View Full Version : Chipmunk Question

02-10-2018, 01:21 PM
Hi all, I am not sure where to post this. Anyways, I am looking into getting one or two pet chipmunks :). I have created a cage list and was wondering if it was ok? Just take a look please and let me know. I am not sure if this forum site is one for squirrels as pets, or just a rehabilitation site for squirrels, so this may be a weird question.

Thanks! List is below!

x1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078LZ7Q17/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?smid=A3LRDQCJ73A2H4&psc=1
x1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PBM6WHW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
x2 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0714FPCMS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A3Q9PLKR7IWP7F&psc=1
x3 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006G599A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2A02U6YIW6LGE&psc=1

02-10-2018, 06:38 PM
I don't know if chipmunks chew on wood as much as gray squirrels but if they do you might be better off with a full metal cage. They are also easier to wipe down and keep clean.

Lixit makes a great drip free water bottle.

Welcome to TSB!

02-10-2018, 07:21 PM
Hi all, I am not sure where to post this. Anyways, I am looking into getting one or two pet chipmunks :). I have created a cage list and was wondering if it was ok? Just take a look please and let me know. I am not sure if this forum site is one for squirrels as pets, or just a rehabilitation site for squirrels, so this may be a weird question.

Are you trying to find Eastern Chipmunks or Siberian Chipmunks? I would not use that cage or "care fresh". A 40 gallon aquarium with a metal mesh top would be escape proof. House only F/F pairs together as males will tear each other up, or a single male. They don't gnaw wood specifically for incisor wear like a Chinchilla but they will enlarge the opening to the nestbox and chew on branches. They have the same basic diet as a squirrel - quality rodent block like Teklad, Mazuri, Oxbow, this diet: https://www.henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/ , and a weekly Hazlenut & Pecan (in shell) or two for enrichment incisor wear. You can use Aspen for floor bedding just spot clean every other day and cleaned out once every two weeks or so. They sell a bale in Tractor Supply for $11. Do not buy any "Made in China" toys or chew logs from Petco Etc as they contain toxic dyes and plastics. The nesting box shown is fine, don't buy wood - just pick up some clean maple branches for climbing and scrub with baking soda and hot water. Also include a small saucer wheel or runner wheel from Exotic Nutrition: http://www.exoticnutrition.com/Products/Silent-Runner-12-(Regular)-plus-Sandy-Track__SR12RST.aspx OR http://www.exoticnutrition.com/Products/Treadmill-Wheel__48584G48574G48584B48574B.aspx

A good friend of mine Bob Wolford is a Least Chipmunk breeder and bred / handled the one used in the movie "Failure to Launch". He is in NC if you want a Least Chipmunk or two - PM me. These are NOT native to the east coast and cannot ever be released same as Siberians. Of the 3 Eastern's are the most difficult to tame and handle and Siberians are the easiest. Siberians can be had in white and dilute colors from breeders. I know one in Washington. There are several breeders that you should not support.

Chippie's are more "observation pets" than cuddly ones. They are nervous but fun to watch.

Photos in order:
1) Least
2) Siberian
3) Eastern




Failure to Launch - LEAST CHIPMUNK (Some of the shot are animated)


02-10-2018, 08:53 PM
Are you trying to find Eastern Chipmunks or Siberian Chipmunks? I would not use that cage or "care fresh". A 40 gallon aquarium with a metal mesh top would be escape proof. House only F/F pairs together as males will tear each other up, or a single male. They don't gnaw wood specifically for incisor wear like a Chinchilla but they will enlarge the opening to the nestbox and chew on branches. They have the same basic diet as a squirrel - quality rodent block like Teklad, Mazuri, Oxbow, this diet: https://www.henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/ , and a weekly Hazlenut & Pecan (in shell) or two for enrichment incisor wear. You can use Aspen for floor bedding just spot clean every other day and cleaned out once every two weeks or so. They sell a bale in Tractor Supply for $11. Do not buy any "Made in China" toys or chew logs from Petco Etc as they contain toxic dyes and plastics. The nesting box shown is fine, don't buy wood - just pick up some clean maple branches for climbing and scrub with baking soda and hot water. Also include a small saucer wheel or runner wheel from Exotic Nutrition: http://www.exoticnutrition.com/Products/Silent-Runner-12-(Regular)-plus-Sandy-Track__SR12RST.aspx OR http://www.exoticnutrition.com/Products/Treadmill-Wheel__48584G48574G48584B48574B.aspx

