey everyone. I'm in need of more of your expert advice! For the last couple of weeks, Rocky hasn't wanted to eat his HHB'S. He was happily eating 3 per day but when he started gaining too much weight, he was 698g's, I cut it back to 2. Now, I have to coax him to eat it. He will only pick the pieces of nut out and then refuse the rest. I've taken all other food away and I know you've said he won't starve himself to death but he's losing weight, down to about 625g, and I'm so stressed about it. He acts like he's hungry, looking for food, stripping the wood in his cage, but just refuses the block. He would love to get at the grapes or mealworms but I'm not letting him have those because he won't eat the block. He used to love avacado and sweet potato but now just leaves it. Otherwise, he still wants to play and doesn't seem to be hurting so I'm very confused why he won't eat the block! ThAfter his initial diagnosis of MBD of which we had recovered, I'm extra anxious about his diet! Any suggestions or ideas on what's going on with him??

02-16-2018, 11:23 PM
Is there any chance that there might be something wrong with the current batch of blocks? Maybe they are spoiled or moldy and that is why he is suddenly refusing them. How are you storing them?

Hey everyone. I'm in need of more of your expert advice! For the last couple of weeks, Rocky hasn't wanted to eat his HHB'S. He was happily eating 3 per day but when he started gaining too much weight, he was 698g's, I cut it back to 2. Now, I have to coax him to eat it. He will only pick the pieces of nut out and then refuse the rest. I've taken all other food away and I know you've said he won't starve himself to death but he's losing weight, down to about 625g, and I'm so stressed about it. He acts like he's hungry, looking for food, stripping the wood in his cage, but just refuses the block. He would love to get at the grapes or mealworms but I'm not letting him have those because he won't eat the block. He used to love avacado and sweet potato but now just leaves it. Otherwise, he still wants to play and doesn't seem to be hurting so I'm very confused why he won't eat the block! ThAfter his initial diagnosis of MBD of which we had recovered, I'm extra anxious about his diet! Any suggestions or ideas on what's going on with him??

02-16-2018, 11:48 PM
I actually had considered that. I store them in the freezer as soon as they arrive. I get two bags at a time. When he started refusing the 1st HHB'S, I opened the 2nd bag but no difference, he still refused to eat them. Wondering if both bags were out of the same batch......? It just seemed to happen pretty quickly. Starting to think he's just being a super stubborn brat and having a tantrum over not getting any more nuts since he's not eating the HHBS! But I just don't know......!!!

02-16-2018, 11:56 PM
Hey everyone. I'm in need of more of your expert advice! For the last couple of weeks, Rocky hasn't wanted to eat his HHB'S. He was happily eating 3 per day but when he started gaining too much weight, he was 698g's, I cut it back to 2. Now, I have to coax him to eat it. He will only pick the pieces of nut out and then refuse the rest. I've taken all other food away and I know you've said he won't starve himself to death but he's losing weight, down to about 625g, and I'm so stressed about it. He acts like he's hungry, looking for food, stripping the wood in his cage, but just refuses the block. He would love to get at the grapes or mealworms but I'm not letting him have those because he won't eat the block. He used to love avacado and sweet potato but now just leaves it. Otherwise, he still wants to play and doesn't seem to be hurting so I'm very confused why he won't eat the block! ThAfter his initial diagnosis of MBD of which we had recovered, I'm extra anxious about his diet! Any suggestions or ideas on what's going on with him??

It's ok, nothing to panic about.

Sqs generally go through phases. Phases can be long or short. They can also be very "fickle" in their food preferences - for some time they may love one thing, then - suddenly, they don't care about it.
So, what he is doing is nothing out of ordinary.
For how long have you had him?... because you will come to recognize certain patterns/phases of his.

Losing weight is ok, too, and 625g - is still a very good weight. They gain weight for the winter, but then - gradually lose it towards summer. Outside wilds begin to lose later, indoor guys tend to lose earlier, obviously.
Also, when they gain weight, they can start barely eating anything - b/c they subsist on the "weight" -- that's how wilds can survive winters when food is scarce. So, him eating less ea-winter and as a result losing some weight is normal, too.

In fact, indoor sqs shouldn't be carrying extra weight around. And as it's been recommended many times - roughly your indoor guy should be about the same weight his wild "relatives" are.

NOw about the block.
First off, no, he won't starve himself. He'll turn up his nose, he'll try to avoid it, but eventually, he'll eat it.

One thing you could do is start making your own HHBs. This will allow you to add some variety (e.g., instead of using pecans, you can use other type of nuts, or a mixture of nuts and so on). YOu can also add a little bit of oat bran to the recipe (squirrels generally like oats, so that may add to the appeal)>
So, perhaps, if you make your own HHBs, that will add some variety to his menu and rekindle his interest.

YOu could also, for the time being, make what is commonly called here booballs.
You grind block finely, add just enough moisture to make it stick (e.g., unsweetened, apple sauce or even plain water) and enough nuts or nut butter for flavour (not a lot though).
I wouldn't add too many "appetizing fillers" like nuts or formula or some other stuff so that the taste of the actual block isn't lost in all those enticing things. Add just enough for flavor. In the beginning you may add a little bit more, but then over time, for instance, over the course of a couple of weeks or month - gradually reduce the amount of "delicious fillers" to the minimum for flavor. This way he may get used to the taste of the block (that's how some ppl got their sqs to eat block and/or dealt with 'phases" of not eating).

