View Full Version : New

02-08-2018, 03:14 PM
Wow, I don't even know where to start. I am NEW. I have never been on a "board" before and never even read one before. I need to know "how everything works" and where do I start? I am the proud human mommy to a southern flying squirrel named Penny McNutty. (check out her go-fund me page lol) I am interested it fostering or adopting a special little friend for Penny and learning everything I need to know. Thanks in advance for all of your help.....now let's hope I know how to see your answers and suggestions.

02-08-2018, 03:30 PM
It’s not too hard. There’s a whole section dedicated to flyers. Go to “breed specific” and you’ll find lots of folks smitten with the little guys. I know I am.:Welcome

02-08-2018, 04:15 PM
Hello and :Welcome to TSB.

Click on Forum, that's like a table of contents. Each link there is like a different chapter based on subject.

Once you click on one of those you'll find "threads" written by admin (the overseers of the site) and members.

The first ones are generally important and are called "stickies" because they're permanent. Below them they change depending on what people post in those groups.

I personally click on "New Posts" every time I get on and read those to stay up to date but you can also use the search feature
if you are looking for a specific topic.

Hope this helps get you started.