A good friend of mine Bob Wolford is a Least Chipmunk breeder and bred / handled the one used in the movie "Failure to Launch". He is in NC if you want a Least Chipmunk or two - PM me. These are NOT native to the east coast and cannot ever be released same as Siberians. Of the 3 Eastern's are the most difficult to tame and handle and Siberians are the easiest. Siberians can be had in white and dilute colors from breeders. I know one in Washington. There are several breeders that you should not support.

Chippie's are more "observation pets" than cuddly ones. They are nervous but fun to watch.

Photos in order:
1) Least
2) Siberian
3) Eastern




Failure to Launch - LEAST CHIPMUNK (Some of the shot are animated)


I am interested in Siberians the most. Why? I'm not sure haha. Thanks for all of that information! It is extremely helpful. My first step is to make sure they're legal in Michigan.

02-10-2018, 08:56 PM
Are you trying to find Eastern Chipmunks or Siberian Chipmunks? I would not use that cage or "care fresh". A 40 gallon aquarium with a metal mesh top would be escape proof. House only F/F pairs together as males will tear each other up, or a single male. They don't gnaw wood specifically for incisor wear like a Chinchilla but they will enlarge the opening to the nestbox and chew on branches. They have the same basic diet as a squirrel - quality rodent block like Teklad, Mazuri, Oxbow, this diet: https://www.henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/ , and a weekly Hazlenut & Pecan (in shell) or two for enrichment incisor wear. You can use Aspen for floor bedding just spot clean every other day and cleaned out once every two weeks or so. They sell a bale in Tractor Supply for $11. Do not buy any "Made in China" toys or chew logs from Petco Etc as they contain toxic dyes and plastics. The nesting box shown is fine, don't buy wood - just pick up some clean maple branches for climbing and scrub with baking soda and hot water. Also include a small saucer wheel or runner wheel from Exotic Nutrition: http://www.exoticnutrition.com/Products/Silent-Runner-12-(Regular)-plus-Sandy-Track__SR12RST.aspx OR http://www.exoticnutrition.com/Products/Treadmill-Wheel__48584G48574G48584B48574B.aspx

A good friend of mine Bob Wolford is a Least Chipmunk breeder and bred / handled the one used in the movie "Failure to Launch". He is in NC if you want a Least Chipmunk or two - PM me. These are NOT native to the east coast and cannot ever be released same as Siberians. Of the 3 Eastern's are the most difficult to tame and handle and Siberians are the easiest. Siberians can be had in white and dilute colors from breeders. I know one in Washington. There are several breeders that you should not support.

Chippie's are more "observation pets" than cuddly ones. They are nervous but fun to watch.

Photos in order:
1) Least
2) Siberian
3) Eastern




Failure to Launch - LEAST CHIPMUNK (Some of the shot are animated)


On the part about the 40 gallon tank. I am just worried about the airflow with all glass sides. Do you have any experience with this?

02-10-2018, 09:13 PM
On the part about the 40 gallon tank. I am just worried about the airflow with all glass sides. Do you have any experience with this?

In a hot environment like a house in FL with no AC a tank with screen lid would be an issue. As long as the temp is comfortable there is plenty of air from the top considering the size of Chippies. A single level Critter Nation (not Ferret Nation) would be a good choice if you want a cage with bars. You just have to watch pinch points if an animal is near closing doors. Wood and plastic as part of the cage is not a good idea with Chippies.