I would still try and make him eat block first - Even if he just picks at it, crumbles it etc, still - try to make him eat block, so that he does not lose this idea that block first. And after he picks at it/crumbles it - then you can give him a ball.

Again, don't know how long you've had him, but if not for long, then - this is what sqs do. Especially, if they didn't have block as their first solid food. From time to time they'll go through phases, get super picky. Squirrels are very picky as it is, but when they weren't introduced to block from "birth" (so to say), they can get especially picky.

So, just be firm. For his sake. Don't give in with other foods b/c he'll get the idea right away and will be waiting till the end of the day knowing you'll give in.

Maybe, between homemade HHBs and balls you will be able to find something (or a variety) that will help him eat the block.

Other ppl will have other suggestions.

PS. IF he crumbles them a lot, that's ok, too (phases, remember :)). What quite a few ppl do with crumbs - they collect them, grind them, add a drop of smth wet + a dash of ground nuts or nut butter = shape into a ball and feed. Works.

02-16-2018, 11:56 PM
Did you happen to get both bags at the same time? Maybe they were handled poorly before you got them and sat out or got really warm and molded.

02-17-2018, 12:28 AM
Starting to think he's just being a super stubborn brat and having a tantrum over not getting any more nuts since he's not eating the HHBS! But I just don't know......!!!

sounds more like it. :)
Never underestimate a sq's intelligence. If they try to outwit crows in the wild, outwitting a human is a piece of cake.

02-17-2018, 12:43 AM
Hahaha! Truth!

02-17-2018, 03:36 AM
I have once in the past had a squirrel refuse a 'new' batch of HHBs...
... and on closer look found they had mold.

02-17-2018, 05:49 AM
And the mold it gets is very hard to tell at first. Very fine thin strands of white.

02-17-2018, 06:24 AM
Just wondering could it be that mating season is starting and do they tend to go off feed for that?

02-17-2018, 09:59 AM
It's ok, nothing to panic about.

Sqs generally go through phases. Phases can be long or short. They can also be very "fickle" in their food preferences - for some time they may love one thing, then - suddenly, they don't care about it. So, what he is doing is nothing out of ordinary.

Astra is spot on about going through phases. If he is lethargic, has dull eyes, unkempt fur or not acting himself there may be other issues. Do you have any other blocks like Mazuri Rodent, Tekland 2016 or Oxbow Essentials Rat?

This is one reason I am not fond of the "coarse grind" pecans in HHB's I discussed this with Leigh and I think it should be a fine grind to disburse the flavor more evenly throughout the block.

My HHB's go right in the freezer when they arrive. Could be mold depending on how warm/cold it is in the USPS truck/facility and how long it's in transit. I have had bags arrive with moisture in it and that's not Henry's fault.

In the wild they get variety we can't replicate. I use Teklad and Henry's along with the Henry's diet (triangle) to achieve this. My squirrels don't always agree with this and every one of mine have different eating habits and definitely go through phases.

02-17-2018, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the responses! I do put the HHBS in the freezer as soon as they arrive. I checked them over but don't see anything like what you've described but obviously there is something he isn't liking. I'm going to go ahead and order another bag and see if there is any difference in his willingness to eat them. I have never tried the other brand but maybe I'll order some of that, too. I just hate seeing him act hungry and the temptation to give him something I know he will eat is hard to resist! Otherwise, he seems ok . At least for now......! Thanks, again!

02-17-2018, 11:18 AM
Starting to think he's just being a super stubborn brat and having a tantrum over not getting any more nuts since he's not eating the HHBS!

It's ok, nothing to panic about.

Now about the block.
First off, no, he won't starve himself. He'll turn up his nose, he'll try to avoid it, but eventually, he'll eat it.

I believe your thought about his attitude is correct and Astra is spot on with her advice. I have a NR missing a foot, this is his second winter.. last winter (~January) he gain almost 175gm and was huge then stop eating hardly anything until he was back to his more normal weight. By far the largest squee (grey) I ever had in my care. It happened again this January and he is going through that weight loss coupled with eating very little currently... lots of waste, but he is worth it! My first experience with this phenomenon but I had read about this pattern before but never had a squee actually cycle through it. I find it very interesting since I do not vary his diet in a away that would represent the gain or loss... it all comes down to what he chooses to eat and how much, and I suppose genetics?

I buy the Wild Bites and the Picky Eaters HHB and rotate them (with most of the squirrels, some simply only like the one or the other). That seems to keep them interested... just like they lose interest in almost anything they get daily. Making up your own is another way to go and provides the opportunity for even more variation to keep them interested.

On only one occasion did I have a battle of wills worth mentioning and here is how I won the battle: He was given Mazuri (or maybe Teklad?) and HHB nothing else together in a dish. He tried stashing everything in an attempt to fool me about his eating, but by the second day he was picking out the HHB and eating that and leaving the commercial block. The same way they scour a veggie buffet for their favorites to eat first. Day three he was eating the HHB when I offered them. I always give HHB first, then a veggie buffet with small of amount of fruit... I prep the buffet while watching them num-num-num the block so I know if anyone is cheating!

I always assess these battles as a battle of will to determine if the squirrel is charge and training the person... or if the person is in charge. (Maybe I am simply a control freak with a need to be in charge? :dunno)

02-17-2018, 11:57 AM
Thank you all! :grouphug The reassurance that it's normal is helping to lower my anxiety levels so really appreciate the info and advice!! This boy has caused me more stress but i do love the little stinker!