View Full Version : New to pinkies..
02-10-2018, 01:02 PM
I have two half-pinkies... (grey backs with pink tummies). I am guessing 2 weeks old.
They had pneumonia at 1 week and lost their sibling.
They weigh 40g and 38g.. and are eating almost 3ml of Esbilac per feeding.
So... first feeding 4pm yesterday they were STARVING. Biggest problem was keeping them on the syringe.
Same with the 8pm, midnight, 4am, and 8am feedings....
...but on the last feeding they were both like 'bleh'.
I got them both to eat 2.5ml, by slowly piping it into their mouth... but the change was dramatic.
- no sounds of clicking or problems breathing
- tummies not extended or bloated
- peeing and pooping after each feeding with no diarrhea.
- not dehydrated or cold to touch
- active and crawl when touched or handled
Should I worry? Looking for other experiences with pinks, and thing to check/watch out for.
I have ordered a stethoscope (arrival Monday) to hear their breathing better.
02-10-2018, 02:25 PM
Unfortunately I do not have experience with pinkies, but perhaps they are getting too much formula per feeding? Everything I have read recommends starting at 5% of their body weight (in grams) per feeding which would be right around 2ml each. I also think I read somewhere (wish I could remember the source) that sometimes baby squirrels take formula better if they are stimulated to pee/poop before feeding as opposed to after. Wish I had more personal experience that I could offer. They are adorable by the way!:Love_Icon
island rehabber
02-10-2018, 02:29 PM
I have two half-pinkies... (grey backs with pink tummies). I am guessing 2 weeks old.
They had pneumonia at 1 week and lost their sibling.
They weigh 40g and 38g.. and are eating almost 3ml of Esbilac per feeding.
So... first feeding 4pm yesterday they were STARVING. Biggest problem was keeping them on the syringe.
Same with the 8pm, midnight, 4am, and 8am feedings....
...but on the last feeding they were both like 'bleh'.
I got them both to eat 2.5ml, by slowly piping it into their mouth... but the change was dramatic.
- no sounds of clicking or problems breathing
- tummies not extended or bloated
- peeing and pooping after each feeding with no diarrhea.
- not dehydrated or cold to touch
- active and crawl when touched or handled
Should I worry? Looking for other experiences with pinks, and thing to check/watch out for.
I have ordered a stethoscope (arrival Monday) to hear their breathing better.
If pneumonia has been ruled out, the one thing that will make pinkies go "meh" is formula that is too cool. Some pinks truly like it hot, 102-103*, since mamma's body is about 102* and that's the temp of the milk they are used to. Try warmer formula next feeding and see if that helps. Another thought is they could be dehydrated if they are digesting their food before the 4-hr mark. They are most likely 3 weekers if their backs are grey, but with Esbilac sometimes every 4 hours is too long for these guys. (Ah...for the days of Fox Valley again.....but, I digress.) Try every 3.5 hrs for two or three feedings if heating the formula does not work.
I LOVE pinkies -- feel free to ask me anything about them!
02-10-2018, 03:37 PM
4pm feeding went much better.
I cut them back to 2ml... and they seemed eager.
I think the problem is they are too hot.
I note that when I pulled back the cover they were:
- not in contact with each other, and
- one was on his side and one was on his back.
... that makes me think 'too hot'.
I added a cloth layer between the heating pad and the cardboard box.
Anyone know what is proper incubator temp for pinkies?
I can add a remote probe in there and fiddle to get the right temp.
02-10-2018, 03:44 PM
Glad the feeding went better! Here is a thread from the board that discusses ideal temperatures by age. It’s the best I can do:dono
Nancy in New York
02-10-2018, 04:22 PM
4pm feeding went much better.
I cut them back to 2ml... and they seemed eager.
I think the problem is they are too hot.
I note that when I pulled back the cover they were:
- not in contact with each other, and
- one was on his side and one was on his back.
... that makes me think 'too hot'.
I added a cloth layer between the heating pad and the cardboard box.
Anyone know what is proper incubator temp for pinkies?
I can add a remote probe in there and fiddle to get the right temp.
You're feeding Esbilac powdered puppy formula correct?
First you need to get them out of the cardboard box.
That will pull moisture from them.
The heating pad should be UNDER the container that you
have them in and set on LOW.
Let me find a link that will show you exactly what you need.
Here you go:
Here's a link telling you about the temperatures for an incubator.
Here's a photo of what your set up should look like. This is taken from Henry's site.
I also love pinkies. I have four that I am overwintering who were the same weight as that two you have now when I got them in the fall. There is a lot of discussion about the best formula mix to use and what other senior members told me that helped me a lot. Feel free to read it and see their progression. You may get many of your questions answered there.
The reason for the discussion is that I lost a singleton a couple of weeks prior to bloat. He was on straight Esbilac, so I wanted to see what my options were to decrease the risk.
At that age I was feeding every 3 hours and once they were bigger (in the thread) I was advised I could get a six hour sleep break at night. Boy was I tired and thankful for that info.
Photos of set up as well.
Also, please ignore my initial assessment of finder. I was still bummed about losing Kevin and kind of being a brat. I am thankful she found me.
02-10-2018, 07:10 PM
you are using a 50/50 of Esbilac and FV...
.. is that the 20/50 FV?... They don't even sell the 30/20 anymore, after so many losses.
02-10-2018, 11:28 PM
you are using a 50/50 of Esbilac and FV...
.. is that the 20/50 FV?... They don't even sell the 30/20 anymore, after so many losses.
Never heard of FV 30/20 :dono
FV manufactures 20/50 and 32/40. It's the FV 32/40 that has been problematic and not recommended.
However, 32/40 is still being produced and sold regardless of the complaints and outcries on the product.
island rehabber
02-11-2018, 07:47 AM
RE: FV 32/40, I think one of the reasons it is still being sold is that opossum rehabbers use 32/40. Possies have a different digestive system than squirrels, and the standard ratio for mixing opossum formula is 3:1, not 2:1 as with squirrels. Big diff.
02-11-2018, 07:49 AM
Never heard of FV 30/20 :dono
FV manufactures 20/50 and 32/40. It's the FV 32/40 that has been problematic and not recommended.
However, 32/40 is still being produced and sold regardless of the complaints and outcries on the product.
I checked Foxvalleynutrition... could not find two types like I used to see. I see a possum 32/40... but not the squirrel 32/40. They list no formula for squirrels under 5 weeks.
Basically, they make it.. but no longer list it for squirrels.
Just glad that I never had to use the 32/40.
I am using a 50/50 mix of Probiotic Esbilac powder and Fox Valley 20/50. I am feeding them 5% of weight per feeding.
They are nested in a baby blanket, with a heating pad that (only) does 102.5F under the container.
Probe measures the blanket temperature at 91F.
Babies feel 'puppy' warm (not hot, not cool) when picked up.
Just cool enough that they are wrapped around each other.. as I suspect the 'juggling for position' is good for digestion and exercise.
Babies have both gained 3 grams in 36 hours.
Nancy in New York
02-11-2018, 08:13 AM
From their website:
Glad the littles are gaining weight! :w00t
island rehabber
02-11-2018, 08:58 AM
Good Lord -- Fox Valley needs a proofreader! "squirel"? "possiom"? "growt"???? (I know, off-topic, but still...)
Nancy in New York
02-11-2018, 09:00 AM
Good Lord -- Fox Valley needs a proofreader! "squirel"? "possiom"? "growt"???? (I know, off-topic, but still...)
:laugh2 :thumbsup
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